Has anyone of you had any luck with "warbow" archery, i.e. very heavy longbows or dragon horn bows etc. after they have been changed to multiple dice? I wondered about that as my limit is around 3 lb for a longbow (Belthronding), 2lb for a shortbow.
Or has anyone tried rapid archery via 0.9 lb short bow and always enabled rapid fire? I guess this would make a suitable alternative for most of the game to other shortbow based archery builds (effective 2x -3, 1d8 probably at least as good as 1x 1d10 2lb) and for a few buffed up fights you may want to keep a slightly heavier shortbow to get additional damage sides.
Fun fact:
Shortbow is to my knowledge one of the romantic reimaginations of medieval times which became a fantasy trope. Where there is a long bow there must have been a short bow... when the practical difference was crossbow / longbow. I always try to imagine shortbows as one of the eastern recurved bows (hungarian, mongol, turkish) but then the dragonhorn bow breaks the immersion, because horn was used widely in recurved composite bows. So in the end I can't help but see my archers a bit either as Englishmen or Turks disguised as elves
Or has anyone tried rapid archery via 0.9 lb short bow and always enabled rapid fire? I guess this would make a suitable alternative for most of the game to other shortbow based archery builds (effective 2x -3, 1d8 probably at least as good as 1x 1d10 2lb) and for a few buffed up fights you may want to keep a slightly heavier shortbow to get additional damage sides.
Fun fact:
Shortbow is to my knowledge one of the romantic reimaginations of medieval times which became a fantasy trope. Where there is a long bow there must have been a short bow... when the practical difference was crossbow / longbow. I always try to imagine shortbows as one of the eastern recurved bows (hungarian, mongol, turkish) but then the dragonhorn bow breaks the immersion, because horn was used widely in recurved composite bows. So in the end I can't help but see my archers a bit either as Englishmen or Turks disguised as elves