Sil: melee to-hit chance table
Actually kryft has an amazing comment history now. A good joke and a useful Sil-related program (in my favourite language!), all with just one post!Comment
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
I thought everyone knows that this quote is original debo. I admittedly still don't really understand what ##sil is supposed to be.Comment
Mushroom, H. (2012). The artistry start: Simplification through smithing. The Roguelike Gazetteer, 3(1), 17-21.You are on something strangeComment
Wait! Another Sil publication I don't know?
Seriously, I believe Sil could do with its own subforum and some sticky threads now that there are several thousand posts and over 80 threads regarding Sil in the variants forum alone.Comment
Oh, that old thing? It's a new open access journal from Taylor and Francis. It has a terrible impact factor rating.You are on something strangeComment
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment