How about NO WORMS! I'll be beating this horse until its a grease stain. There is no place for maniacally breeding worms in a LOTR's game. I've heard of dungeons overrun with orcs, but worms. Nope. Nadda. What are these things on? Steroids, viagra and fertility drugs? I'm sorta willing to put up with them in a regular band. But in one where you are penalised for excessively using stairs to abandon a level over run with worms it just seems grossly unbalanced. I am borderline gonna modify my version and any subsequent ones to remove all worms. I bust my balls trying to clear off the other creatures only to repeatedly find the forge I'm trying to access is now overrun with worms. Leaving me with only one 'realistic' option, abandon it. Hoping I get another one for the smith I'm trying to run. Its not like its easy to re-tool midstream into another build. Sil offers no such luxuries. At least, not in my experience. I enjoy this variant immensely as its removed a great deal of tedium from the game and made every choice important. I like that. I don't like worms. I'm okay running away from a pack of wolves, orcs, werewolves, rauko, etc that look too tough to take on. But when I've gotta flee for fear of being overcome by worms, that strains game play beyond where I think it should be.
