How to learn things?

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  • davidk64
    • Jul 2009
    • 24

    How to learn things?

    Having another go at Sil-Q inspired by MicroChasm YouTube videos - many thanks!

    Something has come up and I'm interested to know more what processes are available to learn the answer than the answer itself.

    My light sources are expiring abnormally quickly with attendant messages e.g. "It whispers of dusk turning into night".

    My limited experience of roguelikes suggests an adverse effect from something equipped and I tried taking things off one by one and seeing if the messages persist but to no avail. I searched for the message in the source code and based on that I think it may be a permanent spell cast on me by a spider in combat? But I've no idea whether I can fix it and if so how.

    But really I'm interested in how new players are meant to learn how to handle things like this given there is nothing in the manual concerning it?

    It seems to me this type of situation might be a real discouragement to somebody new to Sil-Q or roguelikes in general.
  • smbhax
    • Oct 2021
    • 325

    I had a similar complaint about learning whatever runes are called or something in Sil-Q, but this case is a different sort of thing and you are overthinking it a bit.

    Take the sentence slightly more literally. ^_^
    My Angband videos


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      Originally posted by davidk64
      Having another go at Sil-Q inspired by MicroChasm YouTube videos - many thanks!

      Something has come up and I'm interested to know more what processes are available to learn the answer than the answer itself.

      My light sources are expiring abnormally quickly with attendant messages e.g. "It whispers of dusk turning into night".

      My limited experience of roguelikes suggests an adverse effect from something equipped and I tried taking things off one by one and seeing if the messages persist but to no avail. I searched for the message in the source code and based on that I think it may be a permanent spell cast on me by a spider in combat? But I've no idea whether I can fix it and if so how.

      But really I'm interested in how new players are meant to learn how to handle things like this given there is nothing in the manual concerning it?

      It seems to me this type of situation might be a real discouragement to somebody new to Sil-Q or roguelikes in general.
      So that message comes from a visible monster at 50' Melwips. It later comes from an invisible monster.

      A quick question: You hadn't encountered Melwips before the invisible version? Or you had and didn't make the connection, or didn't have them drain a light source?


      • Pete Mack
        • Apr 2007
        • 6697

        Which reminds me: gallows-weed would make a good early trap in Sil.

