While playing Z+Angband I've added about 200+ tiles into David Gervais's 32x32 tileset. Many of them were Gervais's modified ones (recolored, with added details, etc.) - but some came from other sources.
It began with minor modifications of the existant tiles: for example, black and soldier ants were almost invisible for my eyes in the wilderness, so I added some lighter dots to cure this. Or jumbled several small tree icons together to make 'impassable jungle' obvious from the first glance. Or removed plank-like texture from 'wooden floor' to make all staves and wands more visible on it.
Then I decided: since I'm playing Zangband versions for more than 10 years from time to time, I could do more for my convenience. And began to make tiles for monsters and items...
The problem was, since I initially didn't think to share this, I didn't much payed attention to copyright. And now, when all items of Z+Angband are pictured, and almost all regular monsters, and many uniques - maybe I could post this for other players use, even though Zangband/Z+Angband aren't very popular recently. But the (c) problems may now interfere...
1. I suppose anyone may modify David Gervais's tiles and use them for any free *band. The same for the tiles taken from the TOME tileset and UT32 by Buzzkill. Correct? Hope so very much, if not - then I forget the whole idea with graphics.
2. What if I take some image, or part of it, from the wide internet and modify it so heavily that no one could guess what it was before? It was a rather frequent case when I needed only a general form. When you reduce an image like from 500x500 to 32x32 in a simple graphic editor (I use irfanview) - it becomes a vague dirty smudge, and you need to draw new borders manually, and many details like facial features, or limbs, or like that. Here is an example: I used a rose bud for Caaws, because it's described as 'a massive, jet black oyster with four groping tendrils.' So I visualised something bud-like, and googled a bit and found this bud. And used the overall shape of its outer petals in the Caaws tile:
How do you think: is it ok to include such tiles into a public tileset for Zangband?
(BTW what is a Caaws, anyway? ))
3. If the image is recognizable even though it is heavily reduced, borders and other lines added (say it is not a fantasy beast made from a rose bud, but a small kraken made from a big kraken). What must I do to make this legitimate (at least in the eyes of you fellows who are into *banding : )) ? Is it ok if I give all the credits in the readme file with the 32x32.bmp - or I need to ask for explicite permission?
4. A couple of times I happened to use pictures without reducing, almost the same as I found them. In this case, I suppose, there is no way other than writing to the arter and asking permission. If I get the refusal - I delete the tile from the set. And what if the email were not answered? Do I have to remove this tile also, or maybe a credit in the readme file would do the trick?
What do you think about these four points?
It began with minor modifications of the existant tiles: for example, black and soldier ants were almost invisible for my eyes in the wilderness, so I added some lighter dots to cure this. Or jumbled several small tree icons together to make 'impassable jungle' obvious from the first glance. Or removed plank-like texture from 'wooden floor' to make all staves and wands more visible on it.
Then I decided: since I'm playing Zangband versions for more than 10 years from time to time, I could do more for my convenience. And began to make tiles for monsters and items...
The problem was, since I initially didn't think to share this, I didn't much payed attention to copyright. And now, when all items of Z+Angband are pictured, and almost all regular monsters, and many uniques - maybe I could post this for other players use, even though Zangband/Z+Angband aren't very popular recently. But the (c) problems may now interfere...
1. I suppose anyone may modify David Gervais's tiles and use them for any free *band. The same for the tiles taken from the TOME tileset and UT32 by Buzzkill. Correct? Hope so very much, if not - then I forget the whole idea with graphics.
2. What if I take some image, or part of it, from the wide internet and modify it so heavily that no one could guess what it was before? It was a rather frequent case when I needed only a general form. When you reduce an image like from 500x500 to 32x32 in a simple graphic editor (I use irfanview) - it becomes a vague dirty smudge, and you need to draw new borders manually, and many details like facial features, or limbs, or like that. Here is an example: I used a rose bud for Caaws, because it's described as 'a massive, jet black oyster with four groping tendrils.' So I visualised something bud-like, and googled a bit and found this bud. And used the overall shape of its outer petals in the Caaws tile:

How do you think: is it ok to include such tiles into a public tileset for Zangband?
(BTW what is a Caaws, anyway? ))
3. If the image is recognizable even though it is heavily reduced, borders and other lines added (say it is not a fantasy beast made from a rose bud, but a small kraken made from a big kraken). What must I do to make this legitimate (at least in the eyes of you fellows who are into *banding : )) ? Is it ok if I give all the credits in the readme file with the 32x32.bmp - or I need to ask for explicite permission?
4. A couple of times I happened to use pictures without reducing, almost the same as I found them. In this case, I suppose, there is no way other than writing to the arter and asking permission. If I get the refusal - I delete the tile from the set. And what if the email were not answered? Do I have to remove this tile also, or maybe a credit in the readme file would do the trick?
What do you think about these four points?