Textui reform (warning: long and full of C)

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  • t4nk
    Originally posted by AnonymousHero
    Argh! Whyyyyyyyyy?
    Well, there was not a whole lot of interest in it. As far as I can tell, no one even tried to run the windows version? (except maybe Nick?).
    If I left the repo, I would feel obligated to maintain it, merge commits from angband/angband, etc. Which would be annoying, considering lack of interest. So I left it to Nick and takkaria.
    May I ask what you're going to do with it? If you have any questions regarding it, you can contact me here (on this forum), or via email: t4nk074 at openmailbox dot org.

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  • AnonymousHero
    Originally posted by Nick
    As it happens, yes
    Oh, excellent!

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by AnonymousHero
    Argh! Whyyyyyyyyy? . Space is almost freeeeeeeeeee....

    Nick, do you have the branch/repo mirrored somewhere?
    As it happens, yes

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  • AnonymousHero
    Originally posted by t4nk
    I'll remove this repo in a couple of days. If you want this code, I suggest you clone it, if you haven't already done so. Thanks for following my work! It was much appreciated. I leave it all to you; do what you want with it.
    Argh! Whyyyyyyyyy? . Space is almost freeeeeeeeeee....

    Nick, do you have the branch/repo mirrored somewhere?

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  • Nick
    Thanks again for all your work on this.

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  • t4nk
    I'll remove this repo in a couple of days. If you want this code, I suggest you clone it, if you haven't already done so. Thanks for following my work! It was much appreciated. I leave it all to you; do what you want with it.

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  • t4nk
    I enabled sound:
    For best results, it's preferable to use ogg instead of mp3. Specifically, mp3 has only one mixing channel (so mp3 sounds interrupt each other). SDL2_mixer's doc mentions that 2.0.1 supports loading mp3 as chunks, but I wasn't able to get this to work, so, yes, you get only one channel. Well, some people might prefer this anyway...

    Maybe I should announce it in 'Vanilla' forum?

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by t4nk
    BTW, I don't know how long I'll be able to continue working on it. In any case, I think I've done more than enough... so I'd suggest to start thinking whether you (meaning Angband devs) want to make use of it or not. Textui2 is for the most part a set of separate files (with prefix "ui2"), and they have to be manually updated whenever ui files in master change. It's possible (although not certain) that I won't have enough time to do that.
    You've done a ton of work on this, and we're really grateful. I'm sorry I haven't been paying it the attention it deserves. We certainly intend to use it, probably as a replacement for the existing UI rather than alongside it.

    Luckily, most of the current stuff happening is in the game core - which also partly explains why I haven't been paying attention to the UI. So there haven't been issues so far with keeping the UIs in step, and I'm sure when they do arise we'll deal with them one way or another.

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  • t4nk
    BTW, I don't know how long I'll be able to continue working on it. In any case, I think I've done more than enough... so I'd suggest to start thinking whether you (meaning Angband devs) want to make use of it or not. Textui2 is for the most part a set of separate files (with prefix "ui2"), and they have to be manually updated whenever ui files in master change. It's possible (although not certain) that I won't have enough time to do that.

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  • t4nk
    OK, Direct3D defeated me, so I just decided to use OpenGL on all platforms. Don't really want to spend a lot of time fighting with some proprietary garbage that constantly loses my textures... Anyway, you can now get out of full screen, and also can load your saved games.
    Sound is still compiled out of the game.

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  • Nick
    Cool, will test one day soon...

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  • t4nk
    I compiled a Windows binary. Horrible procedure, as usual... I also cut a lot of corners (writing makefile for cross compiling is annoying enough ), so in its current state it is probably mostly of interest to takkaria and other devs. Anyway:
    (or tell me where to upload it, and I'll do that)

    If you want to try it, note the following:
    1. Saving doesn't work. Actually, saving works fine, the game just don't load your saves
    2. Don't even try to get out of fullscreen mode! I'll make it work at some point (isn't Direct3d great?)
    3. I compiled the game without sound - just didn't want to deal with mp3s. Who needs sounds anyway, right
    4. The speed of running is controlled by "animation delay" (in '=' menu); it's 40 msecs by default and I recommend to use more sensible value - 20 or 15 should be good

    I tested it on Wine and on real Windows machine and it works (other than the above mentioned things). But if it doesn't work for you, let me know, but you should be aware that it's Microsoft's fault

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  • t4nk
    Originally posted by t4nk
    The goal is to eventually make message line term optional.
    Now that it is done, textui2 is in feature freeze. There were a number of things that I wanted to add to it, but it's better to add them when the foundation is sufficiently bug free. And I'm not recieving many bug reports, so that will probably take some time

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  • t4nk
    OK, I merged that crap into textui2. I advise to avoid using it; use SDL2 frontend instead.

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  • debo
    It's weird but not crazy to have a term app not respond to suspend. I'm guessing most people could probably live with that?

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