Idea: Rune based magic system

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  • calris
    • Mar 2016
    • 194

    Idea: Rune based magic system

    Not sure how this ties on with Rune Based ID, or if it's been discussed before, but here goes...

    The basic premise is that all magical effects are created by combining 'Runes'. Each effect has a unique combination of runes. The number of runes varies between effects. Higher level effects require more runes. Runes also vary in complexity, high level spells require more complex runes.

    So - every run has an 'ID' and a 'Level' - For example:
    • 'ex' - A level 1 rune for 'magic'
    • 'hoc' - A level 2 rune for 'missile'
    • 'huic' - A level 3 rune for 'ball'
    • 'fluo' - A level 4 rune for 'identify'
    • 'frequentia' - A level 9 rune for 'greater'

    • A wand 'ex hoc' would be a wand of Magic Missile
    • A wand 'ex huic' would be a wand of Magic Ball
    • A wand 'frequentia ex huic' would be a wand of Greater Magic Ball (more damage, greater area)
    • A scroll 'fluo' would be a scroll of Identify
    • A staff 'fluo' would be a staff of Identify
    • A rod 'fluo' would be a rod of Identify

    Runes are randomised at player creation. Players learn about runes by using unidentified items - So reading a scroll 'fluo' would immediately identify 'fluo' as the rune for identify - All scrolls, staves, rods, and spells of 'Identify' are immediately identified to the player.

    Here's where things get interesting

    Spell Casters
    In order to cast a spell, the player must 'memorise' each rune the spell requires. So to cast a Magic Missile, the player need to memorise the runes 'ex' and 'hoc' - but this is not done through simply using a Wand 'ex hoc' - runes are found lying around the dungeon (or bought from stores) - a player must 'Read' these special runes to commit them to memory.

    Getting back to Rune Levels - The player has a limited number of memory 'slots' to hold runes. The number of slots increases by level, intelligence, and wisdom. So to be able to cast Magic Missile, the player must find the 'ex' and 'hoc' runes, and have at least three memory 'slots' free to memorise them.

    The number of rune memory slots for mages is based purely in Intelligence. For priests it's Wisdom. For multi-realm characters, it's the average of Intelligence and Wisdom.

    Players can 'forget' runes - they have the option of buying/finding an 'empty' rune which they can store the rune for later use. If they do not have an empty rune when they forget a rune, the rune is lost and they will need to find it again.

    Mana is purely the addition of the rune levels for the spell.

    Non Spell Casters
    Instead of memorising runes, non-spell casters can apply runes to equipment. Each piece of equipment has a set number of slots. So you might find a Dagger (1) which has one rune slot that the player could apply a rune of fire, cold, magic etc.

    If the player has an empty rune in their inventory, the can transfer the rune from the equipment to the empty rune. Runes are consumed when applied, so you need an empty rune for every transfer between equipment.

    Pure magic users cannot apply or remove runes to/from equipment.

    Hybrid Caster/Non-Caster (Rangers, Paladins, etc.)
    Need to figure out a balance here - half the number of memory and equipment slots for example

    Realms and Domains
    Some runes belong to a Realm - Arcane and Divine are the basic Angband Realms, but we could also include Mystic, Psychic, etc.

    Mages are pure Arcane - They cannot memorise Divine runes. Priests are pure Divine - They cannot memorise Arcane runes. But we could envisage classes that can use runes from multiple Realms, with some maximum applied to each.

    Some runes belong to a Domains (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Life, Death, Chaos, Order) - choosing a Domain gives you a bonus for runes in that Domain and a penalty to the other Domains. A player can choose more than one Domain - the more Domains chosen, the less the bonus to the chosen Domains and the greater the penalty to the other Domains.

    So for example:
    • A Mage chooses the Arcane Realm and no Domain
    • A Priest chooses the Divine Realm and no Domain
    • A Pyromancer chooses the Arcane Realm and Fire Domain
    • A Paladin chooses the Divine Realm and the Life and Order Domains
    • A Necromancer chooses the Arcane and Divine Realms and the Death Domain.
  • fph
    • Apr 2009
    • 956

    Tome2 had exactly this, as an optional magic system ("runemastery", I think it was called?). Its balance wasn't great though; the damage spells were a bit underpowered unless you invested loads of skill points in it, and "identify every object in sight" and "cast rune of protection on every floor tile in sight" (!!) were absurdly broken and cheap since their effect did not scale with the number of skill points invested.
    Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


    • PowerWyrm
      • Apr 2008
      • 2941

      Originally posted by fph
      Tome2 had exactly this, as an optional magic system ("runemastery", I think it was called?). Its balance wasn't great though; the damage spells were a bit underpowered unless you invested loads of skill points in it, and "identify every object in sight" and "cast rune of protection on every floor tile in sight" (!!) were absurdly broken and cheap since their effect did not scale with the number of skill points invested.
      The system has been vastly improved in TomeNET.
      PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


      • calris
        • Mar 2016
        • 194

        Had an additional thought on casters versus non-casters...

        Casters can create wands, staves, scrolls, and rods with their spare runes (you still need to find them or buy them)

        Non-Casters get to put them on equipment as described

        Hybrids are limited to the maximum number of 'slots' they can fill on a wand/staff/scroll/rod/equipment. Pure Caster/Non-Caster might be limited to say 20 slots (room for two Level 9 Runes plus 2 Level 1 or a Level 2), while Hybrids are limited to 10.


        • Therem Harth
          • Jan 2008
          • 856


          Hmm. This is interesting. My thoughts are
          - Learning/reading runes sounds a bit annoying
          - The idea of only warriors being able to enchant equipment seems very, very wrong

          I really do like the possibilities for specialization though.

          Edit: the idea of casters being able to create devices, and use magic primarily through them, seems pretty nifty to me. Changes gameplay a lot, too, which might not be a bad thing.

          Edit 2: this would be good variant fodder IMO.


          FWIW I tried the Runecraft thing earlier. The Sea of Glyphs trick, at least, no longer works in T2 git master. :P


          • calris
            • Mar 2016
            • 194

            Originally posted by Therem Harth

            Hmm. This is interesting. My thoughts are
            - Learning/reading runes sounds a bit annoying
            It wouldn't be something you do on a continual basis - you setup your spell list to your style of game play. You have a set of spells you always use, and a couple you switch out as the circumstances require. And a dedicated magic user will have enough slots to memorise all the runes be end-game anyway. It's if your running a hybrid character that you might have to do a bit of rune juggling, but that's the price you pay for wanting the best of both worlds

            - The idea of only warriors being able to enchant equipment seems very, very wrong
            Yeah, I get that - but it seemed only fair to balance it against magic users being able to craft wands/staves/rods/scrolls. I figured it was like smithing, but without the forge

            I guess we could make rings and amulets craftable by both

