I've recently started playing angband again after many years without touching it. My last game was when Robert Ruhlman had recently become mantainer.
I like the direction the game has taken in general.
The way feelings are handled is one of those changes I like. But I often miss the message with the object feeling. So I thought it would be neat to be able to always have level feelings visible on screen. Much like dungeon depth or stats are always visible.
I've make changes to xtra3.c to make it visible as in this screenshot :

If level feelings are enabled you will see always on screen LF:M-O unless you are in the town.
Where M is the monster feeling. A number from 1 to 9. And O is object feeling, a number from 1 to 9, $ for artifact or ? for you need to explore more.
If you think this change is worth being included in the game I can complete it by adding the proper description in the help files as well as any adjustments which are deemed appropriate.
You may get the code for this from the feelings_at_status branch at https://github.com/LuthienCeleste/angband
This is my 2nd contribution to angband. But last time was through an e-mail to Ben, way before git, github, etc. Thus I am unfamiliar with the new way of doing this.
There is one thing in my implementation I dislike. it depends on cave->feeling having the codification it currently has. Since I am using the same code as in display_feeling at cmd-cave.c to obtain the level feelings.
If that codification changes the code I've added will break.
I like the direction the game has taken in general.
The way feelings are handled is one of those changes I like. But I often miss the message with the object feeling. So I thought it would be neat to be able to always have level feelings visible on screen. Much like dungeon depth or stats are always visible.
I've make changes to xtra3.c to make it visible as in this screenshot :

If level feelings are enabled you will see always on screen LF:M-O unless you are in the town.
Where M is the monster feeling. A number from 1 to 9. And O is object feeling, a number from 1 to 9, $ for artifact or ? for you need to explore more.
If you think this change is worth being included in the game I can complete it by adding the proper description in the help files as well as any adjustments which are deemed appropriate.
You may get the code for this from the feelings_at_status branch at https://github.com/LuthienCeleste/angband
This is my 2nd contribution to angband. But last time was through an e-mail to Ben, way before git, github, etc. Thus I am unfamiliar with the new way of doing this.
There is one thing in my implementation I dislike. it depends on cave->feeling having the codification it currently has. Since I am using the same code as in display_feeling at cmd-cave.c to obtain the level feelings.
If that codification changes the code I've added will break.