3.5-nightly-compile/link error. (Linux)
./configure --enable-sdl --with-no-installComment
........suppose I could give it a whirl and see.Comment
I'm afraid I don't have any help for your issue, but the command snippet you pasted seems to indicate that you're logging in and compiling as the "root" user. I just wanted to say: please don't do that -- it's incredibly unsafe and a single bad makefile can compromise your machine or delete all your files.
Btw, love the machine name.
Resolved. Thank you.
I'm afraid I don't have any help for your issue, but the command snippet you pasted seems to indicate that you're logging in and compiling as the "root" user. I just wanted to say: please don't do that -- it's incredibly unsafe and a single bad makefile can compromise your machine or delete all your files.
Btw, love the machine name.
Wasn't sure if my being a different user I had access issues to certain libraries or not, so I wanted to compile as 'root'. Yeah, beware the Sys-Admin with a screw driver.
ok - I installed X11 libraries and ncurses just to be safe. Not sure if it was absolutely necessary, but I did. For those that may come after me, compiling/installing in Linux:
yum install ncurses-devel
yum install libXt-devel
(If you are a Debian user, you'll use replace "yum" with "apt-get" above.
Then run ./configure --enable-x11 and angband will compile without that ISO C error & warning. And, best of all, no seg fault when you try to run it.
- thanks for the compliment on the machine name.Comment