I promised fizzix I'd start a thread about how squelch ought to work, so, here we go!
The most important thing about squelch is that you should be able to handle at least 95% of cases through the 'k' command interface. No going to the knowledge menu, just selecting an option when you want to ignore a specific item. The knowledge menu has its uses, but as a general rule when you're squelching something you're saying "I want to ignore this item and others like it for the future" -- going to the knowledge menu to do that requires you to find the item again in a frankly massive list, and it's thus bad usability.
That out of the way, what we need to do is come up with sensible categorizations for what kinds of items the player wants to squelch, from very specific (just squelch this one item) to very broad (squelch items that bear only a passing similarity to this item).
---[b]Current Vanilla[/b---
(i.e. not v4)
Our categories here break down by quality and by item type. However, the category that has the most inherent complexity is also the one that we do the absolute worst job of handling: ego items. Vanilla's ego-item categories are "excellent with no high resists", "excellent with high resists", and "splendid". Ignoring that players don't necessarily know what a "high" resist is (protection from hallucination?
), there are massive gaps here between the program's capabilities and what the players want, and the "tiering" of these categories also causes problems:
* I don't care about Slay Orc, but I do still want to see acid brands (both excellent with no high resists)
* I don't care about Infravision (splendid), but I do still care about Seeing (excellent with high resists)
* This Dagger of Slay Evil is pretty useless, but a Bastard Sword of same would be helpful (same item type)
What we should be doing here is stealing NPP's squelch categories wholesale. When you squelch, say, that Dagger of Slay Evil, you get given the following options (as best I can remember, it having been some time since I played NPP):
* Squelch this item
* Squelch all Daggers of Slay Evil
* Squelch all non-artifact Daggers ("ego and below" in other words)
* Squelch all weapons of Slay Evil
* Squelch all non-artifact weapons
If you're still interested in Slay Evil, just not on Daggers, then you can choose the second or third option; if you don't care about Slay Evil at all, then you choose the fourth; if you've decided that your kit is really rock-solid then you choose the fifth. This does a good job of meeting the user's needs and avoiding arbitrary categorizations.
Behind the scenes, of course, we just have a bunch of categories that we squelch on, and if all of the categories for a specific item are marked as squelchable, then we squelch the item. Thus if you choose the second option, then the categories "Dagger" and "Slay Evil" are marked as squelchable.
This gets a lot more complicated, because ego items, as specific collections of abilities, are no longer the only interesting non-artifact equipment the player can see. Magical items can get any number of collections of affixes, and what's worse, they can scale up semi-arbitrarily -- you can find a useful weapon that's useful solely because it has pluses out the wazoo (stacked the Sharpness affix a dozen times, say). The increased variety of potential items means that there are more "categories" of items that the player might possibly care about, which means they need more expressive capabilities on the squelch menu.
However, short of just having a gigantic grid of possible item flags and having the user toggle them on or off (as in the knowledge menu), there are a few options we can add:
* Squelch all weapons with less than X% balance / heft. Most characters care only about one class of items, rendering the "other side" less than useful.
* Squelch all items with this combination of flags (or some subset thereof). It's not unheard-of to find a weapon that only has e.g. the added-light-radius affix, which is pretty dull. So to speak.
* Squelch this flag/item type. Any item that is of a squelched item type and has only flags that are squelched, gets squelched. So for example, if you squelch all Daggers and the poison-brand affix, then a poison-branded spear will survive, as will a dagger with a cold-brand affix, but not a dagger with no affix, or a dagger with any non-poison-brand affix.
Honestly, v4's system is still evolving and it's hard, as a player, to say what kind of squelch system we need yet. So I admit this isn't so well-thought-out.
The most important thing about squelch is that you should be able to handle at least 95% of cases through the 'k' command interface. No going to the knowledge menu, just selecting an option when you want to ignore a specific item. The knowledge menu has its uses, but as a general rule when you're squelching something you're saying "I want to ignore this item and others like it for the future" -- going to the knowledge menu to do that requires you to find the item again in a frankly massive list, and it's thus bad usability.
That out of the way, what we need to do is come up with sensible categorizations for what kinds of items the player wants to squelch, from very specific (just squelch this one item) to very broad (squelch items that bear only a passing similarity to this item).
---[b]Current Vanilla[/b---
(i.e. not v4)
Our categories here break down by quality and by item type. However, the category that has the most inherent complexity is also the one that we do the absolute worst job of handling: ego items. Vanilla's ego-item categories are "excellent with no high resists", "excellent with high resists", and "splendid". Ignoring that players don't necessarily know what a "high" resist is (protection from hallucination?

* I don't care about Slay Orc, but I do still want to see acid brands (both excellent with no high resists)
* I don't care about Infravision (splendid), but I do still care about Seeing (excellent with high resists)
* This Dagger of Slay Evil is pretty useless, but a Bastard Sword of same would be helpful (same item type)
What we should be doing here is stealing NPP's squelch categories wholesale. When you squelch, say, that Dagger of Slay Evil, you get given the following options (as best I can remember, it having been some time since I played NPP):
* Squelch this item
* Squelch all Daggers of Slay Evil
* Squelch all non-artifact Daggers ("ego and below" in other words)
* Squelch all weapons of Slay Evil
* Squelch all non-artifact weapons
If you're still interested in Slay Evil, just not on Daggers, then you can choose the second or third option; if you don't care about Slay Evil at all, then you choose the fourth; if you've decided that your kit is really rock-solid then you choose the fifth. This does a good job of meeting the user's needs and avoiding arbitrary categorizations.
Behind the scenes, of course, we just have a bunch of categories that we squelch on, and if all of the categories for a specific item are marked as squelchable, then we squelch the item. Thus if you choose the second option, then the categories "Dagger" and "Slay Evil" are marked as squelchable.
This gets a lot more complicated, because ego items, as specific collections of abilities, are no longer the only interesting non-artifact equipment the player can see. Magical items can get any number of collections of affixes, and what's worse, they can scale up semi-arbitrarily -- you can find a useful weapon that's useful solely because it has pluses out the wazoo (stacked the Sharpness affix a dozen times, say). The increased variety of potential items means that there are more "categories" of items that the player might possibly care about, which means they need more expressive capabilities on the squelch menu.
However, short of just having a gigantic grid of possible item flags and having the user toggle them on or off (as in the knowledge menu), there are a few options we can add:
* Squelch all weapons with less than X% balance / heft. Most characters care only about one class of items, rendering the "other side" less than useful.
* Squelch all items with this combination of flags (or some subset thereof). It's not unheard-of to find a weapon that only has e.g. the added-light-radius affix, which is pretty dull. So to speak.
* Squelch this flag/item type. Any item that is of a squelched item type and has only flags that are squelched, gets squelched. So for example, if you squelch all Daggers and the poison-brand affix, then a poison-branded spear will survive, as will a dagger with a cold-brand affix, but not a dagger with no affix, or a dagger with any non-poison-brand affix.
Honestly, v4's system is still evolving and it's hard, as a player, to say what kind of squelch system we need yet. So I admit this isn't so well-thought-out.