Thanks. Looking at those dumps...speed's way too common. Cripes. Only one of those characters has less than +10 base speed. Other thoughts:
Eorlingas is by far the best of the weapons selected. I don't really have a good feel for what the "right" weapon power should be, but I'd guess it's somewhere around where Theoden/Eowyn are.
Only one of the characters has Evenstar; the rest have fairly bad amulets. Likewise, Thorin is the best of the shields available to the characters; Celegorm might be more "average".
Otherwise, you should load up the character and make certain they've covered the basic 4 resists, see invisible, and free action. And possibly resist poison. That's about all a warrior really needs at this depth in terms of passive bonuses.
Eorlingas is by far the best of the weapons selected. I don't really have a good feel for what the "right" weapon power should be, but I'd guess it's somewhere around where Theoden/Eowyn are.
Only one of the characters has Evenstar; the rest have fairly bad amulets. Likewise, Thorin is the best of the shields available to the characters; Celegorm might be more "average".
Otherwise, you should load up the character and make certain they've covered the basic 4 resists, see invisible, and free action. And possibly resist poison. That's about all a warrior really needs at this depth in terms of passive bonuses.