64X64 Tileset Omissions?

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  • Old Coach
    • Feb 2009
    • 61

    64X64 Tileset Omissions?

    The new tiles are pretty sweet. I have always liked the ASCII characters, and these make it a whole new game with an entirely different feel.
    I have found a couple monsters that some up as the old tiles, so I am not sure if they are omissions or just a bug with my machine. I do have problems opening the 64x64.png file occasionally.

    Ogres and black ogres come out as the old tiles.
    The 1/2 elf male and female player character avatars also come out as old tiles.

    I have made it to DL 34 with this character. As I get deeper and see more monsters I'll report back any any glitches.

    THanks for the amazing work, SHockbolt!!
  • Old Coach
    • Feb 2009
    • 61

    Other possible issues, but again, maybe these are unique to my computer:

    Slippers look like ethereal slippers.
    Breast Plate mail looks like banded or ring (or maybe scale?).
    Ribbed plate looks like breast plate. It looks like the program is grabbing images that are 1 space off with these middle armors.


    • Blue Baron
      • Apr 2011
      • 103

      Originally posted by Old Coach
      Ogres and black ogres come out as the old tiles.
      Great catch, thank you. (magnate: The correct spot for black ogres, id 190, are 0x9D, 0x88, and the correct spot for cave ogres, id 287, is 0x9D, 0x97. this will be in my next pull request for vanilla along with Shockbolt's modified tiles.)

      Originally posted by Old Coach
      The 1/2 elf male and female player character avatars also come out as old tiles.
      There has been some discussion of removing the half-elf race. I think because in the books half-elves could choose the characteristics of one of their parent races? Anyways the half elf player tiles intentionally have not been drawn.

      Originally posted by Old Coach
      Slippers look like ethereal slippers.
      In Vanilla Angband the item is called ethereal slippers, in V4 it is just called slippers. the tiles were painted for Vanilla.

      Originally posted by Old Coach
      Breast Plate mail looks like banded or ring (or maybe scale?).
      Ribbed plate looks like breast plate. It looks like the program is grabbing images that are 1 space off with these middle armors.
      This is also because of some name changes between V4 and Vanilla. (Bar-Chain Mail -> Breastplate, Partial Plate Armor -> Plate Mail) Ribbed plate is the breatplate with lines. I guess for now, the coordinates of breastplate and plate mail could be switched?


      • Magnate
        Angband Devteam member
        • May 2007
        • 4916

        Originally posted by Blue Baron
        Great catch, thank you. (magnate: The correct spot for black ogres, id 190, are 0x9D, 0x88, and the correct spot for cave ogres, id 287, is 0x9D, 0x97. this will be in my next pull request for vanilla along with Shockbolt's modified tiles.)
        Thank you in advance. If you could also switch the breastplate and plate mail tiles as noted further down your post, that would be great. (Er ... I guess that's for v4 only, which means we'd have divergent graphics files for v4 and V. Never mind.)
        "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


        • EpicMan
          • Dec 2009
          • 447

          Just swap the item entries then.

