Vanilla Patch - changing Angels to Ainu/Maia

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  • Timo Pietilä
    • Apr 2007
    • 3964

    Originally posted by nppangband
    # 415: Seraph --> Blue wizard
    # 455: Archon --> Istar
    Blue wizards should be two uniques: Alatar and Pallando, Istar is just other name for Wizards (singular, Istari plural), so that counts in Radagast, Gandalf and Saruman too.

    I would prefer that those two get something else as description and names.


    • Shockbolt
      • Jan 2011
      • 604

      Saruman is already in Angband, at dungeon LVL 60 :

      N:514:Saruman of Many Colours
      D:Originally known as the White, Saruman fell prey to Sauron's wiles. He seeks
      D: to emulate him and breeds orcs and trolls to fight for him. He searches
      D: forever for the One Ring, to become a mighty Sorcerer-King of the world.

      I suggest the following then:

      ^# 289: Angel --> Lesser Maia --> Alatar
      # 311: Archangel --> Maia --> Goldberry
      # 350: Cherub --> Greater Maia -->Tom Bombadil
      # 415: Seraph --> Blue wizard --> Gandalf
      # 455: Archon --> Istar --> Pallando
      # 509: Uriel, Angel of Fire --> Arien, Maia of the Sun
      # 510: Azriel, Angel of Death --> Osse, Herald of Ulmo
      $ 513: Gabriel, the Messenger --> Radagast the Brown

      Looking up my Lord of Middle-earth by ICE, the wizards are the ones with the lowest level compared to Tom Bombadil at lvl 360, Goldberry lvl 150, Ossë lvl 325, Alatar lvl 40, Gandalf grey lvl 35, Pallando lvl 40, Radagast lvl 40, Saruman lvl 50, Arien lvl 325. Of course the lvls only refer to their strenghts in the MERP/Rolemaster setting, but it goes to show their powers compared against eachother.

      Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
      Blue wizards should be two uniques: Alatar and Pallando, Istar is just other name for Wizards (singular, Istari plural), so that counts in Radagast, Gandalf and Saruman too.

      I would prefer that those two get something else as description and names.
      Last edited by Shockbolt; September 10, 2011, 08:57.
      Fantasy art kits for personal and commercial use. Commercial use requires a Developer license, also available through my website.


      • Timo Pietilä
        • Apr 2007
        • 3964

        Originally posted by Shockbolt

        I suggest the following then:

        ^# 289: Angel --> Lesser Maia --> Alatar
        # 311: Archangel --> Maia --> Goldberry
        # 350: Cherub --> Greater Maia -->Tom Bombadil
        # 415: Seraph --> Blue wizard --> Gandalf
        # 455: Archon --> Istar --> Pallando
        You would be replacing normal monsters with uniques. That doesn't work.

        Also I would refuse to fight any of those, especially Goldberry and Tom.

        There are enough maiar types to choose, just named ones are difficult to find. Based on Silmarillion and other books each Valar had his/her own "type" of maiar that possessed similar skillsets, just less powerful. Sauron was Aules folk Gandalf perhaps Manwe or Orome, then there were ainur that had more primordial force connections: earth, air, fire and water. Balrogs are fire-spirits gone bad, Arien is basically a good balrog.

        Azriel could be changed to Ainur of Mandos (nobody talks about them, but they must have existed). Gabriel could be associated with Manwe or Varda (as a most powerful one), Uriel is a bit difficult one, I would rather have it being something else than fire-based non-balrog (it is rather boring compared to rest of the angels in current vanilla). Orome (hunter) or maybe Yavanna (earth, things that grow on earth) folk. Just making up names for those is a tough task.

        Archon and Seraph could be Manwe and Mandos folk Cherub and Archangel Oromes and Aules folk, leave "Angel" as "lesser maiar".


        • Shockbolt
          • Jan 2011
          • 604

          So by this post, you're trying to explain what the possible character replacements can be, and then you're voting against doing so?

          It's a tad confusing.

          I would rather not fight either of the wizards or what's considered "good" characters, but as you say, it's not an easy task to come up with "evil" known Maia, thus my suggestions as Maia was already pointed out as their replacements. If no good substitutes can be found, why don't we simply create "evil" Maia characters that would suit each replacement.

          Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
          Blue wizards should be two uniques: Alatar and Pallando, Istar is just other name for Wizards (singular, Istari plural), so that counts in Radagast, Gandalf and Saruman too.

          I would prefer that those two get something else as description and names.
          Last edited by Shockbolt; September 10, 2011, 10:11.

          Fantasy art kits for personal and commercial use. Commercial use requires a Developer license, also available through my website.


          • Timo Pietilä
            • Apr 2007
            • 3964

            Originally posted by Shockbolt
            So by this post, you're trying to explain what the possible character replacements can be, and then you're voting against doing so?

            It's a tad confusing.
            I did mean it as telling what has been done, and how that is an error. Blue Wizards is not general name of Ainur, it means two wizards that are part of Istari and those combined is just five unique beings, not a general name of a species/race. You can't use something that means known monsters as general monster names, that's like using ringwraiths as just one type of wraith in the game, no matter how many you kill, there will be others.

            Originally posted by Shockbolt
            I would rather not fight either of the wizards or what's considered "good" characters, but as you say, it's not an easy task to come up with "evil" known Maia, thus my suggestions as Maia was already pointed out as their replacements. If no good substitutes can be found, why don't we simply create "evil" Maia characters that would suit each replacement.
            I agree with that. It's not that difficult to figure out descriptions, I have more problem figuring out names. Maiar that are not directly under Morgoth control or working for him, but are not "good" either are not that unheard of, think Saruman and Ungoliant.


            • nppangband
              NPPAngband Maintainer
              • Dec 2008
              • 901

              Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
              I did mean it as telling what has been done, and how that is an error. Blue Wizards is not general name of Ainur, it means two wizards that are part of Istari and those combined is just five unique beings, not a general name of a species/race. You can't use something that means known monsters as general monster names, that's like using ringwraiths as just one type of wraith in the game, no matter how many you kill, there will be others.
              I took a little bit of artistic license there. The two blue wizards went east, and were never heard from again. Even Tolkien stated he did not know what thier fate was. I just assumed they started their own order and trained many others in thier ways.

              It isn't without precedent. Tolkien once wrote that only 7 balrogs exist, but Angband has unique balrogs and a generic monster races.

              ALso, I noted when I posted the patch that the list wasn't perfect. I am sure if you ask 100 Angband players, you will get 100 different lists of maiar/ainur that should go in the game. The devteam requested when I did the patch that I try to keep things aligned so the Angel tiles, while not perfect, at least be usable and make reasonable sense for the new monsters. That's why the changes are the way they are.

              In NPP that list has since been replaced with 40+ ainur/maiar monster raced in NPP. By the way, the Encylopedia of Adra is now pretty well organized for research of they kind now. I think I will add a couple more to NPP sometime soon.

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              • Shockbolt
                • Jan 2011
                • 604

                should this one be replaced with something else as well, when we're in the process of purging earth-religious creatures from Angband:

                N:436:Knight Templar
                D:It seems that the more devout the person, the more likely they are to cross
                D: the boundary between piety and sanctimoniousness. And such is the case with
                D: the Order of the Knights Templar; they are among the most pious and powerful
                D: of the religious knightly orders, but noted for their intolerance. Thus it
                D: is Morgoth's will that is unwittingly done, as the forces of good are set
                D: against each other.
                Fantasy art kits for personal and commercial use. Commercial use requires a Developer license, also available through my website.


                • fizzix
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 2969

                  Originally posted by Shockbolt
                  should this one be replaced with something else as well, when we're in the process of purging earth-religious creatures from Angband:

                  N:436:Knight Templar
                  D:It seems that the more devout the person, the more likely they are to cross
                  D: the boundary between piety and sanctimoniousness. And such is the case with
                  D: the Order of the Knights Templar; they are among the most pious and powerful
                  D: of the religious knightly orders, but noted for their intolerance. Thus it
                  D: is Morgoth's will that is unwittingly done, as the forces of good are set
                  D: against each other.
                  probably should be changed before 3.4 for thematic consistency. Some human who is a devotee of the maia.


                  • Timo Pietilä
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 3964

                    Originally posted by Shockbolt
                    should this one be replaced with something else as well, when we're in the process of purging earth-religious creatures from Angband
                    Nearly all (unique) creatures in Angband that are not Tolkien creation are from some religion, starting from Titans. What we are now doing is just removing major religion creatures. IIRC removal of Tiamat was because it is religious creature. Same with Cerberus.

                    Angels are just entire race that is religious so that doesn't feel like they should be there. BTW if we remove angels we should remove Pit Fiends as well. They don't feel "right" anyway in set where greater Balrogs should be the most powerul beings.

                    I wouldn't mind if we remove Knight Templars completely. They are after all quite boring creatures. Just boost Paladins a bit to compensate the loss of one step up creature of same set.


                    • Shockbolt
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 604

                      If you choose to embrace mythical creatures under the religious wings then yes. What I put behind the meaning of the word religion in here, is Christianity or any other major religion out there today, represented by angels, cherubs and lastly spotted: Templar Knights. And I named them earth-religious for the sake of simplicity. In the same way we wouldn't want Muhammed running around in here, or a bunch of old indian gods for that matter.

                      Gorgons, Titans, Werewolves, Werebears, Colossus and whatnot that are represented in "ancient earth" religions and myths, these I wouldn't bother changing, as they blend well into the fantasy setting.

                      Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
                      Nearly all (unique) creatures in Angband that are not Tolkien creation are from some religion, starting from Titans. What we are now doing is just removing major religion creatures. IIRC removal of Tiamat was because it is religious creature. Same with Cerberus.

                      Angels are just entire race that is religious so that doesn't feel like they should be there. BTW if we remove angels we should remove Pit Fiends as well. They don't feel "right" anyway in set where greater Balrogs should be the most powerul beings.

                      I wouldn't mind if we remove Knight Templars completely. They are after all quite boring creatures. Just boost Paladins a bit to compensate the loss of one step up creature of same set.
                      Fantasy art kits for personal and commercial use. Commercial use requires a Developer license, also available through my website.


                      • dos350
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 500

                        why change it lol, nn 4 athiest band or crying, nn 4 crying 2 tolkien either,

                        not 2 dis u or anything sorry but its good as it is!

                        Reality hits you -more-



                        • Shockbolt
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 604

                          can someone translate that first part into understandable english please

                          It has nothing to do being an atheist or not, these creatures simply don't belong in Angband, that's why I suggested them to be replaced. I'm not the one calling the shots, but I'm pretty happy with them being replaced by more "appropriate" creatures

                          Originally posted by dos350
                          why change it lol, nn 4 athiest band or crying, nn 4 crying 2 tolkien either,

                          not 2 dis u or anything sorry but its good as it is!
                          Last edited by Shockbolt; September 12, 2011, 19:32.
                          Fantasy art kits for personal and commercial use. Commercial use requires a Developer license, also available through my website.


                          • AnonymousHero
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 1322

                            It doesn't matter. Click on "dos350", Click "User Lists" and finally click "Add to Ignore List". You won't be missing anything.


                            • EpicMan
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 447

                              I think he just means "don't make changes!"

                              Maybe just change the name and description of Knight Templar to something like "White Knight". In Numenor they had a shrine to Eru so you could come up with some kind of numenorean knighthood (maybe a faction of the Rangers, though 'ranger' is already taken in Angband).


                              • Shockbolt
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 604

                                I second that suggestion for the Templar Knight replacement.

                                Originally posted by EpicMan
                                I think he just means "don't make changes!"

                                Maybe just change the name and description of Knight Templar to something like "White Knight". In Numenor they had a shrine to Eru so you could come up with some kind of numenorean knighthood (maybe a faction of the Rangers, though 'ranger' is already taken in Angband).
                                Fantasy art kits for personal and commercial use. Commercial use requires a Developer license, also available through my website.

