For some context here: the intent was to have a contest with 'always force small levels on', but it appears as if this birth option may not actually do anything in NPP? Unless there's a subsequent ingame option you need to set to activate it or something.
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'
For some context here: the intent was to have a contest with 'always force small levels on', but it appears as if this birth option may not actually do anything in NPP? Unless there's a subsequent ingame option you need to set to activate it or something.
It should work, unless the birth_simple_dungeons option is on. That option eliminates all of the NPP terrain, smart traps, small dungeons and other NPP dungeon features and simply produces classic angband dungeons.
All small levels would be extremely difficult for a human warrior. They would need to carry plenty of teleport level scrolls.