So i did see quite some posts from players asking how to beat the game? Well, if you want to know how to beat it as mage, see below ...
The Mages Guide to Power ...
[Player history]
Turn Depth Note
0 0' Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
0 0' -- Note: 6:00 pm
0 0' -- Note: Gnome Mage, Str=12 Int=18 Con=16
0 0' -- Note: birth options: selling enabled, starting gear disabled
168 50' -- Note: starting EQ: Book #1, #2 & #3 - 2xFood - 2xOil - 3xTorch
208 50' -- Note: 8 HPs, 3 SPs
208 50' -- Note: Gain: Magic Missle, the main attack spell for the first levels
208 50' -- Note: Gain: Detect Monsters, one of the two major detection spells
208 50' -- Note: down to DL 1, we collect potions and scroll, quaff potions for ID
208 50' -- Note: don't use scrolls yet because it could be deep descent
532 50' Reached level 2
929 50' -- Note: 13 HPs, 5 SPs
929 50' -- Note: Gain: Phase Door, short range teleport
929 50' -- Note: good to avoid melee combat in room, but stay in spell distance
1066 100' Reached level 3
1190 100' -- Note: 17 HPs, 7 SPs ... enough to kill Fang & Grip if we are at full SPs
1191 100' -- Note: Gain: Find Traps, Doors & Stairs, 2nd major detection spells
1192 100' -- Note: Gain: Light Area, good to light up rooms & crossroads
1672 100' Reached level 4
1809 100' -- Note: Gain: Stinking Cloud, weak ball spell
1809 100' -- Note: good to lure monsters right behind corners into a stright sight
1850 50' -- Note: staying at low dungeon level (DL) to make some quick money
1850 50' -- Note: quaff potions you find to ID them
1850 50' -- Note: collect scrolls, don't use them - could be Deep Descent Scroll
3223 100' Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
3223 100' Reached level 5
3342 150' -- Note: 33 HPs, 11 SPs
3344 150' -- Note: Gain: Cure Poison, sometimes needed to stop Poison
3412 150' -- Note: Gain: Disable Traps & Destroy Doors, seldomly used to prevent traps
3412 150' Reached level 6
3494 150' -- Note: 37 HPs, 13 SPs
3810 150' Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog
4244 0' -- Note: back to town, sell first loot and buy >= 3x scroll of recal
4287 0' -- Note: recal scrolls can burn up, so you should have more than one at least
4287 0' -- Note: we are ready to start power diving now
4287 0' -- Note: staris down, detect monsters, detect stairs
4287 0' -- Note: if stairs down are close and no dangerous monsters around go down
5054 200' Reached level 7
5063 150' -- Note: 42 HPs, 15 SPs
5127 150' -- Note: Gain: Frost Bolt, new main attack spell
5127 150' -- Note: shatters Frogs (R), Nagas (n) and Snakes (J)
5127 150' -- Note: Gain: Teleport Self, long range teleport spell
5127 150' -- Note: better teleporting away than dying -> but it can bring you into
5127 150' -- Note: trouble, if the level is full of nasty monsters
5675 350' Reached level 8
5757 300' -- Note: 48 HPs, 17 SPs
5758 300' -- Note: Gain: Spear of Light: good to light up attack spell corridors
6242 300' -- Note: found Lantern => light radius 2
6619 450' -- Note: 6:30 pm
6805 450' -- Note: detected first uniques, flee level, not strong enough to fight those
7093 450' Reached level 9
7257 450' -- Note: if you rest up for new mana (almost after each fight)
7257 450' -- Note: make sure you do so on a stair, so that you have an escape if needed
7257 450' -- Note: Keymaps:
7257 450' -- Note: F1 = Magic Missile
7257 450' -- Note: F2 = Frost Bolt
7257 450' -- Note: F3 = Fire Bolt
7257 450' -- Note: F4 = Acid Bolt
7257 450' -- Note: F5 = Detect Stairs
7257 450' -- Note: F6 = Detect Monsters
7257 450' -- Note: F7 = Identify
7257 450' -- Note: F8 = Haste Self
7257 450' -- Note: F9 = Rest till full mana
7359 450' -- Note: Gain: Satisfy Hunger, feeds you during power diving
7475 450' -- Note: Gain: Turn Stone to Mud, good to dig corridors
7475 450' -- Note: starights ones for attack spells, zig-zag ones for anti-summoning
7534 450' Reached level 10
7654 450' -- Note: 64 HPs, 21 SPs
7655 450' -- Note: Gain: Fire Bolt, good vs undead
8172 650' Reached level 10
8278 650' -- Note: a pack of Wolves ... good XP
8478 650' Reached level 11
8537 650' -- Note: 69 HPs, 23 SPs
8537 650' -- Note: Gain: Identify ... check out picked up items
8769 650' -- Note: Gain: Hold Monster, seldmoly used to pin down monsters while fleeing
9167 650' Reached level 12
9247 650' -- Note: 72 HPs, 25 SPs
9318 750' -- Note: DL15, don't quaff un IDed potions from now on
9318 750' -- Note: could be a stat change potion which lowers Int
9817 950' Reached level 13
9929 950' -- Note: 75 HPs, 27 SPs
10050 950' Reached level 14
10100 950' -- Note: 80 HPs, 29 SPs
10471 950' Reached level 15
10543 950' -- Note: 86 HPs, 31 SPs
10544 950' -- Note: Gain: Reveal Monsters: main monster detection spell when SP > 65
10544 950' -- Note: Gain: Acid Bolt, main attack spell from around CL 25 on
10848 950' -- Note: by the way: using UI options old target by default = enabled
10848 950' -- Note: that way i can shoot my spells always at same target
11050 1000' -- Note: DL20 ... now we need SeeInvis & FreeAction
11050 1000' -- Note: Gnomes got FreeAction by Race, SeeInvis ring in Black Market costs 1K
11050 1000' -- Note: other sources: Lantern of True Sight (end game gear), or ego weapons
11067 1000' -- Note: vortexes are good XP on this CL
11196 1000' -- Note: first emergency recal after hitting leaving stairs - bah!
11585 0' -- Note: stocking up to 9x recal scrolls
11585 0' -- Note: recaling from town into dungeon is always risky because you are away
11585 0' -- Note: from the stairs ...
11826 1050' Reached level 16
11842 1050' -- Note: 94 HPs, 33 SPs
12293 1050' -- Note: if you try staves or scrolls, always on stairs ... could be summon
12293 1050' -- Note: better sell them in town, why taking a risk if you don't need to?
12909 1100' Reached level 17
12963 1100' -- Note: 95 HPs, 35 SPs
13037 1150' -- Note: guess i take the risk and continue to dive down
13037 1150' -- Note: the deeper the DL is, the better are the drops
13065 1150' -- Note: at start of level cast reveal monsters now ... to avoid Invis monster
13567 1200' Reached level 18
13568 1200' -- Note: 97 HPs, 37 SPs
14519 1350' -- Note: we try to reach DL~35 then the first young dragons show up
14898 1450' Reached level 19
14921 1450' -- Note: 102 HPs, 39 SPs
15473 1450' Reached level 20
15510 1450' -- Note: 106 HPs, 41 SPs
16601 1550' -- Note: 7:15 pm
16724 1500' Reached level 21
16773 1500' -- Note: 111 HPs, 43 SPs
17773 0' -- Note: out of cure light wounds potions (CLW), they cure also blindness
17773 0' -- Note: recal to town ... 3K gold available
17847 0' -- Note: bought Book #4
17888 0' -- Note: if you didn't used teleport self in the dungeon yet, now it's time
17888 0' -- Note: to cast it in town to see fail %
18355 1550' Reached level 22
18376 1550' -- Note: 118 HPs, 45 SPs
18572 1550' -- Note: quaffed an un IDed potion (because i had 3 of them) +Str => great
19650 1600' Reached level 23
19665 1600' -- Note: 126 HPs, 47 SPs
19669 1600' -- Note: Gain: Teleport Other, very usefull to teleport strong monsters away
20458 1600' Reached level 23
21288 1700' -- Note: a few times critical situations because i don't SeeInvis yet ...
21353 1700' -- Note: maybe i try weak uniques for a good drop now
22980 1750' Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
23532 1750' -- Note: found staff of Teleportation, can be used if blind and confused!
23808 1750' Reached level 24
23909 1750' -- Note: 133 HPs, 49 SPs
24593 1800' Reached level 25
24594 1800' -- Note: 137 HPs, 51 SPs
24948 1800' -- Note: Gain: Haste Self, super powerfull ... speed rules
25411 1800' -- Note: have an Invis Q for 5K XP on this level ... maybe i can geek it
26140 1800' Reached level 26
26204 1800' -- Note: 144 HPs, 53 SPs
26509 1850' -- Note: 10K XP till next character level (CL) now, i need SeeInvis to dive...
26773 1850' -- Note: can start to take on mature dragons now ... resistance would be nice
27108 0' -- Note: found potion of Toughness => into home, quaff it after Int raised
30197 1900' -- Note: finally an ego weapon with SeeInvis
30349 1900' Reached level 27
30644 0' -- Note: potion of Intellect boosted Int to 18/33 => 82 SPs
30658 0' -- Note: switching to Reveal Monsters and Acid Bold as main attack
30741 0' -- Note: potion of Toughness => Con=17, 156 HPs
30760 0' -- Note: 8:30 pm (2 hours, 30 minutes)
32399 1950' -- Note: mumaks are nice XP too (2.7K)
33382 1950' Killed Brodda, the Easterling
34337 2000' -- Note: found Ring Int+3 => 122 SPs
34337 2000' -- Note: INT 18/110 => 2% fail rate on spells
34366 2000' Reached level 28
34501 2000' -- Note: 164 HPs, 127 SPs
34501 2000' -- Note: have armor of resistance besides SeeInvis now
34502 2000' -- Note: Vrocks are almost 3K XP
35505 2000' Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
35515 2000' Found the Hard Leather Armour of Himring
35517 2000' Found the Jewel 'Evenstar'
35666 2050' -- Note: Himring's armor give rPois, rNether & rChaos ...
35666 2050' -- Note: now i need a shield of resistance to swap armors
35666 2050' -- Note: Jewel restores XP and has hold life, better than what i got right now
35957 2000' Reached level 29
35963 2000' -- Note: 165 HPs, 131 SPs
36652 2050' Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
36660 2050' -- Note: found Book #5 [Resistances]
36759 2050' -- Note: Gain: Resistance ... gives 1/3 with body armor 1/9 to major elements
36873 2000' Reached level 30
36874 2000' -- Note: 171 HPs, 136 SPs
37673 2000' Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
37937 0' -- Note: 9:00 pm (3 hours)
37970 0' -- Note: potion of Intelligence => Int 18/50, SPs 166
37985 0' -- Note: still 2% fail, but teleport other and Haste Self are casteable now
37985 0' -- Note: teleport other with 9% fail, Haste Self with 20%
38175 2000' -- Note: potion of Toughness => Con=18, 179 HPs
38362 2000' Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
38847 2000' Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
38933 2000' Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
39256 2000' Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
39320 2000' -- Note: potion of Strength => Str=16
40024 2000' -- Note: potion of Intelligence: Int=18/60 (18/140 modified) still 2% fail
40464 2000' Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
40467 2000' Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue
40532 2000' -- Note: what message do i deliver? anyway i will use the boots
41049 2050' Reached level 31
41132 2050' -- Note: 183 HPs, 218 SPs
41288 2050' Found the Bastard Sword 'Calris' (LOST)
41304 2050' Found the Quarterstaff 'Eriril'
41341 2050' -- Note: Quarterstaff has +4Int +1Light SeeInvis, swapping to this weaopn
41341 2050' -- Note: Int=18/200 modified, 0% fail, TO & Haste Self complete ready
41442 2050' -- Note: too heavy yet ... swapping back to Spear
41725 2050' Killed Uldor the Accursed
42041 2050' Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
42652 2100' Found the Metal Cap of Thengel (LOST)
42654 2100' -- Note: got a Metal Cap of Telepathy (=ESP), using that
42706 2100' -- Note: 10:00 pm (4 hours)
42706 2100' -- Note: got Rods of Probing, Magic Mapping and Treasure Detection
42706 2100' -- Note: usefull support spells
42876 0' -- Note: sold potion of Augmentation *sigh* => the good thing, now its IDed
43071 2100' -- Note: found Ring Int+3, boosts Int to 18/190 => 249 SPs, 1% fail
43169 2100' -- Note: potion of Augmentation *cheer*, since Con>18 i can quaff Brawns
43204 2100' -- Note: Con=18/39, Int=18/73 => 214 HPs, 249 SPs
43360 2100' -- Note: swooping through Vrocks quite easily currently
43360 2100' -- Note: good to collect consumeables, because of high kill speed
43360 2100' -- Note: will stay a little longer on the DL around 40
43719 2150' Killed Uvatha the Horseman
43810 2150' Found the Phial of Galadriel (LOST)
44119 2100' Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
44219 2100' Found the Star of Elendil (LOST)
44223 2100' -- Note: wearing Elven Cloak +1 stealth / speed
44224 2100' -- Note: Star of Elendil, radius=3 light, SeeInvis and Activate for Mapping
44557 2150' Reached level 32
44558 2150' -- Note: 222 HPs, 257 SPs
44660 2150' Killed Lagduf, the Snaga
44667 2150' Found the Flail 'Totila'
44770 2150' -- Note: Flail Totila, +2 Speed/Spealth & pCOnf
44879 2150' Killed Sméagol
45093 2150' Killed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
45263 2150' -- Note: potion of Brawn, Str=18
45357 2150' Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
45677 2100' Killed Draebor, the Imp
45892 2100' -- Note: found Wicker Shield of Resistance, now spapping to Himring Armor
46781 2150' -- Note: 2x Potion of Strength => 18/53
46785 2150' -- Note: found Lantern of True Sight, better than Star because of pBlind
47356 2100' Reached level 33
47565 2100' -- Note: Str=18/60
47672 2100' -- Note: 226 HPs, 265 SPs
48150 2150' Found the Rapier 'Forasgil' (LOST)
48703 2150' Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
49159 2200' Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
49294 2200' -- Note: potion of Toughness, Con=18/51, Str=18/50
49790 2200' Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
50077 2200' -- Note: potion of Toughness, Con=18/60, Int=18/63
50382 2200' Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
50403 2200' Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
51135 2250' -- Note: 11:00 pm (5 hours)
51188 2250' Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
51323 2250' Killed Ulfang the Black
51658 2250' -- Note: potion of Toughness, Con=18/67, Int=18/53
52312 2200' Killed Adunaphel the Quiet
52312 2200' Reached level 34
52470 2200' Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' (LOST)
52473 2200' -- Note: 258 HPs, 273 Sps
52861 2200' Killed Nár, the Dwarf
53166 0' -- Note: potion of Brawn, Str=18/73, Int=18/43
53176 0' -- Note: ok, from now on only Int + Con potions or Augmentation ...
53739 2200' Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
53939 2200' Found the Trident of Wrath (LOST)
53954 2200' -- Note: Trident of Wrath ... nothing for a Mage
53954 2200' -- Note: even tho it has high damage roll 3d10 and high hit/dam bonus *sigh*
54271 2200' -- Note: potion of Strength, Str=18/82
55133 2200' Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
55366 2250' Killed Akhorahil the Blind
55572 2250' Killed Bert the Stone Troll
55639 2250' Killed Tom the Stone Troll
55712 2250' Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui (LOST)
55728 2250' -- Note: rNexus & rShards => Home
55813 2250' Killed Bill the Stone Troll
56266 2300' Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
56298 2300' -- Note: found Book #6 [Raal's Tome of Destruction]
57080 2300' Reached level 35
57081 2300' -- Note: 267 HPs, 263 SPs
57814 2350' Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
57958 2350' Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
58014 2350' -- Note: 150K XP till next level ... need to start power diving again
58014 2350' -- Note: better to fight hard uniques with Manastorm
59704 3000' -- Note: DL 60, the first Druj (big XP for Mages), they are stationary
59704 3000' -- Note: you have LoS with 2 spaces away and one left/right (chess Bishop)
60293 3000' -- Note: fighting 3.2K HPs unique with Meteor Storm, hit em, teleport away
60293 3000' -- Note: rest for Mana, repeat ...
60346 3000' Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath
60476 3000' Found the Arkenstone of Thráin
60477 3000' -- Note: Arkenstone, +3 Light, rDark & rLight, Maps complete level (+objects)
60858 3000' Reached level 36
60859 3000' -- Note: potion of Experience => +50K
60859 3000' -- Note: 275 HPs, 271 SPs
60897 3000' Found the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim'
60901 3000' -- Note: cool melee gloves (+5,+5) ... +1 light & FreeAction for Mages
61221 3000' -- Note: potion of Augmentation, Int=18/53, Con=18/76
61221 3000' -- Note: 284 HPs, 289 SPs
61532 3000' -- Note: potion of Strength, Str=18/91
62287 3000' -- Note: Acid Bolt is much better to collect consumeables than Meteor Swarm
62869 3150' Found the Ring of Barahir (LOST)
62922 3150' Found the Amulet of Carlammas (LOST)
63022 3150' -- Note: swap Amulet of Carlammas vs Evenstar, +3Con but keep Evenstar (XP)
63022 3150' -- Note: 338 HPs, 289 SPs
63022 3150' -- Note: *** SPOILER ***
63022 3150' -- Note: the Con boost is increasing, the last points are the importants ones
64409 3150' -- Note: potion of Intelligence, Int=18/68
66892 3150' Reached level 37
66893 3150' -- Note: 350 HPs, 297 SPs
66893 3150' -- Note: 1:00 am (7 hours)
67920 3250' -- Note: potion of Intelligence, Int=18/77
68504 3250' Found the Broad Sword 'Aranrúth' (LOST)
69476 3350' Found the Full Plate Armour of Isildur (LOST)
71024 3600' Reached level 38
71221 3600' -- Note: 361 HPs, 305 SPs
72396 3550' -- Note: 2x Potion of Intelligence, Int=18/86
72832 3550' -- Note: Potion of Intelligence, Int=18/93
72865 3550' -- Note: Potion of Intelligence, Int=18/100
73373 3550' Found the Pendant of Ingwë
73516 3550' -- Note: Potion of Constitution, Con=18/80
73632 3550' -- Note: switched Con+4 vs Int+3, 456 HPs, 305 SPs
74272 3550' -- Note: Potion of Augmentation, Str=18/100, Con=18/84
76037 3900' -- Note: swap Speed+11 vs Int+3
76076 3900' -- Note: Spped 27 with Haste Self, almost enough except for Final Fight
76076 3900' -- Note: 2:00 am (8 hours)
82592 4400' Reached level 39
82593 4400' -- Note: 484 HPs, 293 SPs
83906 4450' Found the Pair of Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion' (LOST)
84333 4550' -- Note: found Rod of Healing (+500 HP)
84411 4500' -- Note: now at DLs around 90, here i can find all i need now
85052 4550' -- Note: Potion of Augmentation, Con=18/87
85093 4550' -- Note: found Staff of the Magi (restores Mana to full)
85093 4550' -- Note: but you can only dare to recharge that staff with Greater Recharge
87433 4600' Reached level 40
87652 4600' -- Note: 496 HPs, 301 SPs
87832 4600' -- Note: Meteor Swarm got 4th Meteor, but 400K XP for next level
89468 4700' -- Note: 3:00 am (9 hours)
89668 4700' -- Note: start playing at 11:00 am
92625 4800' -- Note: Cloak of Aman gives rSound
92628 4800' -- Note: missing rShards & rDisen, have rNexus on boots to swap
93890 4800' Found the Short Sword 'Sting' (LOST)
93918 4800' Found the Lucerne Hammer 'Turmil' (LOST)
94255 4800' -- Note: found Hammer Turmil, no Int/Con boost but iCold, good to protect
94255 4800' -- Note: the most precious potions of RestoreMana & Healing for the FinalFight
94255 4800' -- Note: doh! potions got changed, they shatter on other elements now too
94255 4800' -- Note: away with that Hammer ...
99500 4850' -- Note: Potion of Constitution, Con=18/93
99557 4850' Reached level 41
99558 4850' -- Note: 531 HPs, 308 SPs, 386K XP till CL42
100226 4850' -- Note: good XP are Dreadlords (30K), Greater Qs (20K) and Drujs (20-30K)
104075 4800' -- Note: found Book #7 [Mordekainen Escapes]
104490 4750' -- Note: Gain: Door Creation, Create Stairs, Teleport Level, Word of Recal
104490 4750' -- Note: Gain: Rune of Protection
104490 4750' -- Note: all usefull, Teleport Level is the ultimate escape spell
108939 4750' Killed Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg
109781 4750' Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
110021 4750' Found the Steel Helm of Hammerhand (LOST)
110699 4750' Found the Necklace of the Dwarves
110702 4750' -- Note: wear Necklace of Dwarves (+3 Str/Con, +1Light, SeeInvis, Regen)
110768 4750' Found the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil
110771 4750' -- Note: Cap of Thranduil: +2Int, pBlind, ESP
110850 4750' Killed The Queen Ant
111177 4750' Found the Mithril Shield of Gil-galad (LOST)
111203 4750' Found the Scythe 'Avavir' (LOST)
111212 4750' Found the Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (LOST)
111551 4750' -- Note: found Book #9 [Kelek's Grimoire of Power] YES!
111558 4750' -- Note: Gain: Banishment, Mass Banishment
111558 4750' -- Note: Mass Banishment removes all non-unique monsters within range <=20
111558 4750' Reached level 42
111627 4750' -- Note: 543 HPs, 337 SPs
111818 4750' -- Note: Gain: ManaStorm ... the ultimate Mage attack Spell
111846 4750' -- Note: mana ball damage 384, but still 47% fail with Int 18/190 and CL42
111846 4750' -- Note: so Mages must grind till CL50 basically
112230 4750' Found the Iron Helm of Dor-Lómin (LOST)
112348 4750' Found the Mattock of Náin (LOST)
112807 4750' Killed Hoarmurath of Dir
113199 0' Killed Farmer Maggot
115123 4800' Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin
115527 4800' -- Note: 1:00 pm (11 hours)
115662 4800' -- Note: found Book #8 [Tenser's Transformations]
115664 4800' -- Note: Gain: Greater Recharge, good to recharge high-end staves
115688 4800' Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm (LOST)
116006 4800' Killed Waldern, King of Water
116311 4800' Killed Khamûl, the Black Easterling
117267 4800' Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
117987 4900' Killed Harowen the Black Hand
118167 4900' -- Note: Cloak of Magi to swap with Cloak of Aman
118572 4900' -- Note: max Str, Int & Con
119590 4900' Killed Saruman of Many Colours
120366 4900' Killed The Balrog of Moria
121044 4900' Reached level 43
121258 4900' -- Note: 600 HPs, 345 SPs
122157 4900' Killed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire
123793 4850' Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
124261 4850' Found the Band of Tulkas (LOST)
124409 4850' Found the Short Bow of Amrod
124447 4850' -- Note: Short Bow of Amrod +2Con => 686 HPs
124752 4850' Killed The Phoenix
125638 4850' Killed Smaug the Golden
126492 4850' Killed Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs
126492 4850' Reached level 44
126792 4850' -- Note: 705 HPs, 353 SPs
126990 4850' Killed Castamir the Usurper
127155 4850' Killed Arien, Maia of the Sun
127415 4850' Found the Iron Helm 'Holhenneth'
127566 4850' Found the Large Metal Shield of Anárion (LOST)
127746 4850' Found the Leather Shield of the Haradrim (LOST)
128346 4850' Killed Ren the Unclean
128458 4850' Found the Jewel Encrusted Crown of Númenor
128883 4800' Killed Ariel, Queen of Air
129106 4800' Found the Ring of Fire 'Narya'
129129 4800' -- Note: Ring Narya with iFire (protects spellbooks)
130292 4800' Killed Glaurung, Father of the Dragons
131721 4750' Killed Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar
132174 4750' Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden
132435 0' -- Note: 3:00 pm (13 hours)
135126 4750' Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
135126 4750' Reached level 45
135379 4750' Found the Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (LOST)
135592 4750' -- Note: 564 HPs, 361 SPs
135596 4750' Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings
136662 4750' Killed Radagast the Brown
137082 4850' Killed The Cat Lord
137610 4850' Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
138049 4850' Found the Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim (LOST)
139580 4850' Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air
139878 4850' Found the Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (LOST)
140058 4850' Killed Ancalagon the Black
140118 4850' Found the Main Gauche of Azaghâl (LOST)
140342 4850' Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
140342 4850' Reached level 46
140489 4850' -- Note: 575 HPs, 369 SPs
140672 4850' Found the Mithril Plate Mail of Celeborn (LOST)
140678 4850' Found the Heavy Crossbow of Umbar (LOST)
140818 4850' Killed Atlas, the Titan
141155 4850' Killed Scatha the Worm
141293 4850' Found the Long Bow 'Belthronding'
141328 4850' Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Camlost' (LOST)
141502 4850' Found the Whip of Gothmog (LOST)
141615 4850' Found the Elfstone 'Elessar'
141940 0' -- Note: all resistances except Nexus which i got boots to swap for
141940 0' -- Note: 529 HPs and 369 SPs, thats basically 100 HPS too few
143324 4800' Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf
143614 4800' Killed The Lernaean Hydra
143827 4800' Found the Mithril Chain Mail 'Belegennon' (LOST)
143869 4800' Found the Iron Crown of Berúthiel (LOST)
144202 4800' Found the Lochaber Axe 'Mundwine' (LOST)
144247 4800' -- Note: Dex maxxed out at 18/100
144413 4800' Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir
147858 4800' Killed The Tarrasque
148722 4800' Killed The Witch-King of Angmar
150674 4750' Killed Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer
150674 4750' Reached level 47
150738 4750' Found the Ring of Adamant 'Nenya'
150753 4750' -- Note: 566 HPs, 377 SPs
153010 4800' Killed Ossë, Herald of Ulmo
153213 4800' Killed Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
154318 4850' Killed Fundin Bluecloak
154569 4850' Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' (LOST)
157334 4900' Killed The Mouth of Sauron
157510 4900' Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai
157893 4900' Killed Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops
158387 4900' Killed Omarax, the Eye Tyrant
159423 4850' Found the Light Crossbow 'Cubragol'
159520 4850' -- Note: Cubragol ... the best shooter not used as shooter, +10 Speed
161182 0' -- Note: 5:00 pm (15 hours)
161711 4850' Killed Medusa, the Gorgon
163545 4850' Killed Kronos, Lord of the Titans
165821 4850' Killed Vecna, the Emperor Lich
168025 4850' Killed Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord
168311 4850' Found the Beaked Axe of Théoden (LOST)
168550 4850' Found the Long Bow of Bard (LOST)
168749 4850' Killed Quaker, Master of Earth
169050 4850' Reached level 48
169435 4900' -- Note: 604 HPs, 385 SPs
169750 4850' Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord
170017 4850' Found the Cloak 'Holcolleth'
172117 4850' Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
173403 4800' Found the Katana 'Aglarang' (LOST)
173828 4800' Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
174007 4850' -- Note: 95 uniques killed and still need around 1 Million XP to CL50
174007 4850' -- Note: 6:00 pm (16 hours)
177089 4950' Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer
177919 0' -- Note: 26 healings, 20 restore mana potions ... plus Rods & Staves ...
177919 0' -- Note: i will go for Morgoth ... just making a security backup from save
183397 5000' Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
183480 5000' -- Note: 11 healings, 11 Restore Mana left
183480 5000' -- Note: 6:35 pm
183480 5000' -- Note: total playing time: 16 hours, 35 minutes
The Mages Guide to Power ...
[Player history]
Turn Depth Note
0 0' Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
0 0' -- Note: 6:00 pm
0 0' -- Note: Gnome Mage, Str=12 Int=18 Con=16
0 0' -- Note: birth options: selling enabled, starting gear disabled
168 50' -- Note: starting EQ: Book #1, #2 & #3 - 2xFood - 2xOil - 3xTorch
208 50' -- Note: 8 HPs, 3 SPs
208 50' -- Note: Gain: Magic Missle, the main attack spell for the first levels
208 50' -- Note: Gain: Detect Monsters, one of the two major detection spells
208 50' -- Note: down to DL 1, we collect potions and scroll, quaff potions for ID
208 50' -- Note: don't use scrolls yet because it could be deep descent
532 50' Reached level 2
929 50' -- Note: 13 HPs, 5 SPs
929 50' -- Note: Gain: Phase Door, short range teleport
929 50' -- Note: good to avoid melee combat in room, but stay in spell distance
1066 100' Reached level 3
1190 100' -- Note: 17 HPs, 7 SPs ... enough to kill Fang & Grip if we are at full SPs
1191 100' -- Note: Gain: Find Traps, Doors & Stairs, 2nd major detection spells
1192 100' -- Note: Gain: Light Area, good to light up rooms & crossroads
1672 100' Reached level 4
1809 100' -- Note: Gain: Stinking Cloud, weak ball spell
1809 100' -- Note: good to lure monsters right behind corners into a stright sight
1850 50' -- Note: staying at low dungeon level (DL) to make some quick money
1850 50' -- Note: quaff potions you find to ID them
1850 50' -- Note: collect scrolls, don't use them - could be Deep Descent Scroll
3223 100' Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
3223 100' Reached level 5
3342 150' -- Note: 33 HPs, 11 SPs
3344 150' -- Note: Gain: Cure Poison, sometimes needed to stop Poison
3412 150' -- Note: Gain: Disable Traps & Destroy Doors, seldomly used to prevent traps
3412 150' Reached level 6
3494 150' -- Note: 37 HPs, 13 SPs
3810 150' Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog
4244 0' -- Note: back to town, sell first loot and buy >= 3x scroll of recal
4287 0' -- Note: recal scrolls can burn up, so you should have more than one at least
4287 0' -- Note: we are ready to start power diving now
4287 0' -- Note: staris down, detect monsters, detect stairs
4287 0' -- Note: if stairs down are close and no dangerous monsters around go down
5054 200' Reached level 7
5063 150' -- Note: 42 HPs, 15 SPs
5127 150' -- Note: Gain: Frost Bolt, new main attack spell
5127 150' -- Note: shatters Frogs (R), Nagas (n) and Snakes (J)
5127 150' -- Note: Gain: Teleport Self, long range teleport spell
5127 150' -- Note: better teleporting away than dying -> but it can bring you into
5127 150' -- Note: trouble, if the level is full of nasty monsters
5675 350' Reached level 8
5757 300' -- Note: 48 HPs, 17 SPs
5758 300' -- Note: Gain: Spear of Light: good to light up attack spell corridors
6242 300' -- Note: found Lantern => light radius 2
6619 450' -- Note: 6:30 pm
6805 450' -- Note: detected first uniques, flee level, not strong enough to fight those
7093 450' Reached level 9
7257 450' -- Note: if you rest up for new mana (almost after each fight)
7257 450' -- Note: make sure you do so on a stair, so that you have an escape if needed
7257 450' -- Note: Keymaps:
7257 450' -- Note: F1 = Magic Missile
7257 450' -- Note: F2 = Frost Bolt
7257 450' -- Note: F3 = Fire Bolt
7257 450' -- Note: F4 = Acid Bolt
7257 450' -- Note: F5 = Detect Stairs
7257 450' -- Note: F6 = Detect Monsters
7257 450' -- Note: F7 = Identify
7257 450' -- Note: F8 = Haste Self
7257 450' -- Note: F9 = Rest till full mana
7359 450' -- Note: Gain: Satisfy Hunger, feeds you during power diving
7475 450' -- Note: Gain: Turn Stone to Mud, good to dig corridors
7475 450' -- Note: starights ones for attack spells, zig-zag ones for anti-summoning
7534 450' Reached level 10
7654 450' -- Note: 64 HPs, 21 SPs
7655 450' -- Note: Gain: Fire Bolt, good vs undead
8172 650' Reached level 10
8278 650' -- Note: a pack of Wolves ... good XP
8478 650' Reached level 11
8537 650' -- Note: 69 HPs, 23 SPs
8537 650' -- Note: Gain: Identify ... check out picked up items
8769 650' -- Note: Gain: Hold Monster, seldmoly used to pin down monsters while fleeing
9167 650' Reached level 12
9247 650' -- Note: 72 HPs, 25 SPs
9318 750' -- Note: DL15, don't quaff un IDed potions from now on
9318 750' -- Note: could be a stat change potion which lowers Int
9817 950' Reached level 13
9929 950' -- Note: 75 HPs, 27 SPs
10050 950' Reached level 14
10100 950' -- Note: 80 HPs, 29 SPs
10471 950' Reached level 15
10543 950' -- Note: 86 HPs, 31 SPs
10544 950' -- Note: Gain: Reveal Monsters: main monster detection spell when SP > 65
10544 950' -- Note: Gain: Acid Bolt, main attack spell from around CL 25 on
10848 950' -- Note: by the way: using UI options old target by default = enabled
10848 950' -- Note: that way i can shoot my spells always at same target
11050 1000' -- Note: DL20 ... now we need SeeInvis & FreeAction
11050 1000' -- Note: Gnomes got FreeAction by Race, SeeInvis ring in Black Market costs 1K
11050 1000' -- Note: other sources: Lantern of True Sight (end game gear), or ego weapons
11067 1000' -- Note: vortexes are good XP on this CL
11196 1000' -- Note: first emergency recal after hitting leaving stairs - bah!
11585 0' -- Note: stocking up to 9x recal scrolls
11585 0' -- Note: recaling from town into dungeon is always risky because you are away
11585 0' -- Note: from the stairs ...
11826 1050' Reached level 16
11842 1050' -- Note: 94 HPs, 33 SPs
12293 1050' -- Note: if you try staves or scrolls, always on stairs ... could be summon
12293 1050' -- Note: better sell them in town, why taking a risk if you don't need to?
12909 1100' Reached level 17
12963 1100' -- Note: 95 HPs, 35 SPs
13037 1150' -- Note: guess i take the risk and continue to dive down
13037 1150' -- Note: the deeper the DL is, the better are the drops
13065 1150' -- Note: at start of level cast reveal monsters now ... to avoid Invis monster
13567 1200' Reached level 18
13568 1200' -- Note: 97 HPs, 37 SPs
14519 1350' -- Note: we try to reach DL~35 then the first young dragons show up
14898 1450' Reached level 19
14921 1450' -- Note: 102 HPs, 39 SPs
15473 1450' Reached level 20
15510 1450' -- Note: 106 HPs, 41 SPs
16601 1550' -- Note: 7:15 pm
16724 1500' Reached level 21
16773 1500' -- Note: 111 HPs, 43 SPs
17773 0' -- Note: out of cure light wounds potions (CLW), they cure also blindness
17773 0' -- Note: recal to town ... 3K gold available
17847 0' -- Note: bought Book #4
17888 0' -- Note: if you didn't used teleport self in the dungeon yet, now it's time
17888 0' -- Note: to cast it in town to see fail %
18355 1550' Reached level 22
18376 1550' -- Note: 118 HPs, 45 SPs
18572 1550' -- Note: quaffed an un IDed potion (because i had 3 of them) +Str => great
19650 1600' Reached level 23
19665 1600' -- Note: 126 HPs, 47 SPs
19669 1600' -- Note: Gain: Teleport Other, very usefull to teleport strong monsters away
20458 1600' Reached level 23
21288 1700' -- Note: a few times critical situations because i don't SeeInvis yet ...
21353 1700' -- Note: maybe i try weak uniques for a good drop now
22980 1750' Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
23532 1750' -- Note: found staff of Teleportation, can be used if blind and confused!
23808 1750' Reached level 24
23909 1750' -- Note: 133 HPs, 49 SPs
24593 1800' Reached level 25
24594 1800' -- Note: 137 HPs, 51 SPs
24948 1800' -- Note: Gain: Haste Self, super powerfull ... speed rules
25411 1800' -- Note: have an Invis Q for 5K XP on this level ... maybe i can geek it
26140 1800' Reached level 26
26204 1800' -- Note: 144 HPs, 53 SPs
26509 1850' -- Note: 10K XP till next character level (CL) now, i need SeeInvis to dive...
26773 1850' -- Note: can start to take on mature dragons now ... resistance would be nice
27108 0' -- Note: found potion of Toughness => into home, quaff it after Int raised
30197 1900' -- Note: finally an ego weapon with SeeInvis
30349 1900' Reached level 27
30644 0' -- Note: potion of Intellect boosted Int to 18/33 => 82 SPs
30658 0' -- Note: switching to Reveal Monsters and Acid Bold as main attack
30741 0' -- Note: potion of Toughness => Con=17, 156 HPs
30760 0' -- Note: 8:30 pm (2 hours, 30 minutes)
32399 1950' -- Note: mumaks are nice XP too (2.7K)
33382 1950' Killed Brodda, the Easterling
34337 2000' -- Note: found Ring Int+3 => 122 SPs
34337 2000' -- Note: INT 18/110 => 2% fail rate on spells
34366 2000' Reached level 28
34501 2000' -- Note: 164 HPs, 127 SPs
34501 2000' -- Note: have armor of resistance besides SeeInvis now
34502 2000' -- Note: Vrocks are almost 3K XP
35505 2000' Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
35515 2000' Found the Hard Leather Armour of Himring
35517 2000' Found the Jewel 'Evenstar'
35666 2050' -- Note: Himring's armor give rPois, rNether & rChaos ...
35666 2050' -- Note: now i need a shield of resistance to swap armors
35666 2050' -- Note: Jewel restores XP and has hold life, better than what i got right now
35957 2000' Reached level 29
35963 2000' -- Note: 165 HPs, 131 SPs
36652 2050' Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
36660 2050' -- Note: found Book #5 [Resistances]
36759 2050' -- Note: Gain: Resistance ... gives 1/3 with body armor 1/9 to major elements
36873 2000' Reached level 30
36874 2000' -- Note: 171 HPs, 136 SPs
37673 2000' Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
37937 0' -- Note: 9:00 pm (3 hours)
37970 0' -- Note: potion of Intelligence => Int 18/50, SPs 166
37985 0' -- Note: still 2% fail, but teleport other and Haste Self are casteable now
37985 0' -- Note: teleport other with 9% fail, Haste Self with 20%
38175 2000' -- Note: potion of Toughness => Con=18, 179 HPs
38362 2000' Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
38847 2000' Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
38933 2000' Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
39256 2000' Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
39320 2000' -- Note: potion of Strength => Str=16
40024 2000' -- Note: potion of Intelligence: Int=18/60 (18/140 modified) still 2% fail
40464 2000' Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
40467 2000' Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue
40532 2000' -- Note: what message do i deliver? anyway i will use the boots

41049 2050' Reached level 31
41132 2050' -- Note: 183 HPs, 218 SPs
41288 2050' Found the Bastard Sword 'Calris' (LOST)
41304 2050' Found the Quarterstaff 'Eriril'
41341 2050' -- Note: Quarterstaff has +4Int +1Light SeeInvis, swapping to this weaopn
41341 2050' -- Note: Int=18/200 modified, 0% fail, TO & Haste Self complete ready
41442 2050' -- Note: too heavy yet ... swapping back to Spear
41725 2050' Killed Uldor the Accursed
42041 2050' Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
42652 2100' Found the Metal Cap of Thengel (LOST)
42654 2100' -- Note: got a Metal Cap of Telepathy (=ESP), using that
42706 2100' -- Note: 10:00 pm (4 hours)
42706 2100' -- Note: got Rods of Probing, Magic Mapping and Treasure Detection
42706 2100' -- Note: usefull support spells
42876 0' -- Note: sold potion of Augmentation *sigh* => the good thing, now its IDed
43071 2100' -- Note: found Ring Int+3, boosts Int to 18/190 => 249 SPs, 1% fail
43169 2100' -- Note: potion of Augmentation *cheer*, since Con>18 i can quaff Brawns
43204 2100' -- Note: Con=18/39, Int=18/73 => 214 HPs, 249 SPs
43360 2100' -- Note: swooping through Vrocks quite easily currently
43360 2100' -- Note: good to collect consumeables, because of high kill speed
43360 2100' -- Note: will stay a little longer on the DL around 40
43719 2150' Killed Uvatha the Horseman
43810 2150' Found the Phial of Galadriel (LOST)
44119 2100' Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
44219 2100' Found the Star of Elendil (LOST)
44223 2100' -- Note: wearing Elven Cloak +1 stealth / speed
44224 2100' -- Note: Star of Elendil, radius=3 light, SeeInvis and Activate for Mapping
44557 2150' Reached level 32
44558 2150' -- Note: 222 HPs, 257 SPs
44660 2150' Killed Lagduf, the Snaga
44667 2150' Found the Flail 'Totila'
44770 2150' -- Note: Flail Totila, +2 Speed/Spealth & pCOnf
44879 2150' Killed Sméagol
45093 2150' Killed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
45263 2150' -- Note: potion of Brawn, Str=18
45357 2150' Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
45677 2100' Killed Draebor, the Imp
45892 2100' -- Note: found Wicker Shield of Resistance, now spapping to Himring Armor
46781 2150' -- Note: 2x Potion of Strength => 18/53
46785 2150' -- Note: found Lantern of True Sight, better than Star because of pBlind
47356 2100' Reached level 33
47565 2100' -- Note: Str=18/60
47672 2100' -- Note: 226 HPs, 265 SPs
48150 2150' Found the Rapier 'Forasgil' (LOST)
48703 2150' Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
49159 2200' Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
49294 2200' -- Note: potion of Toughness, Con=18/51, Str=18/50
49790 2200' Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
50077 2200' -- Note: potion of Toughness, Con=18/60, Int=18/63
50382 2200' Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
50403 2200' Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
51135 2250' -- Note: 11:00 pm (5 hours)
51188 2250' Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
51323 2250' Killed Ulfang the Black
51658 2250' -- Note: potion of Toughness, Con=18/67, Int=18/53
52312 2200' Killed Adunaphel the Quiet
52312 2200' Reached level 34
52470 2200' Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' (LOST)
52473 2200' -- Note: 258 HPs, 273 Sps
52861 2200' Killed Nár, the Dwarf
53166 0' -- Note: potion of Brawn, Str=18/73, Int=18/43
53176 0' -- Note: ok, from now on only Int + Con potions or Augmentation ...
53739 2200' Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
53939 2200' Found the Trident of Wrath (LOST)
53954 2200' -- Note: Trident of Wrath ... nothing for a Mage

53954 2200' -- Note: even tho it has high damage roll 3d10 and high hit/dam bonus *sigh*
54271 2200' -- Note: potion of Strength, Str=18/82
55133 2200' Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
55366 2250' Killed Akhorahil the Blind
55572 2250' Killed Bert the Stone Troll
55639 2250' Killed Tom the Stone Troll
55712 2250' Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui (LOST)
55728 2250' -- Note: rNexus & rShards => Home
55813 2250' Killed Bill the Stone Troll
56266 2300' Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
56298 2300' -- Note: found Book #6 [Raal's Tome of Destruction]
57080 2300' Reached level 35
57081 2300' -- Note: 267 HPs, 263 SPs
57814 2350' Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
57958 2350' Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
58014 2350' -- Note: 150K XP till next level ... need to start power diving again
58014 2350' -- Note: better to fight hard uniques with Manastorm
59704 3000' -- Note: DL 60, the first Druj (big XP for Mages), they are stationary
59704 3000' -- Note: you have LoS with 2 spaces away and one left/right (chess Bishop)
60293 3000' -- Note: fighting 3.2K HPs unique with Meteor Storm, hit em, teleport away
60293 3000' -- Note: rest for Mana, repeat ...
60346 3000' Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath
60476 3000' Found the Arkenstone of Thráin
60477 3000' -- Note: Arkenstone, +3 Light, rDark & rLight, Maps complete level (+objects)
60858 3000' Reached level 36
60859 3000' -- Note: potion of Experience => +50K
60859 3000' -- Note: 275 HPs, 271 SPs
60897 3000' Found the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim'
60901 3000' -- Note: cool melee gloves (+5,+5) ... +1 light & FreeAction for Mages
61221 3000' -- Note: potion of Augmentation, Int=18/53, Con=18/76
61221 3000' -- Note: 284 HPs, 289 SPs
61532 3000' -- Note: potion of Strength, Str=18/91
62287 3000' -- Note: Acid Bolt is much better to collect consumeables than Meteor Swarm
62869 3150' Found the Ring of Barahir (LOST)
62922 3150' Found the Amulet of Carlammas (LOST)
63022 3150' -- Note: swap Amulet of Carlammas vs Evenstar, +3Con but keep Evenstar (XP)
63022 3150' -- Note: 338 HPs, 289 SPs
63022 3150' -- Note: *** SPOILER ***
63022 3150' -- Note: the Con boost is increasing, the last points are the importants ones
64409 3150' -- Note: potion of Intelligence, Int=18/68
66892 3150' Reached level 37
66893 3150' -- Note: 350 HPs, 297 SPs
66893 3150' -- Note: 1:00 am (7 hours)
67920 3250' -- Note: potion of Intelligence, Int=18/77
68504 3250' Found the Broad Sword 'Aranrúth' (LOST)
69476 3350' Found the Full Plate Armour of Isildur (LOST)
71024 3600' Reached level 38
71221 3600' -- Note: 361 HPs, 305 SPs
72396 3550' -- Note: 2x Potion of Intelligence, Int=18/86
72832 3550' -- Note: Potion of Intelligence, Int=18/93
72865 3550' -- Note: Potion of Intelligence, Int=18/100
73373 3550' Found the Pendant of Ingwë
73516 3550' -- Note: Potion of Constitution, Con=18/80
73632 3550' -- Note: switched Con+4 vs Int+3, 456 HPs, 305 SPs
74272 3550' -- Note: Potion of Augmentation, Str=18/100, Con=18/84
76037 3900' -- Note: swap Speed+11 vs Int+3
76076 3900' -- Note: Spped 27 with Haste Self, almost enough except for Final Fight
76076 3900' -- Note: 2:00 am (8 hours)
82592 4400' Reached level 39
82593 4400' -- Note: 484 HPs, 293 SPs
83906 4450' Found the Pair of Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion' (LOST)
84333 4550' -- Note: found Rod of Healing (+500 HP)
84411 4500' -- Note: now at DLs around 90, here i can find all i need now
85052 4550' -- Note: Potion of Augmentation, Con=18/87
85093 4550' -- Note: found Staff of the Magi (restores Mana to full)
85093 4550' -- Note: but you can only dare to recharge that staff with Greater Recharge
87433 4600' Reached level 40
87652 4600' -- Note: 496 HPs, 301 SPs
87832 4600' -- Note: Meteor Swarm got 4th Meteor, but 400K XP for next level
89468 4700' -- Note: 3:00 am (9 hours)
89668 4700' -- Note: start playing at 11:00 am
92625 4800' -- Note: Cloak of Aman gives rSound
92628 4800' -- Note: missing rShards & rDisen, have rNexus on boots to swap
93890 4800' Found the Short Sword 'Sting' (LOST)
93918 4800' Found the Lucerne Hammer 'Turmil' (LOST)
94255 4800' -- Note: found Hammer Turmil, no Int/Con boost but iCold, good to protect
94255 4800' -- Note: the most precious potions of RestoreMana & Healing for the FinalFight
94255 4800' -- Note: doh! potions got changed, they shatter on other elements now too

94255 4800' -- Note: away with that Hammer ...
99500 4850' -- Note: Potion of Constitution, Con=18/93
99557 4850' Reached level 41
99558 4850' -- Note: 531 HPs, 308 SPs, 386K XP till CL42
100226 4850' -- Note: good XP are Dreadlords (30K), Greater Qs (20K) and Drujs (20-30K)
104075 4800' -- Note: found Book #7 [Mordekainen Escapes]
104490 4750' -- Note: Gain: Door Creation, Create Stairs, Teleport Level, Word of Recal
104490 4750' -- Note: Gain: Rune of Protection
104490 4750' -- Note: all usefull, Teleport Level is the ultimate escape spell
108939 4750' Killed Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg
109781 4750' Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
110021 4750' Found the Steel Helm of Hammerhand (LOST)
110699 4750' Found the Necklace of the Dwarves
110702 4750' -- Note: wear Necklace of Dwarves (+3 Str/Con, +1Light, SeeInvis, Regen)
110768 4750' Found the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil
110771 4750' -- Note: Cap of Thranduil: +2Int, pBlind, ESP
110850 4750' Killed The Queen Ant
111177 4750' Found the Mithril Shield of Gil-galad (LOST)
111203 4750' Found the Scythe 'Avavir' (LOST)
111212 4750' Found the Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (LOST)
111551 4750' -- Note: found Book #9 [Kelek's Grimoire of Power] YES!
111558 4750' -- Note: Gain: Banishment, Mass Banishment
111558 4750' -- Note: Mass Banishment removes all non-unique monsters within range <=20
111558 4750' Reached level 42
111627 4750' -- Note: 543 HPs, 337 SPs
111818 4750' -- Note: Gain: ManaStorm ... the ultimate Mage attack Spell
111846 4750' -- Note: mana ball damage 384, but still 47% fail with Int 18/190 and CL42
111846 4750' -- Note: so Mages must grind till CL50 basically
112230 4750' Found the Iron Helm of Dor-Lómin (LOST)
112348 4750' Found the Mattock of Náin (LOST)
112807 4750' Killed Hoarmurath of Dir
113199 0' Killed Farmer Maggot
115123 4800' Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin
115527 4800' -- Note: 1:00 pm (11 hours)
115662 4800' -- Note: found Book #8 [Tenser's Transformations]
115664 4800' -- Note: Gain: Greater Recharge, good to recharge high-end staves
115688 4800' Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm (LOST)
116006 4800' Killed Waldern, King of Water
116311 4800' Killed Khamûl, the Black Easterling
117267 4800' Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
117987 4900' Killed Harowen the Black Hand
118167 4900' -- Note: Cloak of Magi to swap with Cloak of Aman
118572 4900' -- Note: max Str, Int & Con
119590 4900' Killed Saruman of Many Colours
120366 4900' Killed The Balrog of Moria
121044 4900' Reached level 43
121258 4900' -- Note: 600 HPs, 345 SPs
122157 4900' Killed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire
123793 4850' Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
124261 4850' Found the Band of Tulkas (LOST)
124409 4850' Found the Short Bow of Amrod
124447 4850' -- Note: Short Bow of Amrod +2Con => 686 HPs
124752 4850' Killed The Phoenix
125638 4850' Killed Smaug the Golden
126492 4850' Killed Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs
126492 4850' Reached level 44
126792 4850' -- Note: 705 HPs, 353 SPs
126990 4850' Killed Castamir the Usurper
127155 4850' Killed Arien, Maia of the Sun
127415 4850' Found the Iron Helm 'Holhenneth'
127566 4850' Found the Large Metal Shield of Anárion (LOST)
127746 4850' Found the Leather Shield of the Haradrim (LOST)
128346 4850' Killed Ren the Unclean
128458 4850' Found the Jewel Encrusted Crown of Númenor
128883 4800' Killed Ariel, Queen of Air
129106 4800' Found the Ring of Fire 'Narya'
129129 4800' -- Note: Ring Narya with iFire (protects spellbooks)
130292 4800' Killed Glaurung, Father of the Dragons
131721 4750' Killed Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar
132174 4750' Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden
132435 0' -- Note: 3:00 pm (13 hours)
135126 4750' Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
135126 4750' Reached level 45
135379 4750' Found the Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (LOST)
135592 4750' -- Note: 564 HPs, 361 SPs
135596 4750' Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings
136662 4750' Killed Radagast the Brown
137082 4850' Killed The Cat Lord
137610 4850' Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
138049 4850' Found the Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim (LOST)
139580 4850' Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air
139878 4850' Found the Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (LOST)
140058 4850' Killed Ancalagon the Black
140118 4850' Found the Main Gauche of Azaghâl (LOST)
140342 4850' Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
140342 4850' Reached level 46
140489 4850' -- Note: 575 HPs, 369 SPs
140672 4850' Found the Mithril Plate Mail of Celeborn (LOST)
140678 4850' Found the Heavy Crossbow of Umbar (LOST)
140818 4850' Killed Atlas, the Titan
141155 4850' Killed Scatha the Worm
141293 4850' Found the Long Bow 'Belthronding'
141328 4850' Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Camlost' (LOST)
141502 4850' Found the Whip of Gothmog (LOST)
141615 4850' Found the Elfstone 'Elessar'
141940 0' -- Note: all resistances except Nexus which i got boots to swap for
141940 0' -- Note: 529 HPs and 369 SPs, thats basically 100 HPS too few
143324 4800' Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf
143614 4800' Killed The Lernaean Hydra
143827 4800' Found the Mithril Chain Mail 'Belegennon' (LOST)
143869 4800' Found the Iron Crown of Berúthiel (LOST)
144202 4800' Found the Lochaber Axe 'Mundwine' (LOST)
144247 4800' -- Note: Dex maxxed out at 18/100
144413 4800' Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir
147858 4800' Killed The Tarrasque
148722 4800' Killed The Witch-King of Angmar
150674 4750' Killed Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer
150674 4750' Reached level 47
150738 4750' Found the Ring of Adamant 'Nenya'
150753 4750' -- Note: 566 HPs, 377 SPs
153010 4800' Killed Ossë, Herald of Ulmo
153213 4800' Killed Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
154318 4850' Killed Fundin Bluecloak
154569 4850' Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' (LOST)
157334 4900' Killed The Mouth of Sauron
157510 4900' Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai
157893 4900' Killed Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops
158387 4900' Killed Omarax, the Eye Tyrant
159423 4850' Found the Light Crossbow 'Cubragol'
159520 4850' -- Note: Cubragol ... the best shooter not used as shooter, +10 Speed
161182 0' -- Note: 5:00 pm (15 hours)
161711 4850' Killed Medusa, the Gorgon
163545 4850' Killed Kronos, Lord of the Titans
165821 4850' Killed Vecna, the Emperor Lich
168025 4850' Killed Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord
168311 4850' Found the Beaked Axe of Théoden (LOST)
168550 4850' Found the Long Bow of Bard (LOST)
168749 4850' Killed Quaker, Master of Earth
169050 4850' Reached level 48
169435 4900' -- Note: 604 HPs, 385 SPs
169750 4850' Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord
170017 4850' Found the Cloak 'Holcolleth'
172117 4850' Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
173403 4800' Found the Katana 'Aglarang' (LOST)
173828 4800' Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
174007 4850' -- Note: 95 uniques killed and still need around 1 Million XP to CL50
174007 4850' -- Note: 6:00 pm (16 hours)
177089 4950' Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer
177919 0' -- Note: 26 healings, 20 restore mana potions ... plus Rods & Staves ...
177919 0' -- Note: i will go for Morgoth ... just making a security backup from save

183397 5000' Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
183480 5000' -- Note: 11 healings, 11 Restore Mana left
183480 5000' -- Note: 6:35 pm
183480 5000' -- Note: total playing time: 16 hours, 35 minutes