a master rogue just dropped a Kelek's on DL31.. am i about to die?
i'm about to die
i'm about to die again
Mace of *Slay Troll* (2d4) (+6,+5) <+2>
grants telepathy. found lying on the floor (level 5)
The Band Of Bradan
+6 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom
+6 Dexterity
+5 Constitution
+1 Light
Resist Acid, Fire, Cold, Light, Poison, Dark, Chaos. FA, slow metabolism, seeInv, pFear, sSTR.
Dropped by a master rogue (level 22)"i can take this dracolich"Comment
Nice swap weapon. ESP actually means you're less likely to die, though I do understand your point. Advantage like that means down Periscope and Dive! Dive! Dive! (Who needs a Periscope when you've got perfect sonar?)
Once you get magic mapping (and the detect monsters spell) there's not much to stop you before DL 30.Comment
Drolem deaths are *really rare* if you have detect monsters. They are fairly rare, and it's likely that you will have at least temporary Poison resistance before you seen your first drolem. One thing you can do is to change preferences and turn them into a magenta 'g' instead of dark green. Hot pink is a lot more noticeable.Comment
Yeah detect monsters is more critical before you get ESP, but it's pretty darn important after, too. There are certain monsters I just don't want to wake up, and the way to do that is to avoid even getting to ESP range. I also like to know about Nexus and the higher Qs, and of course Drolems.Comment