It must be the slowest ever game anyone has played. I started ages ago (last year). I've played several times before (years and years ago) and wanted to try again. I've never made it to the end game. How do I look so far? Here's my char dump. Any tips are welcome. I will post adventures as the come. I wish I'd done fast diving though, as described in another thread. That will be my next attempt (fast diving, with mage or ranger?)
Slow going
It must be the slowest ever game anyone has played. I started ages ago (last year). I've played several times before (years and years ago) and wanted to try again. I've never made it to the end game. How do I look so far? Here's my char dump. Any tips are welcome. I will post adventures as the come. I wish I'd done fast diving though, as described in another thread. That will be my next attempt (fast diving, with mage or ranger?)
* Get down to 1600'+. At CL 32 you have absolutely no reason to be hanging around at 1300' where stat potions are few and far between.
* Ring of protection is worthless. Swap in See Invisible, Damage, or Accuracy.
* Ring of Intelligence is not much better. It does very little for you, especially wearing Paurhach.
* Optionally, get rid of Paurhach. Regeneration is nice, but probably not at the cost of 25% of your mana. (Rangers should wear gloves with free action or +dex if possible. Otherwise, gloves of Slaying and Power are probably the only ones worth taking the mana penalty.)
* Cut your inventory.
Sell all your rods. The ones you are keeping are junk.
Don't carry so many ?Recall. Carry 5 or 6; leave the rest at home.
Same with ?Phase door. You can use the spell, mostly.
15-20 CCW is probably enough
* Carry a Staff of Teleportation since you don't have RBlind. -
OK, look better now?
I'm so paranoid. Getting more stat potions and don't seem to be having too much trouble. Tried to take on Lokkak at 1550' and got my butt royally kicked. I would get him down about 1/3 and then have to phase away, he regen'd so fast that I had no chance, I finally had to teleport him away. On the same level was Ulwarth, he wasn't a problem so it made me feel better. After clearing the area, I noticed a Mature Black Dragon had popped at the far end of the map, I didn't try it. I also mistakenly thought that my first Bodak was a unique. I read the monster spoiler (I'm a rookie and I want to get to my first end game) and missed that there was no "U" and saw it used fire, I had just found the cold balls wand so I went mental with that, and killed it in three shots. I thought, you dummy, that's a normal monster. Like I said, I'm paranoid.
I found boots of speed, but can't take off the Free Action ones without an alternative. And, excuse the mess in my house...I'm goofing around with weird stuff when I get bored. So, here I max stats and look for imm blind, res poison, and so on?
ShadeAttached FilesComment
Oh, and about the gloves. I haven't found anything with dex, free action, slaying or power yet. I miss the +14 armor at this point, so I still wear the Paurhauch. My inventory is too full as well, I just cannot get myself to leave stuff out, it's terrible. I'm trying though....Comment
Yes, I was being silly. I realized that I actually had some redundant res's. I've now swapped the boots for speed. I got a Corundum ring of Acid which I was tempted to wear (possibly replacing the accuracy ring) however, I thought better of it. I've saved it though, there's something about the additional acid res that is attractive. I'm down to 1700' now, but I really would like poison res and imm blind before going farther
You know it's really weird, I played this game back in the early ninties, but since the advent of the internet I've been busy with other games. Now, I really miss the ability to trade. But, you feel totally self-sufficient in Angband, there's no one who's going to save your butt except yourself. It is a much more intense experience. You really connect to that character, in a way you cannot in online games where you can trade, and you ressurect after a death.
Sorry...that was a little OT. Back to slow going.Comment
A couple of close calls later, Sushi finally killed Lokkak without problem. Sushi nearly got killed while walking casually into a room with only two monsters in it, and without exactly seeing what it was it summoned, and she ended up being swarmed by various hounds and whatnot. Several desperate phase scrolls and a teleport self got her out just in the nick of time (well, she had 88 HPs left). She's finally getting there with her set, having found a nicer Long Bow of extra Shots and on the last run Gloves of Power. The Amulet is a bit of a wasted spot still, haven't found anything that works well with this set. RPoison, RFear, RBlind, RChaos and R Nethr are still missing which she needs desperately. Sushi also got the Dagger of Rilia which does provide RPoison and RDisenchant, however she'd miss the imm para and see invis that the Westernesse sabre provides.Attached FilesComment
Sorry, Sushi forgot to wield her sabre for that last char dump. Here it is corrected wearin sabre.Attached FilesComment
There's little point in wearing a Wisdom amulet unless you are a Priest/Paladin.
Personally I would not wear the gloves of Power as I'd rather have more mana for casting Haste and Resistance spells but it's up to you. You can sell the *thanc daggers, but hang on to Rilia for now, and try enchanting it up if you do wield it. It offers resistances which can be hard to find so it's a decent weapon for characters who don't melee everything. Obviously you'll need to find another source of SI and FA before you can use it.Comment
I did actually replace the amulet, I found an amulet of regeneration which helps a lot after she gave up the 'Paurhach' for the 'Power'. Sushi fails fairly often on identify and on resistance. Actually, she hardly ever gets resistance up going into fights as I only cast it once, and if she fails, then I let it go rather than use up all the mana. I do a lot of melee with her too, since she has 5/turn now with melee (+39/+32), but her armour is low at the moment, [35, +56] (she has had it up to +65). If she takes off the gloves it goes down to [34, +49] and I'm afraid it's getting too low, as well, her Melee ability drops to (+30, +26) which is significant? I haven't been getting many scrolls at all in the shops of late, so she's low on AC due to not being able to enchant back up after taking a pounding from various hounds and I really really hate those acidious things (the jelly?) I'm almost tempeted to wear the acid ring (Compedum (?)) that activates for more acid protection as those things really give you a beating and you spend all your time trying to up back up the AC. The damage she does shooting is (+39,+7) without the gloves, while it is (+48, +7) with. That's pretty significant too on 3/turn shots.
I think I'll work toward getting rid of them, but at this stage I think she's a little too weak still without them? OK, the mana difference is 90 vs. 122, so that's 32 SP which I could use toward getting an extra resistance cast in but it isn't a whole resistance cast, which costs 40 mana, but of course if I cast it twice I'm left with 42 SP, whereas before casting once leaves me with 50 to work with, so in the end she hasn't quite reached the threshold I think for it to make sense without the gloves?.
OK, well, that's some insight into my thinking, I'm a really a newbie that has played a few times over the years (although played other similar type games).
Would love to hear what you think about the reasoning going on there?
OK, well...Sushi has just found her first Lich...let's see what happens.Comment
Note that you can get almost the same benefits out of carrying !Heroism or ?Bless as you can out of the gloves of power. You can sell those *Thancs. You are unlikely to want to use them at this point. (For Ranger, Westernesse is better.)
As for Acidic Cytoplasms, teleport either you or them.Comment
With the usual proviso that in 99.9% of cases it is better to send the enemy to parts unknown rather than yourself!
I usually find that if I am happy to go to a random place... it is better off being a random place on a different level (as in teleport level or running up/down stairs)Comment