Sign here if you recently got pwnt by the RNG

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  • Poop Loops
    • May 2008
    • 46



    • roustk
      • Dec 2007
      • 165

      Originally posted by takkaria
      To recall monsters in monster recall would be hard-- fancy using the character map to write 'σ' or 'ω'?
      That just requires another escape character and an interpreter. LaTeX has names for all those funny characters (at least, those that don't already look like ASCII -- omicron).



      • Poop Loops
        • May 2008
        • 46

        Okay, I got one just now. clvl 4 Dunadan Paladin going around on dlvl2.

        I ran into a red v. "A red v?" I think. It can't be. Yeah, it was a fire vortex. 3 hits and I died.


        • takkaria
          • Apr 2007
          • 1895

          Originally posted by roustk
          That just requires another escape character and an interpreter
          ... and all the players to learn the Greek alphabet.
          takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


          • will_asher
            DaJAngband Maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 1063

            might as well sign here..
            clvl 10 kobold paladin on dL5 (sounds safe, doesn't it?)
            walked into a room with a silver mouse a novice ranger and two shriekers
            in one more move it was two hasted silver mice and a hasted novice ranger
            (can monsters get double hasted? 'cause the novice ranger seemed really fast)
            almost escaped by putting the ranger to sleep with a wand, but he woke up and caught up with me. Tried the wand of sleep again, failed three times in a row and died.

            In many ways the DaJAngband paladin is tougher then the V paladin, but two disadvantages it has from V is: 1) It doesn't get portal till later, and 2) he's worse at using magic devices.
            aka LibraryAdventurer

            My old variant DaJAngband:
   (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


            • roustk
              • Dec 2007
              • 165

              Originally posted by Poop Loops
              I ran into a red v. "A red v?" I think. It can't be.
              Could've been a nu or upsilon (with the extended greek symbols).


              • Poop Loops
                • May 2008
                • 46

                Originally posted by takkaria
                ... and all the players to learn the Greek alphabet.
                You'd be surprised how fast you learn that as a physics major. I'm only frustrated that we never had a class in writing these letters and other variables and symbols. My zeta looks a lot different than the professor's.


                • Big Al
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 311

                  Originally posted by Poop Loops
                  We should do what we do in my physics classes: when we run out of letters, we add Greek letters. That would give a lot more options when dealing with monsters. But I guess not everybody has greek font, huh?
                  FYI: what Un did recently is make every single monster in the game a different combination of symbol/colour, so that you'll never confuse to different, but similar, monsters. And by "colour", I mean "colour or combination of colours" - i.e. some monsters have more than one colour, much in the way that multi-hued monsters are multi-coloured. It might be worth considering stealing for V?
                  Come play Metroplexity!
                  Un, V MX H- D c-- f- PV s- d+ P++ M+
                  c-- S I++ So+ B+ ac- !GHB SQ RQ+ V+


                  • Poop Loops
                    • May 2008
                    • 46

                    Might work, but it's still easier to confuse a red z and green z (for example) than a red z and a red ζ.

                    But hell, they might as well just make a graphics version. One that doesn't make things more confusing, like the one that comes with the latest version of V.

                    I like the one they have for Dungeon Crawl. Makes the terminal bigger, but allows for everything to be shown, no eye squinting or anything.


                    • Narvius
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 539

                      V should stay as it is, I think - if someone likes every monster looking different, well, that would be an additional reason to play Un.
                      If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                      • Garrie
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 130

                        Originally posted by Poop Loops
                        I don't know if I can really count this, but I think it's due to the RNG.

                        I was a mage, level 2, dlvl 2 also. I notice a string of C's in a corridor, and one by one I start magic missle-ing them. The last few I figure I can hack with my dagger. So I hold down the right arrow key. What's this? I'm getting my butt kicked? Oh snap, it's Farmer Maggot's dog!

                        Needless to say, I died.
                        Sorry, that's YASD not being pwnt by the RNG!
                        Best /favorite character


                        • Poop Loops
                          • May 2008
                          • 46

                          Okay then, I got one. SAngband. Half-Orc warrior type, 3rd level. Oops, teleport trap. Oops no doors out of this tiny room. No hidden doors, either.


                          • will_asher
                            DaJAngband Maintainer
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 1063

                            DaJAngband. A clvl 11 Necromancer on DL 7 or 8. Isn't summon monster supposed to be safe if you're standing on the stairs? I'm standing on the stairs and I read summon monster. Three monsters are summoned: a baby bronze dragon, a dark elf priest, and a tengu. You can guess the rest from that, but I'll tell you anyway. Before I had a chance to move, the tengu had "commanded me to return" so that I was no longer standing on the stairs (in fact, the three monsters were between me and the stairs) and the baby bronze dragon had confused me so that I couldn't cast spells or read scrolls.
                            1st turn: drink CSW to cure the confusion.
                            2nd turn: read phase door (and get summoned right back next to them by the tengu).
                            next few turns: try to get past the monsters to the stairs, and get knocked down to 3 hps.
                            next turn: drink another CSW, but it wasn't enough and I get killed anyway.

                            It was only my second dive, so I hadn't saved up enough for a staff of teleportation. I could have afforded some CCW potions if I had recalled back but I doubt that would've saved me anyway. I didn't have a teleportation spell yet.
                            Moral: If you read ?s of summon monster, either do it on very shallow levels where tengus and baby bronze dragons won't be summoned or wait till you've bought a staff of teleportation. (standing on the stairs isn't enough)
                            aka LibraryAdventurer

                            My old variant DaJAngband:
                   (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                            • Garrie
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 130

                              Originally posted by will_asher
                              DaJAngband. A clvl 11 Necromancer on DL 7 or 8. Isn't summon monster supposed to be safe if you're standing on the stairs? ...

                              It was only my second dive, so I hadn't saved up enough for a staff of teleportation. ...
                              Moral: If you read ?s of summon monster, either do it on very shallow levels where tengus and baby bronze dragons won't be summoned or wait till you've bought a staff of teleportation. (standing on the stairs isn't enough)
                              At least it was dive 2 ie not too much lost.
                              It is a good excuse for reading scrolls as early as possible!
                              Best /favorite character


                              • Zikke
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 1028

                                Is there a heuristic on what depth is "normal" for which clvl? I tend to find out the hard way...
                                A(3.1.0b) CWS "Fyren_V" NEW L:50 DL:127 A++ R+++ Sp+ w:The Great Axe of Eonwe
                                A/FA W H- D c-- !f PV+++ s? d P++ M+
                                C- S+ I- !So B ac++ GHB? SQ? !RQ V F:

