[Sil] Meat grinder of stealth characters

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  • debo
    • Oct 2011
    • 2320

    [Sil] Meat grinder of stealth characters

    Ever since I learned that multiple criticals are denoted with !!!!s in Sil, I've been addicted to seeing how many I can rack up

    So I've been creating (and killing) scads of stealthy Feanorians. Build is roughly as follows:


    Str 1
    Dex 5
    Con 4
    Gra 4


    I usually open with:

    5 melee (10 total)
    3 evasion (8 total)
    5 stealth (10 total)
    3 perception (7 total)
    2 smithing (7 total)

    I often take Keen Senses right off the bat. I don't need it until purple molds start showing up, but if I don't do it right at the beginning, I usually forget and then end up walking into 300' with 1 Con :P

    When I get to 100' forge, I take weaponsmith and I make a 1.0lb shortsword and a 1.0lb shortbow. If it's a 3 use, I also make a digger (lightest mattock I can make).

    This is when I take Assassination.

    Then, I do one of two things:

    Build 1: Race up the Evasion tree to get Sprinting. When I do this, I almost always die to being surrounded by some kind of swarmy monster, like wandering orcs or wargs.

    Build 2: Get Finesse and Cruel Blow, and then start working up the Evasion tree. I do better with this build... so far, the only deaths I've had were stupid ones. Then again, I haven't played this one as much.

    I've had a hard time getting below 600' with these characters. Usually I die around 400'. Death often looks like this:

    1. I encounter a big, nasty enemy like a troll or orc champion, or a swarm of monsters.

    2. I flee back towards a corridor that I've traveled through already.

    3. Somehow, that corridor has been clogged with other nasty enemies.

    4. I die.

    Now, a lot of those fleeing deaths have happened because I was fleeing towards the stairs, and stairs randomly generated posses of monsters.

    I've also never been lucky enough to find another forge past 100' and survive the finding. (Usually forges are stacked with nasty enemies.)

    I haven't had much trouble finding good light sources.

    I've thought about ditching everything (all the melee abilities save Assassination) and then racing for Vanish. I have yet to try it

    This is pretty vague information, but I was wondering if any of you had any tips based on what I've written here? I really like the Cruel Blow + Finesse start, because I can often hamstring a nasty monster and get a head start on fleeing from them.

    What say you all?
    Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'
  • Fendell Orcbane
    • Apr 2010
    • 448

    Hmm, I tend to run stealth characters, by working up to Stealth. In other words I beef up Melee and Evasion 5 points each, put 4 points into Perception and Will. I then get charge for the damage bonus, then dodging and Sprinting. I might get keen senses to avoid the purple molds( god I HATE them). but usually I get Lore keeper and Loremaster. The reason I do so is because you get a lot of exp for IDing stuff anyway which you can then spend anyway you want. Next I'd get some Will based stuff usually inner light, because one of the top killers around 600 to 700 ft is not being able to see anything. Poison resistance is also nice. Only when I have these things in play do I start putting points into Stealth. Then I get what I need to get vanish and exchange. Once I have those two...I usually feel pretty good about things.

    And this build works more often than not. I based all of my winners on it : ) I'll add that I adjust what I get based on equipment I find as well. SO the build is open to change. Like if I find the Rags of Dugalef then I don't get Vanish quite so quickly.
    One way to avoid being surrounded is two not hang around stairs...and never fight near them either....


    • HallucinationMushroom
      • Apr 2007
      • 679

      Focused attack on the perception tree would work well with a stealth-stab. Since they don't detect you anyway, waiting a turn before attacking won't matter. Even with a +10 perception score, that's a free +5 to attack. It helps that perception rings are usually some of the first rings you find.
      You are on something strange


      • half
        • Jan 2009
        • 886

        Originally posted by debo
        When I get to 100' forge, I take weaponsmith and I make a 1.0lb shortsword and a 1.0lb shortbow. If it's a 3 use, I also make a digger (lightest mattock I can make).
        This is a great cheap use of a first forge for a Feanorian.


        • debo
          • Oct 2011
          • 2320

          Originally posted by half
          This is a great cheap use of a first forge for a Feanorian.
          Especially if you happen to find poison arrows above 400' -- those things are crazy powerful. I've worked my way out of some nasty situations by standing in a doorway and riddling everything with poison arrows, including Easterling Warriors, Wargs, and Giants. I think I killed Boldog in two shots once!

          On my most recent attempt, I tried gunning for Vanish before everything, and then I quickly worked up to Sprinting. This worked much better -- as long as I could dart around a corner, I could get myself out of trouble rather easily.

          Picking up Focused Attack, Cruel Blow, Finesse, and Subtlety after that got me the damage I wanted.

          I died stupidly to a weird combo of 1 Kemenrauko and 1 Young Fire Drake that he woke up with an earthquake

          Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


          • decoy
            • Jan 2012
            • 41

            The butcher is open for business!

            The butcher shop is open again with Sil 1.1!

            I was really hopeful for this one, until she got sighted by a Darting Horror, run down, and killed. Look for her in the green sooner or later!

              [Sil 1.1.0 Character Dump]
             Name   Calien        Age       18       Str   0
             Sex    Female        Height   5'6       Dex   4
             Race   Edain         Weight   155       Con   1
             House  Haleth                           Gra   4 =  3  +1
             Game Turn   11,412   Melee   (+7,3d5)   Melee        7 =  0  +4  +3
             Exp Pool     1,014   Bows    (+6,1d7)   Archery      6 =  0  +4  +2
             Total Exp   32,514   Armor  [+13,2-5]   Evasion     13 =  7  +4  +2
             Burden        86.7                      Stealth     16 =  8  +4  +5  -1
             Max Burden   100.0   Health     -5:24   Perception  15 = 10  +4  +1
             Depth         800'   Voice      80:82   Will         4 =  0  +4
             Min Depth     500'   Song      Lorien   Smithing     4 =  0  +4
             Light Radius     3            Silence   Song        15 = 11  +4
             You are one of several children of a craftsman. You were a well liked
             child. You have hazel eyes, straight black hair, and an average
              [Last Messages]
            > The Darting horror bites you.
            > Fantastic visions appear before your eyes.
            > The Violet worm mass looks into your eyes.
            > You are terrified!
            > You see a Robe of Protection [+0,1d1].
            > You can see clearly again.
            > You feel bolder now.
            > You begin a soothing song about weariness and rest.
            > The Darting horror bites you!!
            > Fantastic visions appear before your eyes.
            > There is no adjacent door to close.
            > You add a minor theme of silence.
            > The Violet worm mass bites you.
            > The Violet worm mass bites you!
            > You die.
            a) The Greatsword of Saithnar (+1,3d5) [+1] 7.0 lb
               It slays undead.  It cuts easily through armour.  It grants
               you freedom of movement and the ability to see invisible
               creatures, but it also draws wraiths to your level.  It
               cannot be harmed by the elements.  It requires both hands to
               wield it properly.  
            b) a Shortbow (+0,1d7) 1.5 lb
               It can shoot arrows 10 squares (with your current strength).
            c) an Emerald Ring of Accuracy (+2)
            d) a Golden Ring of Perception <+1>
               It improves your perception by 1.  
            e) a Coral Amulet of Grace <+1>
               It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
            f) a Brass Lantern of Brightness (with 6347 turns of light)
               It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an
               additional square.  
            g) Leather Armour of Stealth [-1,1d4] <+3>
               It improves your stealth by 3.  
            h) a Cloak [+2]
            i) (nothing)
            j) (nothing)
            k) a Set of Gloves
            l) a Pair of Boots of Softest Tread [+0,1d1] <+3>
               It improves your stealth by 3.  
            m) 99 Arrows
               They can be shot 10 squares (with your current strength and bow).
            n) 20 Arrows (+3)
               They can be shot 10 squares (with your current strength and bow).
            a) 3 Russet Herbs of Rage
            b) a Dark Green Herb of Sustenance
            c) 2 Pale Green Herbs of Healing
            d) a Grey Herb of Restoration
            e) a Fragment of Lembas
            f) 2 Clear Potions of Miruvor
            g) 2 Vermilion Potions of Clarity
            h) 3 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing
            i) a Sparkling Potion of True Sight
            j) 2 Green Potions of Quickness
            k) a Brown Potion of Elemental Resistance
            l) a Yellow Potion of Strength
            m) 2 Shimmering Potions of Constitution
            n) a Silver Staff of Light (6 charges)
            o) a Rosewood Staff of Warding (3 charges)
            p) a Walnut Staff of Recharging (6 charges)
            q) a Brass Lantern (with 6818 turns of light)
            r) a Kite Shield of Frost (-2) [+0,1d6]
               It provides resistance to fire.  
            s) a Set of Gauntlets of Strength (-1) [+0,1d1] <+1>
               It increases your strength by 1.  
            t) a Pair of Boots of Softest Tread [+0,1d1] <+2>
               It improves your stealth by 2.  
            u) a Greatsword of Shadows (-2,3d5) [+1] <+2> 6.8 lb
               It improves your song by 2.  It creates an unnatural darkness.
               It requires both hands to wield it properly.  
            v) a Battle Axe of Doriath (-3,3d4) 3.8 lb
               It slays wolves and spiders.  It does extra damage when
               wielded with both hands.  
            w) a Sceptre of Power (+0,2d3) <+2> 3.7 lb
               It improves your will and song by 2.  
            Calien of the Edain
            Entered Angband on 28 Sep 2012
                Turn     Depth    Note
                   2     50 ft    (Disguise)
                   2     50 ft    (Vanish)
                 873    100 ft    (Keen Senses)
               2,012    250 ft    (Lore-Keeper)
               2,054    250 ft    Leather armour of Stealth +3, that helps...
               3,430    350 ft    Found The Greatsword of Saithnar (from 300 ft)
               3,514    400 ft    False floor to 400'...
               4,049    450 ft    (Listen)
               4,049    450 ft    Less than 2,000 turns of light left...My kingdom for a 
               4,483    450 ft    (Lore-Master)
               4,746    450 ft    Well, partial torches are better than none.
               4,810    450 ft    And as soon as I wrote that, partial lantern.
               4,810    450 ft    Light issues temporarily sorted.
               5,490    500 ft    (Exchange Places)
               5,663    500 ft    (Dodging)
               6,068    450 ft    500' too hot, can't find down stairs.
               6,463    450 ft    (Sprinting)
               7,200    500 ft    (Song of Silence)
               8,925    600 ft    The title "Least of the Balrogs" is funny.
               9,479    650 ft    I think I might need to get rid of Saithnar.
               9,893    750 ft    Oh boy, that was a shaft, not stairs...
               9,893    750 ft    (Unwavering Voice)
               9,893    750 ft    (Woven Themes)
              10,273    800 ft    False floor to 800'...Gotta get out of here, I 
              10,349    800 ft    (Song of Lorien)
              10,430    800 ft    Tight squeeze there with kitties. Gotta go.
              10,642    750 ft    Definitely lacking a shovel...
              10,893    750 ft    Balrog of Terror? Also a funny title.
              11,110    800 ft    Feanorian Longsword...Too risky.
              11,412    800 ft    Slain by a Violet worm mass (while hallucinating).
              11,412    800 ft    Died on 28 September 2012.
              ['Score' 016088588]


            • debo
              • Oct 2011
              • 2320

              lol epic necro
              Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'

