Any advice on how to kill the emperor Q with the unpronounceable name? I've tried to approach him twice now by tunneling up behind him, and all of a sudden I'm buried in uniques and he teleports away. I don't really have any inkling of how to fight him if he won't chase me into a tunnel. The best I can come up with is killing all of the other uniques first and pray that he doesn't summon ancient dragons :P
Also, aren't rings of acid/lightning/etc supposed to give you an off-weapon brand? I've found lots of these since I hit dlvl 70, and all they seem to do is give me resistance to the element in question, and some kind of activation attack. Pretty lame if you ask me.
I'm on dlvl 84 now, and it's pretty rare that I run into something that I can't handle / run away from. I'm selective about my battles -- I run from most things that seem even the slightest bit chancy. I guess my tentative plan is to kill the rest of the uniques before trying to fight Sauron or Morgoth, but that could take forever :/
Also, aren't rings of acid/lightning/etc supposed to give you an off-weapon brand? I've found lots of these since I hit dlvl 70, and all they seem to do is give me resistance to the element in question, and some kind of activation attack. Pretty lame if you ask me.
I'm on dlvl 84 now, and it's pretty rare that I run into something that I can't handle / run away from. I'm selective about my battles -- I run from most things that seem even the slightest bit chancy. I guess my tentative plan is to kill the rest of the uniques before trying to fight Sauron or Morgoth, but that could take forever :/