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  • UglySquirrell
    • Jul 2011
    • 293



    Giving a female Hobbitt, using only her fists a try. Was going to play a troll but decided a Hobbitt would be more fun. Going really well so far, with damage rings im getting around 170 damage per round. Crossing my fingers for Bos. but am really enjoying her spiffy new boots for now X-)
  • smileyy
    • Sep 2011
    • 23

    You're insane Good luck!

    Tulkas is the only example I can think of from the milieu that wielded no weapon. That's probably the 89,001th on my to-do list to add to my roguelike that I'm keeping myself amused with, but it's good to know that it has some precedent in the milieu.


    • UglySquirrell
      • Jul 2011
      • 293

      Thanks, its not as crazy as it sounds though, with lucky gear drops I can probably get over 340 damage per round. Not huge numbers, but should be doable.


      • UglySquirrell
        • Jul 2011
        • 293

        Just found a pair of Ethereal slippers of speed +9, on the floor at level 30. Best boots I've ever found besides Feanor in a standart game


        • UglySquirrell
          • Jul 2011
          • 293

          Lol, I better stop playing today. Went up the stairs to level 29 after finding those boots of speed and found the shield of Haradrim on the floor, now poison is covered and I'm doing 30 more damage a round.


          • UglySquirrell
            • Jul 2011
            • 293

            Started a new character a while ago, having Haradrim disenchanted was bugging me too much. Updated the ladder, going really well. I almost left Gorlim on the floor assuming its (+8,+8) would be gone but luckily i id'd it first. i would like a few more aggravate items in the game now that Haradrim and Hammerhand no longer possess it, i like being able to pick my battleground, and then have the creatures meet me were i choose. Of course with a no weapons game i had "Ringil" drop from a young white dragon on level 45, second time ive ever seen it. Oh well. Having great luck otherwise.


            • UglySquirrell
              • Jul 2011
              • 293

              Yipes, just finished clearing a greater vault on level 82. Every late game unique except Vecna was in it, level had a graveyard containing the arkenstone as well. Went through 2 staffs of banishing about six healing potions but managed to teleport the worst uniques out. Found 7 artifacts including the arkenstone, they really made it awesome in this version. Found Haradrim a while ago and an amulet of weaponmastery (+5,+4) +3 strength. She's doing 390 damage a round now. With all resists but nether and chaos covered. Was wondering if anyone can tell me Max chaos breath damage, and if you can still read scrolls if you're hallucinating? Thanx.


              • UglySquirrell
                • Jul 2011
                • 293

                Wow, just found 'The One Ring' in a greater vault on level 97, second time I've ever seen it, was convinced it was a mimic till I picked it up. I'm doomed, doomed I tell ya.


                • UglySquirrell
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 293

                  Updated the ladder again, hopefully will be doing over 400 damage a round soon. going to try to disenchant a shovel of digging and see if it just affects damage or its digging abbility as well. Decided to leave 'The One Ring' in my house and see if i can do this without it.


                  • UglySquirrell
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 293

                    Well found Soulkeeper in a vault on level 98, got lucky on that one there were 2 suits of adamantine plate in the vault but one was destroyed when i had to use destruct, to escape a huge group of summoned Greater Wyrms, i also found Colluin in a vault on level 63, now im looking for boots. Mostly killing Greater wyrms around 78 hoping for a drop, although if i see any Dreads i always stop to take them out, once you have a bit of speed, and sustain strength these guys are great for drops, i see them as big orange G pinatas. Ive noticed a few things this playthrough, im using regular food rations instead of Elvish Waybread or scrolls, and i havent seen the gorged status since. Scrolls of protection from evil seem to be really cheap, and the black market usually stocks them in stacks of 5-12. I stopped looking a while ago but could probably keep the buff on permanatly. This seems a little overpowered. Disenchanted my Shovel of digging, didnt seem to affect its digging abilities, but dienchantment stopped happening at (+0,+0), i tried using wands of stone to mud, ive been keeping and buying every wand i see and buying scrolls of recharge since begening the game, but they seem to blow up about 50% of the time and even when they recharge they only get 4-7 charges, not enough to even get to the door of most vaults. Dont know if its a bug, but Fisty has the amazing ability to tunnell through granite with her bare hands. Managed to kill all Uniques but the last 11, i really want to get the extra speed from Feanor before i try to take on Huan or Tarrrasque, even then it will be scary, im thinking using Nenya against The big lizard. Hopefully she lives a while longer


                    • UglySquirrell
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 293

                      Got tired of looking for the boots of "Feanor" so i decided to try killing the rest of the uniques, hoping one of them would drop the boots. It went well, Huan, Carcharoth, and Tarrasque were scary as usual but with double resists from my cloak i managed to take them out. shortly after Killling The Tarrasque i found the boots in a vault on level 97. Went back to town stocked up on gear and went after Sauron, by this point in the game i had a ridiculous amount of consumables. I think the gear protection offered by resistance is working too well, i spent most of the late game farming elemental Great Wyrms and hardly ever notice potions breaking, or anything burning up and melting. Got into the habbit of dropping Healing, banish and Destrucion scrolls in my home early and I only rarely used a healing potion against some late game uniques, and left the rest at home. Sauron teleported away once and summoned some undead, but went down pretty easily. Morgoth went on a summon rampage, and the fight went on for quite a bit but i managed to K.O him in the end X)
                      Last edited by UglySquirrell; October 11, 2011, 21:59.


                      • Max Stats
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 316

                        Originally posted by UglySquirrell
                        Decided to leave 'The One Ring' in my house and see if i can do this without it.
                        Wow, how did you resist putting it on right away when you found it?
                        If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?


                        • UglySquirrell
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 293

                          I was tempted, but wanted to win using gear I had a reasonable, if slim chance of finding in the dungeon. With the ring I would have been doing over 400 damage a round with all immunities. Was thinking it would be kind of cool, if you got something for destroying the ring though. Maybe a scroll of artifact creation you could use on a piece of armor or a weapon, and it would create a randart version of it.


                          • bio_hazard
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 573

                            Congrats, although it makes me want to cry a little bit. I can't believe you beat the game without a weapon. And just to make it fair for the monsters, you didn't wear the One Ring!


                            • Jungle_Boy
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 428

                              Pretty impressive. I love living vicariously through the players on this forum who beat the game so often they make up harder challenges just for fun. It would be great to be able to do it myself but not with how I play apparently. Angband is not forgiving.
                              My first winner:

