I'm obviously going to have to keep my eye open as trouble *must* be very close.
I thought the game had been forsaking me on artifacts for a while, but the last two trips into the dungeon have filled my pack full of them.
first of the two trips gave me the palantir, cubragol, barahir and aeglos, and on the current trip to the dungeon (I'm still there) I've just cleared out a black dragon pit (much easier with thorin) and netted soulkeeper, ingwe, narya, avavir and ringil! not to mention a RoS+11
as always with angband, it's never easy. I love the palantir, but I hate aggravate. will probably keep it as a swap in. does aggravate call monsters to come to you through corridors? if so, could be useful.
as for the other finds, I've got to make sure I cover my resistances. using ringil leaves ResDisen empty which would not be ideal. I can wear barahir along with narya to cover poison and nether, and I can hate up as required. I'm wondering if this lot will finally allow me to swap out that robe of permanence that I've been wearing for a very long time now...
as always, feel free to comment
I thought the game had been forsaking me on artifacts for a while, but the last two trips into the dungeon have filled my pack full of them.
first of the two trips gave me the palantir, cubragol, barahir and aeglos, and on the current trip to the dungeon (I'm still there) I've just cleared out a black dragon pit (much easier with thorin) and netted soulkeeper, ingwe, narya, avavir and ringil! not to mention a RoS+11
as always with angband, it's never easy. I love the palantir, but I hate aggravate. will probably keep it as a swap in. does aggravate call monsters to come to you through corridors? if so, could be useful.
as for the other finds, I've got to make sure I cover my resistances. using ringil leaves ResDisen empty which would not be ideal. I can wear barahir along with narya to cover poison and nether, and I can hate up as required. I'm wondering if this lot will finally allow me to swap out that robe of permanence that I've been wearing for a very long time now...
as always, feel free to comment
