Progress report on longest living character

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  • K.I.L.E.R
    • May 2007
    • 49

    Progress report on longest living character

    My current character is a success only because I've spent a lot of time on the earlier dungeons. The game feels a lot slower with this character because I take a lot of time and move on only when comfortable.

    I realise Sangband isn't meant to be a fast pace action thriller (Quake), however what can I do in order to speed up the pace of the game a little?
    How is my character and her progress so far?


                     [Sangband 1.0.0 Character Dump]
            Amalah           Age    :            154  STR:      10
       the Dark Student      Height :         152 cm  INT:   18/60
                             Weight :          41 kg  WIS:      10
    Gender : Female                                   DEX:      15
    Race   : Dark-Elf               Slayer of         CON:      15
    Realm  : Necromancy       Feldisham, the Guard    CHR:      13
    Max Hitpoints        45  Power                18  Max Mana           31
    Cur Hitpoints        45  Score                47  Cur Mana           31
           (Melee)           Unspent Exp           6         (Missile)
    Blows per round       2  Gold                546  Shots per round     0
    Average Damage        1                           + to Skill          0
        (using Karate)       Max Depth          90 m  Deadliness (%)      0
                              (Character Abilities)
    Melee     : Very Bad   Saving Throw: Fair       Magic Device: Very Bad
    Shooting  : Bad        Stealth     : Iffy       Dodging     : Very Bad
    Throwing  : Bad        Perception  : Fair       Fame        : Mentioned
    Digging   : Very Bad   Disarming   : Fair       Infra-Vision: 6 meters
       Speed       : normal
       Armor      : 21
       Kills       : 222
       Time Elapsed: 1 days, 17 hours, 30 minutes   (172968 turns)
      [Character Attributes]
          abcdefghijkl@        Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust
    Stlth:.............        STR:     11 ............1     10
    Invis:.............        INT:     17 ............7  18/60
    Aware:.............        WIS:     10 .............     10
    Disar:.............        DEX:     13 ............2     15
    Devic:.............        CON:     17 ............2     15
    Speed:.............        CHR:     14 ............1     13
          abcdefghijkl@                           abcdefghijkl@
    Infra:............2                     NFuel:.............
    Tunnl:.............                     Steal:.............
    Save :.............                     NoMag:.............
    Mana :.............                     Telep:.............
    Light:.....2.......                     Aggra:.............
          abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
    Acid :............. Light:............. Food :.............
    Elec :............. Dark :............. Feath:....+........
    Fire :............. Sound:............. Shine:.............
    Cold :............. Shard:............. Regen:.............
    Pois :............. Nexus:............. ESP  :.............
    Fear :............. Nethr:............. SeeIn:.............
    Blind:............. Chaos:............. FrAct:.............
    Confu:............. Disen:............. HLife:.............
      [Last Messages]
    You call on the power of the dead...
    The spirits hurl death.
    You perform Magic Bolt.
    The Giant white ant jerks in agony - and flees!
    You perform Magic Bolt.
    The Giant white ant dies.
    You perform Magic Bolt.
    The Giant white ant dies.
    Autosaving the game...
    There is a wall in the way. <2x>
    Saving game...
    Saving game...
    Spellcasting      :  21%
    Magical Power     :  21%
    Blood Dominion    :  25%
    Spell Resistance  :  20%
    You have bound yourself to the Black Mystery.
       Defeated 13 Animated daggers at 45 meters
      [Character Equipment]
    A Scarab Amulet of Feather Falling
    A Wooden Torch (lit) [2] <Fuel: 4887>
    Brigandine Armor (-2) [12,+2] {75% off}
    A Wicker Shield [2] {good}
    A Hard Leather Cap [2] {average}
    A Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2] {broken}
      [Character Inventory]
    a Tome of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses]
         Does 2d6 thrown damage
    a Tome of Necromancy [Darker Elements]
         Does 4d8 thrown damage
    14 Rations of Food
    a Light Green Potion of Speed
    a Vermilion Potion
    a Metallic Purple Potion
    4 Scrolls titled "na baalvok ro-kok" of Phase Door
    2 Scrolls titled "p-dal goplok" of Word of Recall
    a Scroll titled "frakdudul"
    4 Wooden Torches [2] <Fuel: 3000>
    2 Wooden Torches [2] <Fuel: 2500>
    a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0) (+1) {25% off}
      [Special Advantages and Disadvantages]
    You were rolled up 106877 times before being accepted.
  • pav
    • Apr 2007
    • 484

    I usually look up similarly powered characters on the Ladder, and compare their turn count with mine.

    They are usually on 1/3 of mine, as I'm a very cautious player.
    See the elves and everything!


    • Fuma
      • May 2007
      • 103

      How deep is 90m in levels? (300 feet?)

      You can speed up your game a little by staying on one depth only three times. (except maybe when you've got a good feeling) It's usually enough for the low levels to get used to any new monsters.
      You can also find a big diced weapon like a mace and train the skill five or seven points. That way you won't have to waste mana on the weak monsters. You should also restock on the !of cure serious wounds.

      Besides that, you're doing pretty well I think. - International Snow Leopard Trust


      • camlost
        Sangband 1.x Maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 497

        Frankly, take a melee skill, and buy a little more armor. I've tried a long line of primary spellcasters using magic primarily, and a little bit of melee goes a long way. A lot of melee goes even farther. Trouble is in the early game, you're mana limited in trying to kill something, which is a real pain in the neck.

        If you want some fast action, I suggest the following build:
        Giant -- Oath of Sorcery (or Necromancy)
        Starting stats: 18/10 str, 17 int, 16 con
        Skills: Wrestling, Spellcasting, Magical Power, Wizardry (or Blood Dominion), Spell Resistance, and Armor Forging (don't increase until you have a chunk).

        Take the first 4-5 quests as hard as you can get them, then stop. Keep wrestling around 50% higher than the other skills, at least until the middle of the game (say power 60 or so). After questing, try to keep power * 3/4 = dlevel or so. You should be able to finish the first couple of quests in a relatively short amount of time. If you die, don't worry, just start again. Just make sure you learn from your death. And carry the standard kit of ?PD, ?Tele, and !CSW, and don't be afraid to use them. It takes a lot less time to find the cash to buy more than it does to restart the character.
        a chunk of Bronze {These look tastier than they are. !E}
        3 blank Parchments (Vellum) {No french novels please.}

