After selling some loot, level 27 HT mage had some nice 40k gold to spend in black market. And in the shop they have... Arcane Control! For 90k
Too bad, even if I sell resistance armor and other useful gear I still wont get even close to bying that.
So, abandon the book and down to dungeons. Come back again, sell some loot, and it's still there in the shop! But still too much
So down again, back again and IT'S STILL THERE!! But still too much but if I sell absolutely everything including free action and all speed potions I just barely could get it... no. I've done that and died many times. So down again, back again and this time I surely have enough.
But the book is gone
Oh well, there's some other useful stuff like Elven Cloack for the first speed bonus, mana potions, ring of rPoison... Just for the heck of it I even splurge 15k for Acquirement and deep descent to level 30.
I read the scroll immediately, hoping for rare miracle but no, just a slay evil sword, cursed even. And the level is only 5-2, and I notice I forgot to buy food and am getting hungry. What a waste of time this dive was. Time to go back.
Just before reading WoR, some rogue starts harassing me with pebbles. Kill the bugger with fireball and he leaves a chest.
Let's open it. And inside... Arcane Control!!!
Usually when playing a mage, at some point I sell everything to buy the book, only to literally land on it the next time down. And then often die due to lack of FA or resistances.

Too bad, even if I sell resistance armor and other useful gear I still wont get even close to bying that.
So, abandon the book and down to dungeons. Come back again, sell some loot, and it's still there in the shop! But still too much

So down again, back again and IT'S STILL THERE!! But still too much but if I sell absolutely everything including free action and all speed potions I just barely could get it... no. I've done that and died many times. So down again, back again and this time I surely have enough.
But the book is gone

Oh well, there's some other useful stuff like Elven Cloack for the first speed bonus, mana potions, ring of rPoison... Just for the heck of it I even splurge 15k for Acquirement and deep descent to level 30.
I read the scroll immediately, hoping for rare miracle but no, just a slay evil sword, cursed even. And the level is only 5-2, and I notice I forgot to buy food and am getting hungry. What a waste of time this dive was. Time to go back.
Just before reading WoR, some rogue starts harassing me with pebbles. Kill the bugger with fireball and he leaves a chest.
Let's open it. And inside... Arcane Control!!!
Usually when playing a mage, at some point I sell everything to buy the book, only to literally land on it the next time down. And then often die due to lack of FA or resistances.