The Death Scythe  'Optimism' (10d10) (+16,+31) (+3) {Wi;TeBs|AEFCoPVSM/*pDoTPULZ}                                                                             
Archon              Item Attributes:                                                                                                                          
Pope           It causes you to strike yourself sometimes.                                                                                                    
LEVEL     50   It always penetrates invulnerability barriers.                                                                                                 
EXP 11703980   It is suitable for use while riding.                                                                                                           
AU   1049485   It affects your wisdom.                                                                                                                        
|)}=="*[(]]]   It does extra damage from acid.                                                                                                                
STR!: 18/200   It does extra damage from electricity.                                                                                                         
INT!:  18/60   It does extra damage from fire.                                                                                                                
WIS!: 18/***   It does extra damage from frost.                                                                                                               
DEX!: 18/190   It poisons your foes.                                                                                                                          
CON!: 18/***   It drains life from your foes.                                                                                                                 
CHR : 18/117   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.                                                                                                        
Cur AC   226   It is especially deadly against dragons.                                                                                                       
HP  961/ 961   It is especially deadly against orcs.                                                                                                          
SP  353/ 353   It is especially deadly against trolls.                                                                                                        
               It is especially deadly against giants.                                                                                                        
               It strikes at demons with holy wrath.                                                                                                          
               It strikes at undead with holy wrath.                                                                                                          
               It fights against evil with holy fury.                                                                                                         
               It is especially deadly against natural creatures.                                                                                             
Day 38  3:56   It is especially deadly against humans.                                                                                                        
   Angband     It powerfully strikes at a monster using your mana.                                                                                            
               It has been blessed by the gods.                                                                                                               
               It induces random teleportation.                                                                                                               
               It cannot be harmed by the elements.                                                                                                           
               [Press any key to continue]