Message Recall (0-34 of 1359)                                                                     
You miss Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                             
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                              
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord gestures fluidly.                                                     
You are engulfed in a whirlpool.                                                                  
The Giant gold dragon fly dies.                                                                   
The attack hits Shadow, you are unharmed!                                                         
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord says, 'Another 12 skulls and I get that reward from                   
 the Boss!'                                                                                       
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord casts a fearful illusion.                                             
You refuse to be frightened.                                                                      
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                              
You miss Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                             
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                              
You miss Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                             
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord. <x2>                                                         
You miss Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                             
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord. <x2>                                                         
It was a great hit!                                                                               
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord. <x2>                                                         
You miss Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                             
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                              
You miss Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                             
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord. <x2>                                                         
You critically injured Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord!                                               
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord. <x3>                                                         
It was a great hit!                                                                               
You hit Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.                                                              
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord throw a Psycho-Spear.                                                 
The attack hits Shadow together with you!                                                         
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord says, 'Minions, slaughter this fool!'                                 
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord casts a nether ball.                                                  
*** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! ***                                                                     
Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord throw a Psycho-Spear.                                                 
The attack hits Shadow together with you!                                                         
*** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! ***                                                                     
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