The Caaws ('E')/('E'):  [r,q,t,p,o,+,-,<dir>]                                                     
No battles to the death are recalled.                                                             
A thing like a massive, jet black oyster with four groping tendrils.  Born of nether, it need not 
chase its prey, content to seeth in the darkness until some unfortunate creature wanders too      
It moves quickly, but does not deign to chase intruders.  It is surrounded by ice.  It is magical,
casting spells which heal-self, make invulnerable or dispel-magic; 1 time in 5.  It can destroy   
weaker monsters.  It is cold blooded.  It is not detected by telepathy.  It regenerates quickly.  
It resists acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, dark, nether, water, plasma, shards, sound,
chaos, nexus, disenchantment, force, inertia, time, gravity and teleportation.  it won't evolve.  
It cannot be stunned, frightened, confused or slept.  It is ever vigilant for intruders, which it 
may notice from 1000 feet.  It can touch to drain charges with damage 13d13, touch to disenchant  
with damage 13d13, touch to reduce all stats with damage 13d13, and touch to drain mana force with
damage 100d100.                                                                                   
                                              #..#               #.#.% #.#%##%#%####.............#
[**********]                                  #..#               #.%.# #........................##
[*********-]                                  #..#               %.#.% #.#%#####%###............##
                                              #..#               #.#.###.#         #.............'
                                              #..#               #.#.....%         ##.........####
                                              #..###############%%.%.##%.#         ##........#.#  
Day 33 17:50                     #####        #....................%.# #.#         #.##.....####  
   Angband                     ###...###      #.####################.# %.#         ####.#.##.#    
                              ##......^########.#                  %.# #%#            ########    
                              #.........'.......#                  #.#                            
                             ##.........#########                  #*%                            
                                                                           Fast(+30)        Lev 99