The Heavy Lance 'Ula's Revenge' (4d8) (+17,+15) (+3 to stealth) {StWiCnSlSr;El;SiLvBs|FP/p.}      
Half-Titan          Item Attributes:                                                              
Lord           It is made for use while riding.                                                   
LEVEL     50   It affects your strength.                                                          
EXP 12976011   It affects your wisdom.                                                            
AU    235224   It affects your constitution.                                                      
 ˜ŠƒŸ™„Œ‰   It affects your stealth.                                                           
STR!: 18/***   It affects your searching.                                                         
INT!: 18/150   It does extra damage from fire.                                                    
WIS : 18/134   It poisons your foes.                                                              
DEX!: 18/160   It is especially deadly against humans.                                            
CON!: 18/***   It provides resistance to electricity.                                             
CHR!: 18/100   It allows you to levitate.                                                         
Cur AC   114   It allows you to see invisible monsters.                                           
HP 1156/1156   It has been blessed by the gods.                                                   
               It induces random teleportation.                                                   
[**********]   It cannot be harmed by the elements.                                               
               [Press any key to continue]                                                        
Day 32 18:40                                                                                      