The Leather Jacket 'Nuts of Wisdom' (-1) [12,+13]                                                                                                                         
  +2 to WIS                                                                                                                                                               
  Resist Light                                                                                                                                                            
  It cannot be harmed by the elements.                                                                                                                                    
  Score: 11.9k (L49)                                                    Price                                                                                             
[Press Any Key to Continue]                                             66500                                                                                             
f) [ Chain Mail (-2) [14,+4]                                  22.0       8810                                                                                             
g) [ Chain Mail (-2) [14,+0]                                  22.0       6790                                                                                             
h) [ Metal Brigandine Armour (-3) [19,+6]                     29.0      18000                                                                                             
i) [ Metal Lamellar Armour of Elemental Protection (-3) [23,+ 34.0     103000                                                                                             
j) ( The Leather Jacket 'Nuts of Wisdom' (-1) [12,+13] (+2) { 13.0      57100                                                                                             
k) ] a Set of Leather Gloves [1,+6] {25% off}                  0.5       2610                                                                                             
l) | a Cutlass (Nature) (1d7) (+12,+10) (+2) {In;ElFi;Rg/Z~Z  11.0      58400                                                                                             
m) / a Broad Spear (Pattern) (1d9) (+11,+12) (+1) {StCn;Ca;Fa 10.0      52400                                                                                             
n) \ a Whip (1d6) (+6,+6)                                      3.0       5640                                                                                             
o) \ a Mace (2d4) (+8,+6)                                     12.0       7300                                                                                             
p) ` an Ivory Statue of an Archpriest                         50.0       9630                                                                                             
                                                     Gold Remaining:  101k                                                                                                
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