Equipment: carrying 243.1 pounds (147% of capacity). Command:                                                   
Giant       a) | Both Arms : a Two-Handed Sword (3d6) (+7,+7)                                            20.0 lb
Monster     c) } Shooting  : a Short Bow of Velocity (x3.25) (+11,+14)                                    3.0 lb
LEVEL       d) = Right Ring: a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+15) {Es}                                             0.2 lb
EXP    116  e) = Left Ring : a Ring of Combat (+5,+6) (+3) {St;Fe A:Heroic Speed}                         0.2 lb
AU   51339  f) " Neck      : a Torc of the Hero (+2,+4) [+2] {Fe;FaSiSdRg[F(StDxCn}                       0.2 lb
| }=="~[(]  g) ~ Light     : a Feanorian Lamp                                                             6.0 lb
STR : 18/1  h) [ Body      : The Metal Scale Mail of the Borg (-2) [13,+11] {CfFe;Sd A:Breathe Frost}    25.0 lb
INT :       i) ( Cloak     : a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Dk;Lv}                                       0.5 lb
WIS :       j) ] Head      : an Iron Helm of Fortitude [5,+9] (+1) {Cn(Cn}                                7.5 lb
DEX :  18/  k) ] Hands     : The Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [2,+7] {El|E}                               2.5 lb
CON :  18/  l) ] Feet      : a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Bl}                                          6.0 lb
CHR :  18/                                                                                                      
AC        80     ~~       ########   #  #   ##  ######################### #######################             ##
HP  506/ 506   ~~~~~~     #######         #     ####           ......      .......        ...####    #        ##
SP    0/   0  ~~~~~~~~     #####       #         ##             .....#######.....         ....##        #     ##
             ~~~~~~~~~      #+#            #     ##             .....#######.....         ....##                
             ~~~~~~~~~            #    #     #   ##   ##########.....#######.... #########....##    #      #   #
             ~~~~~~~~~                        #  ##   ##########.....###0###...  #########....##              ##
             ~~~~~~~~~~~                         ##   ##########.....#. ...#...  #########....##   #    #  ##   
              ~~~~~~~~~                          ##   #####+####......   .....   ####+####....##                
                  ~~~       #+#      #           ##             .....    .....    ......  ....##     # ....     
Day  7 20:18               #####                ###             .....    .....    .....   ....##       ......   
  Morivant         #      #######               ###    ##########...######...######....   ....##      #.....    
                  #       #######  #                   ##########...######...######...#####...## #     #....    
                     #    #######   #   #       ###    #######P##...######...######...####+...##    #  .....    
             #        #    #####   #         #  ###    #####........######...######...#####...##       ....     
                #         # ###                  ##....##+##........###2##...##3###...9####...## #     ....     
                                                 ##...................................#####...##     # ....#    
                   #        #          ##        ##...........................................##       .....   #
                                    #            ##...........................................## #     ....     
                     #     #      #        #     ##.......#######........#####......######....##   #   ....     
                          #           #  #      ###...... #######.......##~~~##.....######....##    #  ....     
                  #                              ##.....  ######5.......#~~#~~#.....######...####     ##..##   #
                                                 ##....   #######......,#~#~#~#.....1####7...###########..######
               #  #                 #            ##...    ######6.......#~~#~~#.....######...###########..######
                                                 ##...    #######.......##~~~##.....######...####..............#
                 #          # #             #   ###..     #######........#####......######......................
                           #                    ###.            ................................................
                                     #                        ..................................................
                #   #    #      ##              ###         ....................................................
                  ##             #              ###       ...............................................####...
                                 #               ##    ###+########...........##+##........######........8###   
             #   #                               ##    ############...........#####........######........####   
                 #                               ##    ###########+.........#########......+####+........####   
              ##        #           #   # # ##   ##    ############.........#########......######.........      
              #       #            #   #         ##    ############.........#########......######..........     
                #                     #          ##               ...........       ........    .............   
                                                 ##               ...........      .........  ................  
                                                                                         Fast(+5)          Surf.