Galil-Gamir (High-Elf)                  Bookstore (30000)                               
   Item Description                                         Weight      Price                     
a) ? a Hex Spellbook [Handbook of Hex]                         3.0        125                     
b) ? a Hex Spellbook [High Curse]                              3.0       1254                     
c) ? 3 Armageddon Spellbooks [Book of Elements]                3.0        125                     
d) ? a Necromancy Spellbook [Necromatic Tome]                  3.0     125400                     
e) ? a Daemon Spellbook [Immortal Rituals]                     3.0       1254                     
f) ? an Arcane Spellbook [Major Arcana]                        3.0       1254                     
g) ? a Trump Spellbook [Conjurings & Tricks] {25% off}         3.0         94                     
h) ? 2 Death Spellbooks [Black Prayers]                        3.0        125                     
i) ? a Death Spellbook [Black Mass]                            3.0       1254                     
j) ? a Nature Spellbook [Call of the Wild]                     3.0        125                     
k) ? 2 Nature Spellbooks [Nature Mastery]                      3.0       1254                     
                                                     Gold Remaining:  4069223                     
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