You attack Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss: You miss. You miss. You                                                                                                       
hit. It was a superb hit! You hit. Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss                                                                                            LEVEL     50
shouts, 'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!' How heroic! That was very harmonious. You                                                                                          EXP ********
have slain Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss. You feel something roll                                                                                           AU     3.16M
beneath your feet. You feel something roll beneath your feet. You feel                                                                                        }=="*[(]]]  
something roll beneath your feet. You feel something roll beneath your                                                                                        STR : 18/***
feet.                                                                                                                                                         INT!:  18/90
                                                                                                                                                              WIS!: 18/100
                                                                                                                                                              DEX!: 18/170
                                                                                                                                                              Con!: 18/***
                                                                                                                                                              Chr : 18/***
                                  ########################                                                                                                    AC       278
                               ####~.....'...~.~~~.~~~..~####                                                                                                 HP 1244/1244
                            #####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#######~##                                                                              g[*********]
                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###     ##~##                                                                             ,[*********]
                           ~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[~~~~~        ##~##                                                                                        
                          #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###         #################        ##.##                                                                                       
                           #~~~~~<~~~~~~~#                                     ##.##                                                                                      
 '                         ###~######'####                                      ##~##################                                                                     
                           ##.##    #~#                                          ##...~~.~.~..~..~.~#                                                         Fast (+43)  
                          ##~##     #~#                                           ########.########.#                                                         *CURSED*    
                         ##.##                                                           #.~:     #~#                                                         Full        
                         #.##                                                            ####     #.#                                                                     
                         #.#                                                                      #.#                                                                     
                         #.#                                                                    # #.#                                                                     
                         #.#                                                                    #~#~#                                                                     
                         #~#                                                                    #~.~#                                                                     
                         #~#                                                                    ###.###                                                                   
                         #~#  #                                                                  #~.~.#                                                                   
#                        #.##~#                                                                  #~~~.##                                                                  
#                        #~...#                                                                  #.###.##                                                                 
#                        #.~~##                                                                  #~  ##~##                                                                
                         #.#.#                                                                   #.   ##.##                                                               
                         #~# #                                                                         ##~##                                                              
                         #~#                                                                            ##~##                                                             
 '                      ##.#                                                                             ##~##                                                            
                        #.~#                                                                              ##~##                                                           
                        #:~#                                                                               ##.##                                                          
#~#                     #~~#                                                                                ##~##                                                         
#~#                  ####..#                                                                                 ##.##                                                        
#~#               ####~~.~.#  #                                                                               ##.##                                                       
#~#               #.~~~###~##.##                                                                               ##~##                                                      
#~#################~######.~..~#                                                                                ##~##                                                     
~~.~~..~.~.~.~~~~.~..~~....##.~#    ^          '                                                                 ##!#                                                     
~~~~~.~~>##########.###.~......                                                                                   #\#                                                     
######'###        #~# #####....               ^                                                                   #~#                                                     
~+                #~#      ..#                                                                                ~.# #.#                                                     
..   +            ~.#      .~#                                                                                ..# #~#                                                     
            ' '   ###                                                                                        ~.~# #.#                                                     
 +           + +                          ^  ^                                                                ..# #~#                                                     
R'lyeh: L92                                                                          Hero DTrap