Inventory: carrying 188.9 pounds (121% of capacity). Command:                                                                                                 
Imp          ###                     a) , 24 Rations of Food {@E1,!k!s!d!v}                                                                            24.0 lb
Soft Master  # #  #############      b) ! a Potion of Boldness {@q1,!k!s!d!v}                                                                           0.4 lb
LEVEL     28 # #  #           #####  c) ! 10 Potions of Resist Heat {!k!q}                                                                              4.0 lb
EXP     4949 # #  ############       d) ! 13 Potions of Heroism {@q2,!k!s!d!v}                                                                          5.2 lb
AU     80776 # #             #####   e) ! 14 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds {25% off, @q4,!k!s!d!v}                                                     5.6 lb
 )}=="! (]]] # #                ###  f) ! 5 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q5,!k!s!d!v}                                                              2.0 lb
STR :  18/60 # ##################    g) ! a Potion of Healing {!k!q}                                                                                    0.4 lb
INT :      9 # #    ...              h) ! 6 Potions of Restore Life Levels {25% off, !*}                                                                2.4 lb
WIS :     12 # ####..... ##########  i) ? 24 Scrolls of Teleportation {@r2,!k!s!d!v}                                                                   12.0 lb
DEX : 18/131 # #  ##...  ##.#.@#     j) ? 6 Scrolls of Word of Recall {@r0,!k!s!d!v,=g}                                                                 3.0 lb
CON :  18/20 # ##  ##.####.#)######  k) ? 7 Scrolls of Monster Confusion {@r3,!k!s!d!v}                                                                 3.5 lb
CHR :  18/10 #  ####.<....###.....   l) - 2 Rods of Disarming {@z1,!!,!k!s!d!v}                                                                         3.0 lb
Cur AC   143 #### ..####### #######  m) - a Rod of Fire Balls {75% off, @z2,!!,!k!s!d!v,=g}                                                             1.5 lb
HP  299/ 299   ###.            ####  n) - 2 Wands of Trap/Door Destruction (30 charges) {@a1,!k!s!d!v}                                                  2.0 lb
SP   46/  46   #   ###   #####       o) - a Wand of Stone to Mud (5 charges) {@a2,!k!s!d!v,=g}                                                          1.0 lb
               #####   ###   ####    p) _ a Staff of Perception (2 charges) {25% off, @u1,!k!s!d!v,=g}                                                  5.0 lb
                   ## ##        ###  q) _ a Staff of Speed (5 charges) {@u3,!k!s!d!v,=g}                                                                5.0 lb
                    ###      ####    r) " The Goblet 'Holy Grail' (+3) {Lancelot(probably),Camelot 35,Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v}                                0.3 lb
                    ##########       s) ( The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4 to stealth) {Camelot Knight,Camelot 35,Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v}     8.0 lb
                    #         #####  t) ) a Large Metal Shield (Orcish) (+1,+5) [8,+12] (+3) {@w2@t2,Camelot Knight,Camelot 35,Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v}      12.0 lb
                    #######       #  u) ] The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3) {Lancelot(probably),Camelot 35,Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v}           6.0 lb
Day 10  6:10              #########  v) ] The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' [2,+7] {Sir Gareth,Camelot 35,Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v}                              2.5 lb
   Camelot                           w) | The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d7) (+10,+11) (+3)                                                                 11.0 lb
                                     x) | a Flamberge (Armageddon) (4d8) (+5,+12)                                                                      23.0 lb
Food:                                y) \ The Ball-and-Chain of Fundin Bluecloak (4d4) (+13,+17) [+10] (+4)                                            13.0 lb
[*******---]                         z) } The Heavy Crossbow 'Ballista' (x5) (+10,+12) (+3) {Lancelot(probably),Camelot 35,Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v}          11.0 lb
                                                              Stealth                                                                  Fast(+1)         Lev 35