There's a time to live, and a time to die, when it's time to meet the maker. Maia Runemaster Runemaster LEVEL 46 TTTTT XP -491778 TTTTT AU 645997 TTTTT } n TTTT [++++------] TTTT STR: 18/140 INT: 18/*** WIS: 18/130 DEX: 18/170 CON: 18/90 Z CHR: 18/118 Z Z SN: Sound ZZZ Z## AC: 121 Z ZZZZ#PC% HP: -15/ 866 ZZ ZZ Z-Z% MP: 17/ 615 ZZZ## ST: 10/ 10 CZZ FK Z ZZ (26,5 ) Stun Fast +42 4 BpR Lev -2