The Broken Dagger 'Manabringer' (1d1) (+10,+7) (+1 to speed) {Sp|M}                                                   
                   Item Attributes:                                                                                  
              It affects your speed.                                                                                 
              It powerfully strikes at a monster using your mana.                                                    
              It cannot be harmed by the elements.                                                                   
               [Press any key to continue]                                                                            

Based on your current abilities, here is what your weapons will do                                                    
  The Broken Dagger 'Manabringer'       The Broken Dagger 'Manabringer'                                               
  Number of Blows: 1                    Number of Blows: 1                                                            
  To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)       To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)                                               
          95  57  13   5   5 (%)                95  57  13   5   5 (%)                                                
(Only highest damage applies per monster. Special damage not cumulative.)                                             
  Possible Damage:                      Possible Damage:                                                              
   One Strike: 10-10 damage              One Strike: 10-10 damage                                                     
   One Attack: 10-10 damage              One Attack: 10-10 damage                                                     
  Force  :Attack: 12-12 damage          Force  :Attack: 12-12 damage                                                  
 ESC) Exit building                                  Gold Remaining:    31296