Browse which power? (Type '?' to Use)                                                                                 
High-Elf                               Lv Cost Fail Info                                                              
Probabilis  a) Magic Missile            1    1   5% dam 6d4                                                           
LEVEL       b) Scare Monster            3    5  15%                                                                   
EXP      5  c) Phase Door               3    5   5%                                                                   
AU          d) Smell Metal              3    2   5%                                                                   
\     ~((   e) Blaster                  9    7   4% dam 24                                                            
STR :  18/  f) Emit Radiation          11   15   8% dam 19                                                            
INT :  18/  g) Summon Tree             10   20  23%                                                                   
WIS :       h) Breathe Fire/Nether     15   16  35% dam 57                                                            
DEX :  18/  i) Throw Boulder           17   15  35% dam 28                                                            
CON :       j) Swap Position           15   12  22%                                                                   
CHR :     14                                                                                                          
Cur AC    24   Breathe a powerful blast of either fire or nether at your                                              
HP  168/ 168   opponent.                                                                                              
SP   96/  96                                                                                                          
Day  4 14:15                     #~#         ##################.~~~~~~~~~~~~.....#                                    
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