Eol, the Dark Elf says: 'CU!' Eol, the Dark Elf dies. Welcome to level 28. You can increase 6 more skills. Such a sad end...                          
Sorceror                         ###                                                                                                                  
Conjurer                        ####                                                                                                                  
LEVEL     28                   #####                                                                                                                  
EXP   143883                  #####                                                                                                                   
AU     12482               ##############                                                                                                             
STR:      11            ### ^############                                                                                                             
INT:   18/70            #   ^ #######              ^                                                                                                  
WIS:      13          ###    .######            ^  ^ ^                                                                                                
DEX:   18/10         ##   ^ ..^..##              ^^                                                                                                   
CON:      13        ##      .^@..   #        ^  ^                                                                                                     
CHR:      12       ##      ^..^.^ ^^   ^ ^ ^  ^^                                                                                                      
Cur AC    54      ##  ^      ^.. ^          ^^                                                                                                        
HP   67/  69    ###^        ^   ^     ^   [({                                                                                                         
SN  145/ 145   ###       ^              ^^[^]                                                                                                         
SP  134/ 312   #< ^   ^         ^ ^   ^^^^{/[                                                                                                         
Pt      3168   # ^ ^ ^            ^ ^       ^                                                                                                         
               #   ^  ^^   ^ ^  ^        ^                                                                                                            
                        ^     ^    ^     ^                                                                                                            
                                DTrap            Fast (+20) Skill                                                                               Quest