The Fenghuang ('B')/('B'):  [r,q,t,p,o,+,-,<dir>]                              
You have killed at least 1 of these creatures.                                 
It is normally found at depths of 3800 feet, and moves very quickly.  A kill of
this good creature is worth about 44705.88 points for a 49th level character.  
It is surrounded by flames.  It may breathe fire, light or sound, and is also  
magical, casting spells intelligently which drain mana, cause brain smashing,  
terrify, heal-self or summon an angel; 1 time in 3.  It can open doors and push
past weaker monsters.  It is shining.  It is suitable for riding.  It resists  
acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, nether, plasma, sound, nexus,      
disenchantment and teleportation.  it won't evolve.  It cannot be stunned,     
confused or slept.  It takes a while to see intruders, which it may notice from
500 feet.  It may carry up to 6 good objects.  It can claw to disenchant with  
damage 6d10, claw to disenchant with damage 6d10, claw to confuse with damage  
8d10, and bite to drain charges with damage 8d10.                              
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[**********]                       ~~~       #+#      #           ##       ... 
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Full            #   #                 #    #######   #   #       ###    #######
Day 14  0:28                 ##        #    #####   #         #  ###    ##### .
  Morivant    #        #  #      #         # ###                  ##    ##+##  
                                                        Fast(+36)         Surf.