The Ring of Power 'The One Ring' (+15,+15)(100%) (+5) {cursed}                                                                              
Rings are fine pieces of jewelry, usually imbued with arcane magics.                                                                        
"Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul". Unadorned, made of massive gold, set with runes   
in the foul speech of Mordor, with power so great that it inevitably twists and masters any earthly being who wears it.                     
It grants you the power of change the world if it is being worn.  It is cursed.                                                             
You might need to *identify* the item to know more about it...                                                                              
You found it lying in a vault on level 96 of Mount Doom.                                                                                    
STR!      40 ##################################################################                                                             
INT!      40 ###.$.############################################################                                                             
WIS!      40 ###.*.#...............>#!!..=#*?..¤#*....#########################                                                             
DEX!      39 ###..!#.*############..###+#####+#####+###########################                                                             
CON!      36 ###...#..#.!-[*.!.~.#..#.%.....__..d.>...#########################                                                             
CHR!      36 ###...#%.#\-.....¿..#..#+###+###+#####+###########################                                                             
Cur AC   152 ###.###..#-?.],..-.¿#......#...#U..#WU*dC#########################                                                             
HP  960/ 960 ###.'...%#.".%..¿..%+..%...#*-¿#.?p#mUD?C#########################                                                             
SN  930/ 930 ###.'....#.`|**.}._?+......#.**#b%!#CPCUC#########################                                                             
SP 1852/2298 ###.###.!#?=-?..!..(#_.....#-**#*`.#CCCCC####...%....#############                                                             
Pt     20472 ###...#..#!*%.!.!.!.#..#+#####+###+###Z####.#.U####.%#############                                                             
             ###...#..#!-¿.%.*{!.#..#....z%......$..ZZ# # .##{.##.#############                                                             
[*---------] ##################################################################                                                             
Full                            DTrap            Fast (+27)                                                                          MDm 96