stealth) (a).                                                                 
Swords are melee weapons.                                                       
It's the standard weapon of rogues and thieves.  The blade is a foot long.      
It increases your stealth by 4.  It sustains your intelligence.  It provides    
immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire,      
cold, poison and nether.  It allows you to levitate.  It allows you to see      
invisible monsters.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed   
by acid, cold, lightning or fire.                                               
Using it you would have 1 blows and do an average damage per turn of 11.5       
against all monsters.                                                           
You found it lying on the ground on level 2 of Barrow-Downs.                    
DEX:      18       #5####         #                                             
CON:      12       ..@..          #+##4#                                        
CHR:      20       .....                   #                                    
Cur AC    35        ...    ####                       +                         
HP  140/ 140         ###   #  #                ###                              
SN   70/  70           #   ####                #8#                              
SP   26/  26       ### #                                                        
                   #2###  #####  # ######          ######                       
MH   26/  26              #   #  #### ###          #1##+#                       
                          #####  ##7###+#                                       
                 #        ##3## *                                               
                  #             *                      #                        
Full                                                                      Bree