Defense abilities from your current Armor Class are evaluated below.                                                       
Your current AC :   0                                                                                                      
Protection rate :   0%                                                                                                     
Level of Monster:   0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100                                                    
Dodge Rate      :   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%                                                   
Average Damage  :  95   95   95   95   95   95   95   95   95   95   95                                                    
    'Protection Rate' means how much damage is reduced by your armor.                                                      
    Note that the Protection rate is effective only against normal                                                         
    'attack' and 'shatter' type melee attacks, and has no effect against                                                   
    any other types such as 'poison'.                                                                                      
    'Dodge Rate' indicates the success rate on dodging the monster's                                                       
    melee attacks.  It is depend on the level of the monster and your AC.                                                  
    'Average Damage' indicates the expected amount of damage when you are                                                  
    attacked by normal melee attacks with power=100.                                                                       
 ESC) Exit building                                  Gold Remaining:    15173