(*=List, ESC=exit) Use which power?                                                    
                            Charges Fail                            Charges Fail       
a) Darkness                  13/13   2%                                                
c) Haste Monsters             9/ 9   2% u) Sleep Monsters            12/12   2%        
d) Summoning                  5/ 5   2% v) Slow Monsters             47/47   2%        
e) Teleportation             38/38   2% w) Speed                     18/19   2%        
f) Perception                48/48   2% x) Probing                   14/14   2%        
g) Remove Curse               8/ 8   2%                                                
h) Starlight                 13/13   2%                                                
i) Light                     29/29   2%                                                
j) Enlightenment             14/14   2%                                                
k) Treasure Location         27/27   2%                                                
l) Object Location           27/27   2% 3) *Destruction*              6/ 6  15%        
m) Trap Location             46/46   2%                                                
n) Door/Stair Location       13/13   2%                                                
o) Detect Invisible          36/36   2%                                                
p) Detect Evil               43/43   2%                                                
q) Cure Light Wounds         31/31   2%                                                
r) Curing                    12/12   2%                                                

(*=List, ESC=exit) Use which power?                                                    
                            Charges Fail                            Charges Fail       
a) Heal Monster              13/13   2% s) Fire Bolts                21/21   2%        
b) Haste Monster             15/15   2% t) Frost Bolts               17/17   2%        
c) Clone Monster             13/13   2% u) Acid Balls                 8/ 8  15%        
d) Teleport Other            54/54   2% v) Lightning Balls           18/18   2%        
e) Disarming                 21/21   2%                                                
f) Trap/Door Destruction     14/14   2% x) Cold Balls                12/12   2%        
g) Stone to Mud              67/67   2% y) Wonder                    37/37   2%        
h) Light                     16/16   2%                                                
i) Sleep Monster             48/48   2%                                                
j) Slow Monster              10/10   2%                                                
k) Confuse Monster           20/20   2% 2) Dragon's Breath            8/ 8  38%        
l) Scare Monster             11/11   2%                                                
m) Drain Life                 7/ 7  15%                                                
n) Polymorph                 26/26   2%                                                
p) Magic Missile             47/47   2%                                                
q) Acid Bolts                15/15   2%                                                
r) Tame Monster               5/ 5   2%                                                

(*=List, ESC=exit) Use which power?                                                    
                             Stat   Fail                             Stat   Fail       
a) Trap Location            ( 0/ 3)   2%                                               
b) Door/Stair Location      ( 0/ 1)   2%t) Polymorph                ( 0/ 2)   2%       
                                        u) Acid Bolts               ( 0/ 5)   2%       
d) Recall                   ( 0/ 2)   2%v) Lightning Bolts          ( 0/ 5)   2%       
e) Illumination             ( 0/ 7)   2%w) Fire Bolts               ( 0/ 1)   2%       
                                        x) Frost Bolts              ( 0/ 5)   2%       
g) Detection                ( 0/ 2)   2%y) Acid Balls               ( 0/ 2)  20%       
                                        z) Lightning Balls          ( 0/ 4)   2%       
i) Curing                   ( 0/ 1)  11%0) Fire Balls               ( 0/ 1)  29%       
j) Healing                  ( 0/ 1)  38%1) Cold Balls               ( 0/ 3)   2%       
                                        3) Stone to Mud             ( 0/ 2)   2%       
m) Pesticide                ( 0/ 1)   2%4) Aggravate Monster        ( 0/ 2)   2%       
n) Teleport Other           ( 0/ 1)   2%                                               
o) Disarming                ( 0/ 3)   2%                                               
p) Light                    ( 0/ 6)   2%                                               
q) Sleep Monster            ( 0/ 5)   2%                                               
r) Slow Monster             ( 0/ 2)   2%