a Set of Gauntlets of Genji (+7,+0) [2,+2] (+1) {* Got in BM, no idea what "good ones" would be like.}                
Dunadan             Item Attributes:                                                                                  
Chaos Lord     A set of gloves that completely covers the hand and wrist in                                           
LEVEL     46   steel plating.                                                                                         
EXP   444588   It affects your ability to hit when you are wielding two weapons.                                      
AU    610195   It affects your dexterity.                                                                             
||}=="![(]]]   [Press any key to continue]                                                                            
STR : 18/204                                                                                                          
INT!: 18/110                                                                                                          
WIS : 18/130                                                                                                          
DEX : 18/211                                                                                                          
CON : 18/***                                                                                                          
CHR :  18/82                                                                                                          
Cur AC   127                                                                                                          
HP  938/ 938                                                                                                          
SP  251/ 251                                                                                                          
Day 68 18:13                                                                                                          