a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+13] (+1)                                                                           
Beastman            Item Attributes:                                                                                       
Go go          A set of double-lined leather boots, with toes and heels                                                    
LEVEL     36   reinforced with iron.                                                                                       
EXP    91163   It affects your speed.                                                                                      
AU     70291   [Press any key to continue]                                                                                 
STR : 18/178                                                                                                               
INT!:  18/50                                                                                                               
WIS :  18/81                                                                                                               
DEX : 18/***                                                                                                               
CON : 18/185                                                                                                               
CHR :     11                                                                                                               
Cur AC   133                                                                                                               
HP  666/ 666                                                                                                               
Day  8 12:05                                                                                                               