Yeek         #################################################################################################################
God of Rage  #   #                       #                                             #                #
LEVEL     50 #   # ##################### #                                             #                #
EXP  9669060 #   # #  W W    BsB .L.   # #        <                                    #                '
AU   1039048 #   # # W   LG W G W W   W# #        ###############                      #                #
||}=="*[(]]] #   # # z WG WWWLV  Wzz   ' #      . # ##### ##### #                      #
STR : 18/215 #   # #    V W z WG  e Wp W #     ..>###  ## ##  ###                      #                #
INT :      9 #   # #z  W  LWGVWG      W       ....##   #   #!  ##                      #                #
WIS :      9 #   # ####G## G  z GG        D  .....##           +>                      #                #
DEX : 18/166 #   #                  W       ......####       ####                      ##################
CON!: 18/190 #   ##G###G#   WDW  U  W       ......###         ###
CHR :  18/46 #                L      U       .....#             #
Cur AC   166 #~~                    U U      .....###         ###
HP 1202/1823 #~~~ ######        U U #U       .....####       ####
             #~~~~#          G   ###U UU      ....##           ##
             #~~~~#              #@#WUL       ....##   #   #   ##
             #~~~~~~          U  #p)WU        ....###  ## ##  ###                   #############
             #~~~~~~~[    D     #_&#_        .....# ##### ##### #                   ### ## ## ###
             #~~~~~~~  ~      L GGG#W U      .....###############                   ##  #   #  ##
             #~~~~~~~~~~    GD     UG        .........                        $     #           #
Day 10 23:51 # ~~~~~~~~~~    L L            ..........                              ###       ###
   Angband   #  ~~~~~~~~~    D              .........                               ##   ###   ##
             #   ~~~~~~~L~GW       G       .......########################          #    #=#    #                   ########~~
             #   #$~~~~~~WL  V WL     G     ......#                       #         ##   ###   ##                   #      ~~~
             #   # ~~~~z~D~* LG   VW z   #   .....# #############*#######           ###       ###                   # ####~~~~
             #   # #~W~V~WsWLV W  LWL  # #    ....# #                   # #         #  ~~ ~     #                   # ## #~~~~
             #   # #~G~sD VVG sL  W    # #     H..# #  #*#   ###   ###  # #         ##~~~~~ '  ##                   # ~~~~~~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~~ DWsVWWW G s # #      . # #  # #   # #   # #  # #   ~ ~   ~~~~##~## ###                   # ~~~#~~~~
             #   # ~~~G~Ls~GsV  V sz   # #        # #  ###   ##*   ###  # #  ~ ~~~ ~~~~~# # #+###                   ~~~~~~~~~,
             #   # ~~~s~~L~~V~sWVW    G# #        # #                   # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## #    !   # ##################### #  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~
             #   #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~        #        #                       # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~~~
             #   #####~~~~~~#'#~~~########        #########################  ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~#~
             #          ~~~~~~~~~~~                                         ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~  ~
             #             ~~~~~~~~~~                       #####          ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~
             #              ~~~~~~~~~~                      #   #          ~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~########~~ ~     ~~~~~~
             #              #'#~~~~~~~####        ###########   ##########~~~~~~~~     ###~~~~~~~~        *~~~~~   ~~~~~~#####
             #              #   ~~~~~~~  #        #           #     ?    ~~~~~~~~      #   ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
             #              #  ~~~~~~~~~~         #          ###          ~~~~~~~~     #   ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             #              #   ~~~~~~~~~#~       #           #           #~~~~~~~~    #    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             #              # ####~~~~~~~~~       ###########   ##'########~~~~~~~     ###  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~######
             #                    ~~~~~~~~~                 #   #          ~~~~~~~       #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                            Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Berserk Recall                               Fast(+36)       4350 ft

Yeek         #################################################################################################################
God of Rage  #   #                       #                                             #                #
LEVEL     50 #   # ##################### #                                             #                #
EXP  9849978 #   # #  .W  BB  s  ..W W # #        <                                    #                '
AU   1039048 #   # #      G     W      # #        ###############                      #                #
||}=="*[(]]] #   # #  W WW z     LWz   ' #      . # ##### ##### #                      #
STR : 18/215 #   # #     V WWW    e Wz   #     ..>###  ## ##  ###                      #                #
INT :      9 #   # #   W zLW  V               ....##   #   #!  ##                      #                #
WIS :      9 #   # ####### z LG              .....##           +>                      #                #
DEX : 18/166 #   #        G WWWG            ......####       ####                      ##################
CON!: 18/190 #   ########G GVL U            ......###         ###
CHR :  18/46 #           G    W  G    U      .....#             #
Cur AC   166 #~~                 G  W p      .....###         ###
HP 1521/1823 #~~~ ######    zU LUWWW#U W     .....####       ####
             #~~~~#           G G###D U       ....##           ##
             #~~~~#          L  G#@#LD        ....##   #   #   ##
             #~~~~~~             G|{U U       ....###  ## ##  ###                   #############
             #~~~~~~~[         G#?|#DG       .....# ##### ##### #                   ### ## ## ###
             #~~~~~~~  ~         G## UU      .....###############                   ##  #   #  ##
             #~~~~~~~~~~       L  D U        .........                        $     #           #
Day 10 23:52 # ~~~~~~~~~~     VL WD U       ..........                              ###       ###
   Angband   #  ~~~~~~~~LW  W L ULW         .........                               ##   ###   ##
             #   ~~~~~~~~W L  W  L    G    .......########################          #    #=#    #                   ########~~
             #   #$~~~~~~z~ VWDGWW LW       ......#                       #         ##   ###   ##                   #      ~~~
             #   # ~~~~~V~~* W  L  W z   #   .....# #############*#######           ###       ###                   # ####~~~~
             #   # #~W~~~VsD   V V W   # #    ....# #                   # #         #  ~~ ~     #                   # ## #~~~~
             #   # #~G~s~ D VVs   s    # #     H..# #  #*#   ###   ###  # #         ##~~~~~ '  ##                   # ~~~~~~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~~ sVsWVs  W   # #      . # #  # #   # #   # #  # #   ~ ~   ~~~~##~## ###                   # ~~~#~~~~
             #   # ~~~G~Ls~G~~  V      # #        # #  ###   ##*   ###  # #  ~ ~~~ ~~~~~# # #+###                   ~~~~~~~~~,
             #   # ~~~s~~L~~~~s     z G# #        # #                   # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## #    !   # ##################### #  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~
             #   #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~        #        #                       # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~~~
             #   #####~~~~~~#'#~~~########        #########################  ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~#~
             #          ~~~~~~~~~~~                                         ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~  ~
             #             ~~~~~~~~~~                       #####          ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~
             #              ~~~~~~~~~~                      #   #          ~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~########~~ ~     ~~~~~~
             #              #'#~~~~~~~####        ###########   ##########~~~~~~~~     ###~~~~~~~~        *~~~~~   ~~~~~~#####
             #              #   ~~~~~~~  #        #           #     ?    ~~~~~~~~      #   ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
             #              #  ~~~~~~~~~~         #          ###          ~~~~~~~~     #   ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             #              #   ~~~~~~~~~#~       #           #           #~~~~~~~~    #    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             #              # ####~~~~~~~~~       ###########   ##'########~~~~~~~     ###  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~######
             #                    ~~~~~~~~~                 #   #          ~~~~~~~       #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                            Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Berserk Recall                               Fast(+36)       4350 ft
[**]Target:The Witch-King of Angmar(Level 80, somewhat damaged) [r, x,q,t,p,o,+,-,<dir>]
Yeek         #################################################################################################################
God of Rage  #   #                       #                                             #                #
LEVEL     50 #   # ##################### #                                             #                #
EXP 10132369 #   # # B.       s  ...   # #        <                                    #                '
AU   1039048 #   # #    WWG        WWe # #        ###############                      #                #
||}=="*[(]]] #   # #     W         L W ' #      . # ##### ##### #                      #
STR : 18/215 #   # #B    W   V    W W  Dz#     ..>###  ## ##  ###                      #                #
INT :      9 #   # #     W.  z                ....##   #   #!  ##                      #                #
WIS :      9 #   # ####### W W               .....##           +>                      #                #
DEX : 18/166 #   #          zWL             ......####       ####                      ##################
CON!: 18/190 #   ########    WU             ......###         ###
CHR :  18/46 #           G  W L WG   z       .....#             #
Cur AC   166 #~~          G zV       L       .....###         ###
HP 1057/1823 #~~~ ######    V W LzUWGL       .....####       ####
             #~~~~#          W  U###U         ....##           ##
             #~~~~#             ##_#LL        ....##   #   #   ##
[********--] #~~~~~~            #=@WsU        ....###  ## ##  ###                   #############
             #~~~~~~~[         G#z[#LW       .....# ##### ##### #                   ### ## ## ###
             #~~~~~~~  ~        #[z#UU       .....###############                   ##  #   #  ##
             #~~~~~~~~~~      WV #NsU        .........                        $     #           #
Day 10 23:53 # ~~~~~~~~~~     LL LWzz       ..........                              ###       ###
   Angband   #  ~~~~~~~~~   LWW VzW         .........                               ##   ###   ##
             #   ~~~~~~~zL    W VW         .......########################          #    #=#    #                   ########~~
             #   #$~~~~~~~V LW V s W        ......#                       #         ##   ###   ##                   #      ~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~WV* D    W      #   .....# #############*#######           ###       ###                   # ####~~~~
             #   # #~W~~~~s DV VsVLW   # #    ....# #                   # #         #  ~~ ~     #                   # ## #~~~~
             #   # #~G~s~ ~sVWs   Vz   # #     ...# #  #*#   ###   ###  # #         ##~~~~~ '  ##                   # ~~~~~~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~~ ~~s         # #      . # #  # #   # #   # #  # #   ~ ~   ~~~~##~## ###                   # ~~~#~~~~
             #   # ~~~G~~L~G~~G        # #        # #  ###   ##*   ###  # #  ~ ~~~ ~~~~~# # #+###                   ~~~~~~~~~,
             #   # ~G~s~~sL~~~s      zG# #        # #                   # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~
             #   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## #    !   # ##################### #  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~
             #   #   ~~Y~~~~~~~~~        #        #                       # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~~~
             #   #####~~~~~~#'#~~~########        #########################  ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~#~
             #          ~~~~~~~~~~~                                         ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~  ~
             #             ~~~~~~~~~~                       #####          ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~
             #              ~~~~~~~~~~                      #   #          ~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~########~~ ~     ~~~~~~
             #              #'#~~~~~~~####        ###########   ##########~~~~~~~~     ###~~~~~~~~        *~~~~~   ~~~~~~#####
             #              #   ~~~~~~~  #        #           #     ?    ~~~~~~~~      #   ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
             #              #  ~~~~~~~~~~         #          ###          ~~~~~~~~     #   ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             #              #   ~~~~~~~~~#~       #           #           #~~~~~~~~    #    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             #              # ####~~~~~~~~~       ###########   ##'########~~~~~~~     ###  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~######
             #                    ~~~~~~~~~                 #   #          ~~~~~~~       #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                            Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Berserk Recall                               Fast(+36)       4350 ft

Message Recall (0-39 of 1325)

You hit the Ghoul.
It was a good hit!
You have destroyed the Ghoul.
The Archlich casts a nether ball.
The Witch-King of Angmar is immune.
The Iron lich is immune.
The Skeleton troll is immune.
The Demilich is immune.
The Bloodletter of Khorne resists somewhat.
The Ghoul is immune.
The Nether wraith is immune.
The Witch-King of Angmar says, 'This is the end; I won't take anymore.'
The Witch-King of Angmar stares deep into your eyes!
You are unaffected!
Target Aborted.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x15>
It was a good hit!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
The Demilich points at you, screaming the word DIE!
You resist the effects!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x6>
It was a great hit!
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
It was a good hit!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x2>
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
Your weapon cuts deep into The Witch-King of Angmar!
You maim The Witch-King of Angmar!
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar. <x2>
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x3>
It was a good hit!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
The Demilich magically summons an undead adversary!
The Witch-King of Angmar teleports you away.

[Press 'p' for older, 'n' for newer, ..., or ESCAPE]

            |# #############   <                  #       '          #########       #    #       ##### ###### #
            |# ##         '#  .########           #       #          ###    ##       #    #       #    #     # #
!Healing    |# ##  .       # ..># ##!##           #       #          ##      #    :  #    #      :##### ###### #
            |# #####        ....##   #>           #########          #       #       #    #           # #      #
            |# ####         ...##    ##                              #       #     : ######           ###      #
            |#~####     #    ..###   ##                              #       #      ######                     #
            |#~#      #%#.   ...# # # #                              #       #      #    #                     #
Gauntlets   |#~~~     #!]#   ..## #####         #######              ##     #'      +    #              ###### #
            |#~~~~~   #..    ..##.#####         ### # #               #######       ######              ###### #
            |#~~~~~         ......              ## ####                                                 ##  ## #
            |# ~~~~~        ...#############    ## ## #         ####~~#######         ###               ##  ## #
            |# %~~~~*     ## ..#%%##%###%###    #%~~ ##         ###~~~~~#*#%#      #### ####            # #### #
            |# #~~~~~     #%  .## *% %# %#%# ~~ ~~~~'##         #~~~~~~~~~#~#      #  ##   #            ###### #
            |# #~~~~~~    #%   %% ## #* ####~~~~~~#~~+#         ~~~~~~~~~~~~#      #########                   #
!Speed      |# #~~~~~~#%%##% ! #####%%%#%###~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      # #                      #
            |# %#~~~%'~%##%%   ##%##%%%#%%#%~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~###+~~~~~~~~~     ###                      #
            |#      ~~~~~~          ###     ~~~~~~~~~~~####~~~  ~~~  ##+#  ~~~~~~~    # #       ##########     #
            |#      #'~~~###   ############~~~~~  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###  ##### ~~~~~##########   #        #     #
            |#      # ~~~~~~   #     ##    #~~~~  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        %~~~~~~~  ##    #   #        #     #
            |#      ###~~~~~   ###### #'####~~~~  ##~~~~~~~#~~~~~~########### ~~~~#~### #####   ##########     #
            |#         ~~~~~        ###    ~~~~~   #*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ~~~~~~~###                      #
            |#          ~~~~~       ###   ~~~~~~     ~~~~     .~.~.  %##        ~ ~~~~~%#   ~~~                #
            |#           ~~~~~~    ## '##~~~~~~~       ~ ######.....#% ##          ~~~~~#%~~~~~~  ###########  #
            |#        ###~~~~~~~   # ##~~~~~~~         . #    '.....%   %          #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #         #  #
            |#       ##~~~~>~~~~~ ~#~#~##~~~~    #####...######.....#%  #          #*~~~~~~~~~~~~ #      ####  #
            |#       #  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     #    #..............###              #~~~~~~~~~~ ########     #
            |#       #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       # ## #...............                ##~~ ~~~~~~              #
            |#       #    ## ~~~~~~~~~~#~####    # ## #............####%#   :    #######% ###%~~~  ##########  #
            |#       ##   ##  #~~~~    ' #  #    #    #............#    ###%     +      # #   ~~~~ #~~~~~~~ #  #
            |#       ######   #        # #  '    ######.......@....#       #     #      # #   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  #
            |#                ########## ###        ...............#    ###%     ######## %###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  #
  Hit M, N(for ~), K(for !), or D(same as M+N) to display auto-picker items.--------------------------------------------------