Yeek #################################################################################################################
God of Rage # # # # #
LEVEL 50 # # ##################### # # #
EXP 9669060 # # # W W BsB .L. # # < # '
AU 1039048 # # # W LG W G W W W# # ############### # #
||}=="*[(]]] # # # z WG WWWLV Wzz ' # . # ##### ##### # #
STR : 18/215 # # # V W z WG e Wp W # ..>### ## ## ### # #
INT : 9 # # #z W LWGVWG W ....## # #! ## # #
WIS : 9 # # ####G## G z GG D .....## +> # #
DEX : 18/166 # # W ......#### #### ##################
CON!: 18/190 # ##G###G# WDW U W ......### ###
CHR : 18/46 # L U .....# #
Cur AC 166 #~~ U U .....### ###
HP 1202/1823 #~~~ ###### U U #U .....#### ####
#~~~~# G ###U UU ....## ##
#~~~~# #@#WUL ....## # # ##
#~~~~~~ U #p)WU ....### ## ## ### #############
#~~~~~~~[ D #_&#_ .....# ##### ##### # ### ## ## ###
#~~~~~~~ ~ L GGG#W U .....############### ## # # ##
#~~~~~~~~~~ GD UG ......... $ # #
Day 10 23:51 # ~~~~~~~~~~ L L .......... ### ###
Angband # ~~~~~~~~~ D ......... ## ### ##
# ~~~~~~~L~GW G .......######################## # #=# # ########~~
# #$~~~~~~WL V WL G ......# # ## ### ## # ~~~
# # ~~~~z~D~* LG VW z # .....# #############*####### ### ### # ####~~~~
# # #~W~V~WsWLV W LWL # # ....# # # # # ~~ ~ # # ## #~~~~
# # #~G~sD VVG sL W # # H..# # #*# ### ### # # ##~~~~~ ' ## # ~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~ DWsVWWW G s # # . # # # # # # # # # # ~ ~ ~~~~##~## ### # ~~~#~~~~
# # ~~~G~Ls~GsV V sz # # # # ### ##* ### # # ~ ~~~ ~~~~~# # #+### ~~~~~~~~~,
# # ~~~s~~L~~V~sWVW G# # # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## # ! # ##################### # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
# #####~~~~~~#'#~~~######## ######################### ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~#~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~
# ~~~~~~~~~~ ##### ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~########~~ ~ ~~~~~~
# #'#~~~~~~~#### ########### ##########~~~~~~~~ ###~~~~~~~~ *~~~~~ ~~~~~~#####
# # ~~~~~~~ # # # ? ~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~ # ### ~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~#~ # # #~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # ####~~~~~~~~~ ########### ##'########~~~~~~~ ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~######
# ~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Berserk Recall Fast(+36) 4350 ft
Yeek #################################################################################################################
God of Rage # # # # #
LEVEL 50 # # ##################### # # #
EXP 9849978 # # # .W BB s ..W W # # < # '
AU 1039048 # # # G W # # ############### # #
||}=="*[(]]] # # # W WW z LWz ' # . # ##### ##### # #
STR : 18/215 # # # V WWW e Wz # ..>### ## ## ### # #
INT : 9 # # # W zLW V ....## # #! ## # #
WIS : 9 # # ####### z LG .....## +> # #
DEX : 18/166 # # G WWWG ......#### #### ##################
CON!: 18/190 # ########G GVL U ......### ###
CHR : 18/46 # G W G U .....# #
Cur AC 166 #~~ G W p .....### ###
HP 1521/1823 #~~~ ###### zU LUWWW#U W .....#### ####
#~~~~# G G###D U ....## ##
#~~~~# L G#@#LD ....## # # ##
#~~~~~~ G|{U U ....### ## ## ### #############
#~~~~~~~[ G#?|#DG .....# ##### ##### # ### ## ## ###
#~~~~~~~ ~ G## UU .....############### ## # # ##
#~~~~~~~~~~ L D U ......... $ # #
Day 10 23:52 # ~~~~~~~~~~ VL WD U .......... ### ###
Angband # ~~~~~~~~LW W L ULW ......... ## ### ##
# ~~~~~~~~W L W L G .......######################## # #=# # ########~~
# #$~~~~~~z~ VWDGWW LW ......# # ## ### ## # ~~~
# # ~~~~~V~~* W L W z # .....# #############*####### ### ### # ####~~~~
# # #~W~~~VsD V V W # # ....# # # # # ~~ ~ # # ## #~~~~
# # #~G~s~ D VVs s # # H..# # #*# ### ### # # ##~~~~~ ' ## # ~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~ sVsWVs W # # . # # # # # # # # # # ~ ~ ~~~~##~## ### # ~~~#~~~~
# # ~~~G~Ls~G~~ V # # # # ### ##* ### # # ~ ~~~ ~~~~~# # #+### ~~~~~~~~~,
# # ~~~s~~L~~~~s z G# # # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## # ! # ##################### # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
# #####~~~~~~#'#~~~######## ######################### ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~#~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~
# ~~~~~~~~~~ ##### ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~########~~ ~ ~~~~~~
# #'#~~~~~~~#### ########### ##########~~~~~~~~ ###~~~~~~~~ *~~~~~ ~~~~~~#####
# # ~~~~~~~ # # # ? ~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~ # ### ~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~#~ # # #~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # ####~~~~~~~~~ ########### ##'########~~~~~~~ ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~######
# ~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Berserk Recall Fast(+36) 4350 ft
[**]Target:The Witch-King of Angmar(Level 80, somewhat damaged) [r, x,q,t,p,o,+,-,<dir>]
Yeek #################################################################################################################
God of Rage # # # # #
LEVEL 50 # # ##################### # # #
EXP 10132369 # # # B. s ... # # < # '
AU 1039048 # # # WWG WWe # # ############### # #
||}=="*[(]]] # # # W L W ' # . # ##### ##### # #
STR : 18/215 # # #B W V W W Dz# ..>### ## ## ### # #
INT : 9 # # # W. z ....## # #! ## # #
WIS : 9 # # ####### W W .....## +> # #
DEX : 18/166 # # zWL ......#### #### ##################
CON!: 18/190 # ######## WU ......### ###
CHR : 18/46 # G W L WG z .....# #
Cur AC 166 #~~ G zV L .....### ###
HP 1057/1823 #~~~ ###### V W LzUWGL .....#### ####
#~~~~# W U###U ....## ##
#~~~~# ##_#LL ....## # # ##
[********--] #~~~~~~ #=@WsU ....### ## ## ### #############
#~~~~~~~[ G#z[#LW .....# ##### ##### # ### ## ## ###
#~~~~~~~ ~ #[z#UU .....############### ## # # ##
#~~~~~~~~~~ WV #NsU ......... $ # #
Day 10 23:53 # ~~~~~~~~~~ LL LWzz .......... ### ###
Angband # ~~~~~~~~~ LWW VzW ......... ## ### ##
# ~~~~~~~zL W VW .......######################## # #=# # ########~~
# #$~~~~~~~V LW V s W ......# # ## ### ## # ~~~
# # ~~~~~~WV* D W # .....# #############*####### ### ### # ####~~~~
# # #~W~~~~s DV VsVLW # # ....# # # # # ~~ ~ # # ## #~~~~
# # #~G~s~ ~sVWs Vz # # ...# # #*# ### ### # # ##~~~~~ ' ## # ~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~ ~~s # # . # # # # # # # # # # ~ ~ ~~~~##~## ### # ~~~#~~~~
# # ~~~G~~L~G~~G # # # # ### ##* ### # # ~ ~~~ ~~~~~# # #+### ~~~~~~~~~,
# # ~G~s~~sL~~~s zG# # # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## # ! # ##################### # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~Y~~~~~~~~~ # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
# #####~~~~~~#'#~~~######## ######################### ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~#~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~
# ~~~~~~~~~~ ##### ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~########~~ ~ ~~~~~~
# #'#~~~~~~~#### ########### ##########~~~~~~~~ ###~~~~~~~~ *~~~~~ ~~~~~~#####
# # ~~~~~~~ # # # ? ~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~~ # ### ~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # ~~~~~~~~~#~ # # #~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # ####~~~~~~~~~ ########### ##'########~~~~~~~ ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~######
# ~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Berserk Recall Fast(+36) 4350 ft
Message Recall (0-39 of 1325)
You hit the Ghoul.
It was a good hit!
You have destroyed the Ghoul.
The Archlich casts a nether ball.
The Witch-King of Angmar is immune.
The Iron lich is immune.
The Skeleton troll is immune.
The Demilich is immune.
The Bloodletter of Khorne resists somewhat.
The Ghoul is immune.
The Nether wraith is immune.
The Witch-King of Angmar says, 'This is the end; I won't take anymore.'
The Witch-King of Angmar stares deep into your eyes!
You are unaffected!
Target Aborted.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x15>
It was a good hit!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
The Demilich points at you, screaming the word DIE!
You resist the effects!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x6>
It was a great hit!
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
It was a good hit!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x2>
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
Your weapon cuts deep into The Witch-King of Angmar!
You maim The Witch-King of Angmar!
You miss The Witch-King of Angmar. <x2>
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar. <x3>
It was a good hit!
You hit The Witch-King of Angmar.
The Demilich magically summons an undead adversary!
The Witch-King of Angmar teleports you away.
[Press 'p' for older, 'n' for newer, ..., or ESCAPE]
|# ############# < # ' ######### # # ##### ###### #
|# ## '# .######## # # ### ## # # # # # #
!Healing |# ## . # ..># ##!## # # ## # : # # :##### ###### #
|# ##### ....## #> ######### # # # # # # #
|# #### ...## ## # # : ###### ### #
|#~#### # ..### ## # # ###### #
|#~# #%#. ...# # # # # # # # #
Gauntlets |#~~~ #!]# ..## ##### ####### ## #' + # ###### #
|#~~~~~ #.. ..##.##### ### # # ####### ###### ###### #
|#~~~~~ ...... ## #### ## ## #
|# ~~~~~ ...############# ## ## # ####~~####### ### ## ## #
|# %~~~~* ## ..#%%##%###%### #%~~ ## ###~~~~~#*#%# #### #### # #### #
|# #~~~~~ #% .## *% %# %#%# ~~ ~~~~'## #~~~~~~~~~#~# # ## # ###### #
|# #~~~~~~ #% %% ## #* ####~~~~~~#~~+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~# ######### #
!Speed |# #~~~~~~#%%##% ! #####%%%#%###~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # #
|# %#~~~%'~%##%% ##%##%%%#%%#%~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~###+~~~~~~~~~ ### #
|# ~~~~~~ ### ~~~~~~~~~~~####~~~ ~~~ ##+# ~~~~~~~ # # ########## #
|# #'~~~### ############~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##### ~~~~~########## # # #
|# # ~~~~~~ # ## #~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %~~~~~~~ ## # # # #
|# ###~~~~~ ###### #'####~~~~ ##~~~~~~~#~~~~~~########### ~~~~#~### ##### ########## #
|# ~~~~~ ### ~~~~~ #*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~### #
|# ~~~~~ ### ~~~~~~ ~~~~ .~.~. %## ~ ~~~~~%# ~~~ #
|# ~~~~~~ ## '##~~~~~~~ ~ ######.....#% ## ~~~~~#%~~~~~~ ########### #
|# ###~~~~~~~ # ##~~~~~~~ . # '.....% % #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # #
|# ##~~~~>~~~~~ ~#~#~##~~~~ #####...######.....#% # #*~~~~~~~~~~~~ # #### #
|# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # #..............### #~~~~~~~~~~ ######## #
|# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ## #............... ##~~ ~~~~~~ #
|# # ## ~~~~~~~~~~#~#### # ## #............####%# : #######% ###%~~~ ########## #
|# ## ## #~~~~ ' # # # #............# ###% + # # ~~~~ #~~~~~~~ # #
|# ###### # # # ' ######.......@....# # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# #
|# ########## ### ...............# ###% ######## %###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# #
Hit M, N(for ~), K(for !), or D(same as M+N) to display auto-picker items.--------------------------------------------------