[Entroband 1.7.1 Character Dump] Name : Mighty Lord Alkaline Sex : Male Age 57 STR!: 18/180 Race : Dunadan Height 81 INT!: 18/190 Class : Magic-Eater Weight 188 Wis : 18/166 18/188 Social Class 1 DEX!: 18/*** Align Neutral Evil CON!: 18/170 CHR : 18/172 Right hand (+90,+63) Hit point -385/ 928 Fighting : Legendary[27] SP (Mana) 0/ 0 Bows/Throw : Legendary[30] Blows/Round 8+0 SavingThrow: Superb AverageDmg/Rnd 709+0 Level 50 Stealth : Superb Experience 11615308 Shooting (+64,+22) Max Exp 12039352 Perception : Excellent Multiplier x3.42 Exp to Adv ***** Searching : Very Good Shots/Round 2.00 Gold 6251897 Disarming : Superb MagicDevice: Legendary[12] AC [34,+122] Time Day 776 6:35 Speed (+17+10) Play time 85:07:46 Infra-Vision: 30 feet (Character Background) Lord Alkaline you are a Mighty Dunadan Magic-Eater who's power literally crackles from your fingertips. You gained your ability to absorb magic from an errant logrus storm & you haven't looked back since. Few choose to cross you. ...You were killed by The Norsa on level 98 of Angband. Modification Sex : Male Stat BaseRacClaPerMod ActualCurrent abcdefghijkl@ Race : Dunadan STR!: 18/120 1 -1 2 4 18/180 .2.....2..... Class : Magic-Eater INT!: 18/90 2 2 -2 8 18/190 .....33..2... Level : 50 Wis : 18/68 2 1 -1 10 18/188 18/166 .2...33..2... Hits : -385/928 DEX!: 18/130 2 2 0 15 18/*** ..3.....4.44. Mana : 0/0 CON!: 18/90 3 -2 1 6 18/170 .2......4...s CHR : 18/92 2 1 0 5 18/172 .....3.2..... |)}=="*[(]]] |)}=="*[(]]] |)}=="*[(]]] abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Acid : .....+.+..+.. Sound : .......+..... Speed : ....+.+....+# Elec : .....+.+..... Nether: .........+... FreeAction: .+...+....++. Fire : .*.....+..... Nexus : .......+...+. SeeInvisi.: .+...++...... Cold : .....+.+..... Chaos : ......+...... Hold Life : ......+...+.. Poison: .+........... Disnch: ..+.......... Warning : ............. Light : .+......+.... Fear : .+..........# SlowDigest: ............. Dark : ........+.... Reflct: .+........... Regene. : ............. Shard : .......+..... AuFire: ............. Levitation: ...........+. Blind : .........+... AuElec: ............. Perm Lite : ............. Conf : .+....+...... AuCold: ............. Cursed : ............. |) |)}=="*[(]]] |)}=="*[(]]] ab@ abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Slay Evil : ... Telepathy : .........+... Add Blows : ...+......... Slay Und. : ... ESP Evil : ............. Add Tunnel : +............ Slay Demon: ... ESP Noliv.: ............. Add Infra : .....+....... Slay Drag.: ... ESP Good : ............. Add Device : ............. Slay Human: ... ESP Undead: ............. Add Stealth : ..+.....+.... Slay Anim.: ... ESP Demon : ............. Add Search : ........+.... Slay Orc : ... ESP Dragon: ............. Slay Troll: ... ESP Human : ............. Riding : ............. Slay Giant: ... ESP Animal: ............. Throw : ............. Acid Brand: ... ESP Orc : ............. Blessed : ............. Elec Brand: ... ESP Troll : ............. No Teleport : ............. Fire Brand: ... ESP Giant : ............. Anti Magic : ............. Cold Brand: ... Econom. Mana: ............. Poison Brd: ... Sust Str : .+........... Sharpness : +.. Sust Int : ............. Drain Exp : ............. Quake : ... Sust Wis : .+........... Rnd.Teleport: ............. Vampiric : ... Sust Dex : ...........+. Aggravate : ............. Chaotic : ... Sust Con : .+..........+ TY Curse : ............. Force Wep.: ... Sust Chr : ............. [Last Messages] > You are suddenly very cold! > You get zapped! > You hit The Norsa. > Your weapon cuts deep into The Norsa! > You gouge The Norsa! > You are suddenly very cold! > You get zapped! > You hit The Norsa. > Your weapon cuts deep into The Norsa! > You carve The Norsa! > You are suddenly very cold! > You get zapped! > The Norsa misses you. > The Norsa crushes you. > You are enveloped in flames! > The Norsa misses you. > The Norsa breathes acid. > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > One of your Scrolls of Holy Chant {@r1,!k!s!d!v} (q) was destroyed! > The prayer has expired. > Really try 2 Potions of Healing {!*}? [y/n] > You have a Potion of Healing {!*}. > You feel very good. > The Norsa breathes lightning. > You feel very good. > The Norsa breathes lightning. > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Norsa breathes lightning. > Ok, ok, I get it: No more pals. > Goodbye, Lord Alkaline! > Character dump successful. [Option Settings] Preserve Mode: OFF Small Levels: ON Arena Levels: OFF [Recall Depth] Angband : level 98 Yeek cave : level 5 !Dragon's lair : level 72 !Volcano : level 60 R'lyeh : level 80 Dark cave : level 55 [Quest Information] < Completed Quest > Thieves Hideout (Danger level: 5) - level 4 Warg problem (Danger level: 5) - level 11 Hobbes the Tiger (Dungeon level: 6) - level 11 Orc Camp (Danger level: 15) - level 15 Doom Quest 1 (Danger level: 15) - level 17 Shagrat, the Orc Captain (Dungeon level: 12) - level 19 Tengu and Death Swords (Danger level: 25) - level 20 The Mimic's Treasure (Danger level: 25) - level 20 Old Man Willow Quest (Danger level: 22) - level 21 Dark Elven Lords Quest (Danger level: 25) - level 22 The Ultimate Dungeon Cleaner (Dungeon level: 24) - level 26 The Sewer (Danger level: 15) - level 27 Logrus Master (Danger level: 25) - level 27 The Tower (Danger level: 30) - level 27 The Vault (Danger level: 30) - level 27 Vapor Quest (Danger level: 25) - level 37 The Cloning Pits (Danger level: 45) - level 37 The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft (Danger level: 50) - level 37 Killing Fields (Danger level: 50) - level 37 Haunted House (Danger level: 48) - level 38 The Old Castle (Danger level: 50) - level 38 Doom Quest 2 (Danger level: 55) - level 38 The Royal Crypt (Danger level: 70) - level 42 Jack of Shadows (Dungeon level: 38) - level 43 Ulik the Troll (Dungeon level: 44) - level 43 Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger (Dungeon level: 50) - level 43 The Yamata-no-Orochi (Dungeon level: 56) - level 43 Jisisl of Ice (Dungeon level: 62) - level 46 Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" (Dungeon level: 76) - level 49 Cerberus, Guardian of Hades (Dungeon level: 88) - level 50 < Failed Quest > Nothing. Arena: Champion [Defeated Monsters] You have defeated 8089 enemies including 192 unique monsters in total. < Unique monsters top 10 > Cerberus, Guardian of Hades (level 94) Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst (level 92) Qlzqqlzuup, the Lord of Flesh (level 92) Oremorj the Cyberdemon Lord (level 89) Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves (level 87) Loki the Trickster (level 85) Wahha-Man the Golden (level 85) Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" (level 85) Ymir the Ice Giant (level 85) Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord (level 84) [Virtues] Your alighnment : Neutral Evil You have strayed from the path of Mysticism. You are the living embodiment of Knowledge. You are an enemy of Individualism. You are the polar opposite of Compassion. You are a great champion of Temperance. You are very virtuous in Justice. You are the polar opposite of Honour. You are an enemy of Sacrifice. [Character Equipment] a) a Diamond Edge (7d5) (+26,+24) (+4) {Dg|S, @w1@t1,Wyrm of Law-Angband 98-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} b) The Small Metal Shield of Anabasis (+10,+10) [5,+25] (+2) {StWiCn;*Fi;PoLiCfFe;RfFaSi(StWiCn, @w3@t3,Storm Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} c) The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+22) (+3) {DxSl;Di;Xs, Utgarde Locke-Angband 50-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} d) a Ring of Extra Attacks (+3 attacks) {At, Bile Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 46,!*} e) a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp, Venom Wyrm-Angband 79-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} f) The Amulet of Ingwe (+3) {InWiChIf;AcElCo;FaSi, @A1,!!,Zephyr Lord-Old Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,!k!s!d!v} g) The Jewel of Judgement (+3 to speed) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl, @A2,!!,Glaaki-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} h) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {StCh;AcElFiCoShSoNx, Cloning Pits-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} i) The Elven Cloak 'of Daisy' [4,+20] (+4) {DxCnSlSr;LiDk, @A3,!!,Crystal Drake-Angband 97-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {InWi;BlNt~Tele, @w5@t5,Cloning Pits-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} k) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {Dx;Ac;FaHl, @A4,!!,Vault-Angband 70-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to speed) {SpDx;Nx;FaLv(Dx, Cloning Pits Reward-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} [Character Inventory] a) 2 Song Books [Harps of Rivendell] b) 2 Trump Spellbooks [Trumps of Doom] c) a Death Spellbook [Necronomicon] d) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels] e) 2 Nature Spellbooks [Nature's Gifts] f) a Sorcery Spellbook [Pattern Sorcery] g) 3 Life Spellbooks [Book of the Unicorn] h) a Mushroom of Restoring {!*} i) 6 Rations of Food {@E1,!k!s!d!v} j) 45 Potions of Heroism {@q1,!k!s!d!v} k) 51 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {!*} l) a Potion of Healing {!*} m) 2 Potions of Restore Mana {!*} n) 15 Potions of Restore Life Levels {!*} o) 47 Scrolls of Teleportation {!*} p) 10 Scrolls of *Identify* {!*} q) 36 Scrolls of Holy Chant {@r1,!k!s!d!v} r) 19 Scrolls of Monster Confusion {!*} s) a Wand of Drain Life (5 charges) {!*!*} t) a Ring of Slaying (+5,+13) u) an Amulet of the Magi [+4] (+9 to searching) v) an Elven Cloak [4,+14] (+4 to stealth) {Grand Master Mystic-Angband 98-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} w) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Telepathy [0,+10] [Home Inventory] ( page 1 ) a) 27 Potions of Speed {!*} b) 26 Potions of Heroism {@q1,!k!s!d!v} c) 31 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {!*} d) 18 Potions of Healing {!*} e) 3 Potions of Life {!*} f) 10 Potions of Restore Life Levels {!*} g) 4 Potions of Enlightenment {!*} h) a Potion of New Life i) 16 Scrolls of *Identify* {!*} j) 32 Scrolls of *Remove Curse* {!*} k) 6 Scrolls of Recharging {@r2,!k!s!d!v} l) a Scroll of Mundanity {!k!s!d!v} ( page 2 ) a) 46 Scrolls of Holy Chant {@r1,!k!s!d!v} b) a Scroll of *Destruction* c) 2 Scrolls of Genocide {!*} d) a Ring of Protection (Extra Armor) [+30] {Doom Quest 2-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} e) 3 Rings of Poison Resistance {!k!s!d!v} f) a Ring of Free Action {!k!s!d!v} g) a Ring of See Invisible {!k!s!d!v} h) a Ring of Damage (+17) {Angband 98-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} i) a Ring of Damage (+15) {BM Outpost-Chlvl 39,!k!s!d!v} j) a Ring of Damage and Accuracy (+4,+16) {DL 60-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v} k) a Ring of Slaying (+12,+8) {Tom the Stone Troll-DL 72-Chlvl 46,!k!s!d!v} l) a Ring of Slaying (+7,+10) {Angband 60-Chlvl 44,!k!s!d!v} ( page 3 ) a) a Ring of Slaying (+4,+10) {BM Morivant-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} b) a Ring of Slaying and Light (+6,+4) {Micros0ft Quest-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} c) a Ring of Speed (+7) {Julian-DL 72-Chlvl 46,!k!s!d!v} d) a Ring of Speed (+7) {Vault-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} e) a Ring of Speed (+7) {Sp, Cave Troll-DL 48-Chlvl 39,!k!s!d!v} f) The Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {StInWiDxCnChSlSr;Po;SiWr, Ancient Multi-Hued D-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} g) 2 Rings of Light and Darkness Resistance {LiDk, !k!s!d!v} h) 2 Rings of Nether Resistance {!k!s!d!v} i) a Ring of Sound Resistance {So, !k!s!d!v} j) a Ring of Confusion Resistance {!k!s!d!v} k) 2 Rings of Shard Resistance {Sh, !k!s!d!v} l) a Ring of Disenchantment Resistance {!k!s!d!v} ( page 4 ) a) a Ring of Chaos Resistance {CfCa, Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} b) a Ring of Reinforce Muscle (+3) {StDxCn, DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} c) an Amulet of the Magi [+7] (+8 to searching) {Dworkin-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} d) an Amulet of Reflection {Troll Pit-DL 59-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} e) an Amulet of Reflection {DL 60-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} f) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) {StCnIf;Di;FaSiRgLu, Mephistoles-Angband 84-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} g) an Amulet of Anti-Magic {DL 40-Chlvl 34,!k!s!d!v} h) an Amulet of Anti-Magic {!k!s!d!v} i) an Amulet of Anti-Teleportation {[T, Tengu & Death Sword's Quest-Chlvl 20,!k!s!d!v} j) an Amulet of Resistance {AcElFiCo, Old Castle Quest-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} k) an Amulet of Resistance and Protection [+1] {AcElFiCo, Jack of Shadows-Angband 38-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} l) an Amulet of Telepathy {~Tele, DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} ( page 5 ) a) The Amulet of Faramir (+24,+0) (+3) {Sl;BlCf(Dx, @A2,!!,Cloning Pits-Chlvl 27,!k!s!d!v} b) The Torque of Boromir (+0,+16) {Fe(St, Itangast-DL 59-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} c) The Inro of Mito Koumon (+2) (charging) {InWiChSrIf;Si, Dracolich-DL 59-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} d) an Amulet of Intelligence (+3) e) The Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2) {SpStWi;CfCa;FaSiHlRgBs, Dracolich-DL 68-Chlvl 44,!k!s!d!v} f) The Collar Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (-2) {InWiChSl;DkNt;SiAg~L, Venom Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} g) The Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2) {InChSrIf;FaSiSdRgLuWr[FEC, @A1,!!,Old Castle Quest Reward-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} h) The Pendant of Gogo (+4) {InWiDx;SiLu, DL 60-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v} i) a Feanorian Lamp of Immortal Eye {Micros0ft Quest-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} j) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching) {Sr;Dk, @A1@w4@t4,!!,Dark Elven Lord's Quest Reward-Chlvl 22,!k!s!d!v} k) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed) {Sp;SiHl, @A2,!!,Archlich-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,!k!s!d!v} l) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) (charging) {WiCh~Tele, @A2,!!,Cyberdemon-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} ( page 6 ) a) The Ring Mail 'turlach' (-2) [12,+15] (+4 to stealth) {WiSl;Nx;RfSi(Wi, Jack of Shadows-Angband 38-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} b) The Metal Scale Mail 'fimdal' (-2) [13,+15] {ElCfNt;Lu[E, Fallen Angel-Volcano 44-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} c) Double Ring Mail of Resistance (-2) [15,+19] {AcElFiCoPoDk, It-DL 40-Chlvl 33-Res Poison,!k!s!d!v} d) Augmented Chain Mail of Resistance (-2) [16,+13] {AcElFiCoPoDi} e) The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) {InWiCn;AcPoLiCf, @A3,!!,Storm Wyrm-DL 56-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} f) The Bar Chain Mail 'turbarad' (-2) [18,+12] (+4 to speed) {SpSl;Po[F, Cave Troll-DL 48-Chlvl 39,!k!s!d!v} g) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {StDx;AcElFiCoDkCfSo, Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v} h) Splint Mail of Resistance (-2) [19,+22] {AcElFiCoPoDi} i) Splint Mail of Resistance (-2) [19,+7] {AcElFiCoDi, DL 40-Chlvl 34,!k!s!d!v} j) The Do-maru 'aegmellon' (-2) [20,+19] (+4 to infravision) {StDxChIf;FiPoCa;FaSdRgTe, Troll Pit-DL 59-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} k) Partial Plate Armour of Resistance (-3) [22,+12] {AcElFiCoPoFe} l) The Metal Lamellar Armour 'Poison Barrier' (-3) [23,+18] (+2 to speed) {SpStSl;ElFiPoBlSoNx;Si, Vault-Angband 84-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} ( page 7 ) a) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) {Ch;FiCa;RfLu, Ancient White D-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} b) The Full Plate Armour of Zeus (-3) [25,+20] {*El;Fe;Lu, Angband 65-Chlvl 46,Imm Elec,!k!s!d!v} c) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+3) {Cn;AcElFiCoCfSoNx} d) The Ribbed Plate Armour 'Hound' (+2,+7) [28,+11] (+3) {StWiCn;CoLi(Cn, Vault-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} e) Paper Armour of Elvenkind [4,+19] (+2 to stealth) {Sl;AcElFiCoDi, @w5@t5,Mimic's Quest-Chlvl 19,!k!s!d!v} f) The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4 to stealth) {Sl;AcElFiCoPoDk, Old Castle Quest-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} g) The Hard Leather Armour 'Silentwalker' (-1) [6,+16] (+2) {DxCh;NtNxDi(Dx} h) The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C, Ancient Multi-Hued D-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} i) Cord Armour of Resistance [6,+19] {AcElFiCoPoCf, Yamata-No-Orochi-Angband 56-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} j) Cord Armour of Resistance [6,+12] {AcElFiCoPoSo} k) The Leather Scale Mail 'Oath of Mages' (-1) [11,+15] (+4 to infravision) {StInIf(InCn, Wyrm of Chaos-DL 72-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} l) Black Clothes of Resistance [4,+25] (+2 to stealth) {Sl;AcElFiCoPoSo, Quachil-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} ( page 8 ) a) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {AcElFiCoPo, @A4,!!,Black Reaver-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,!k!s!d!v} b) The Fur Cloak of Mook [3,+20] {AcCoCa;Lv, @A4,!!,DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} c) an Ethereal Cloak [0,+17] d) a Small Leather Shield of Reflection [3,+11] {Rf, @w4@t4,Vault Angband 22-Chlvl 26,!k!s!d!v} e) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiCoLiDk, Great Chrystal Drake-DL 60-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} f) a Large Metal Shield of Resistance [8,+18] {AcElFiCoNt, Mature White d-DL 40-Chlvl 34,!k!s!d!v} g) The Large Metal Shield of Escapee [8,+18] (+2 to stealth) {SlSr;Po, @w3@t3,BM Morivant-Chlvl 20,!k!s!d!v} h) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [8,+18] {AcElFiCoDi(StInWiDxCnCh, Vault-Angband 70-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} i) a Dragon Shield [8,+21] {FiPoCfNx, Storm Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} j) a Dragon Shield [8,+15] {CoShCf, Wyrm of Law-DL 69-Chlvl 44,!k!s!d!v} k) The Dragon Shield 'Acidicus' [8,+12] (+4 to stealth) {SlIf;*Ac;PoShCfCaDi, @w4@t4,King in Yellow-DL 48-Chlvl 39,!k!s!d!v} l) The Knight's Shield of Earendil [10,+20] {ElFiDkBlNt;Lu~Good, Santa Claus-Volacano 54-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} ( page 9 ) a) a Mirror Shield [10,+13] {Rf, DL 60-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v} b) The Mirror 'Yata-no-Kagami' [0,+18] (+3) {InWiIf;RfSiHlLu~Tele, @A1,!!,Wyrm of Space Time-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} c) an Iron Crown of Might [0,+13] (+2) {StDxCn;Cf;Fa(StDxCn, DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} d) an Iron Crown of Might [0,+9] (+1) {StDxCn;Nt;Fa(StDxCn, @w4@t4,BM Morivant-Chlvl 27,!k!s!d!v} e) a Golden Crown of Telepathy [0,+11] {~Tele~TUZ, Doom Quest 2-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} f) a Golden Crown of Telepathy [0,+12] {~EvilGood~TP, Eol-DL 36-Chlvl 32,!k!s!d!v} g) The Golden Crown 'Scale of Ice Dragon' [0,+18] (+4 to speed) {SpDx;*Co;Nx;RgLv, Vault-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} h) The Golden Crown 'Rustproof' (+4,+3) [0,+11] (+4 to stealth) {Sl;AcFiBl, Archlich-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,!k!s!d!v} i) The Golden Crown of Amber [0,+15] (+3) {SpStWiCn;ElFiCoLiDkBlCfCa;SiRgLvLu, @A5,!!,Cerberus-Angband 88-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} j) The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Sabbath [0,+14] (+2 to infravision) {If;Po[M, Black Reaver-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,!k!s!d!v} k) The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+15] (+3) {InDxCh;LiShSo;Lu, Vault-Angband 70-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} l) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) {InWiSr;Bl;Si, Hell Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} ( page 10 ) a) The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (-1) {cursed, InWiSr;AcCoPoDiFe;FaSiTeAgTy[M, Ancalagon-DL 59-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} b) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3) {StDxCn;AcNx, Doom Quest 2-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} c) a Dragon Helm [8,+16] {AcSh, Vault-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} d) a Set of Leather Gloves of Genji (+1,+0) [1,+2] (+2) {Dx, BM Telmora-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v} e) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+12] {PoCaFe, Greater Titan-Angband 54-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} f) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+13] {ElPo, Caine-DL 72-Chlvl 48,!k!s!d!v} g) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+20] {AcCo, Bile Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 46,!k!s!d!v} h) a Set of Dragon Gloves of Free Action [4,+17] {Dk;Fa, ? of Acquirement-Dark Cave 55-Chlvl 28,!k!s!d!v} i) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+13] {ElDkBlCfSo, Wyrm of Law-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} j) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+21] {Sh} k) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3) {SpStCn;Cf, Vault-Angband 84-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} l) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Tetsu-geta of Flame' (+5,+10) [6,+20] (-1 to stealth) {InWiChSl;FiFe;Rg[F(StCn, Vault-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} ( page 11 ) a) The Broken Sword 'Narsil' (2d2) (+6,+10) (+1) {AtSt;Fi/oT, Ancient White D-Angband 86-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} b) The Dagger of Fiona (2d4) (+6,+9) (+2) {AtSpDx;Co;ThSiSdRg|CoP, Oremorj-Angband 98-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} c) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+10,+11) (+2 attacks) {AtStDxCn;Li;FaSiLu/*oL~oTP, @w2@t2,Vault Quest Reward-Chlvl 27,!k!s!d!v} d) The Broad Sword 'Glamdring' (3d5) (+10,+15) (+1 to searching) {Sr;FiLiNx;SdLu|F/Xo/*~oTP, Dracolich-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} e) The Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (3d5) (+10,+15) (+3 to stealth) {Sl;Co;SdLvLu|Co/Xo/*~oTP, Cloning Pits-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} f) The Long Sword 'Excalibur' (4d5) (+21,+19) [+5] (+3) {WiCnChDg;ShFe;SiHlWrBs|S/*UL(WiCh, @w2@t2,Storm Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} g) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (3d5) (+10,+15) [+5] (+4) {St;Fi;FaSiLu|F/*oT~L(Dx, Cloning Pits-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} h) The Scimitar 'Soulsword' (2d5) (+11,+11) (+2 attacks) {AtInWi;NtNxCaDi;SiHlBs/*DULZ, @w2@t2,Mature Blue d-DL 46-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} i) The Katana 'Zantetsuken' (10d4) (+15,+19) (+2) {StDxDg|S, @w1@t1,Ishikawa-DL 60-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} j) The Bastard Sword of Amras (3d4) (+12,+17) (+4) {Dx;DiFe|AES/*U(DxCn, @w2@t2,Ancient Multi D-DL 40-Chlvl 34,!k!s!d!v} k) The Bastard Sword of Eowyn (4d4) (+12,+16) (+4 to speed) {SpStChSl;CoDkNtFe/XL/*PZ, DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} l) The Falchion of Guan Yu (4d5) (+20,+20) [+5] (+3) {StDxCn|S/*p, Combat Echizen-Angband 76-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} ( page 12 ) a) a Two-Handed Sword of Force (3d6) (+11,+10) (+2) b) The Two-Handed Sword 'Zarcuthra' (5d6) (+19,+21) (+4) {StChIf;FiCfCa;FaSiLuWrAg|FS/XD/*poTPULZ, @w2@t2,It-DL 40-Chlvl 33-It Aggravates,!k!s!d!v} c) The Two-Handed Sword 'Gurthang' (4d6) (+13,+17) (+2) {St;Nt;FaSdRg/XD/T, Giant Headless-Angband 98-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} d) an Executioner's Sword of Slaying (8d5) (+11,+13) {Black Reaver-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} e) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {StCn;CfNtCa;FaHlAg|V/p, @w3@t3,Angband 48-Chlvl 43-Ate Rockets lol,!k!s!d!v} f) The Blade of Chaos 'Soulcrusher' (6d5) (+20,+15) (+4) {cursed, StCn;AcFiCoCaDi;FaSiLuAg|FCa/pUL~Tele(St, Vault-Angband 70-Chlvl 49,!k!s!d!v} g) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0) {@w4@t4,DL 40-Chlvl 35,!k!s!d!v} h) The Glaive of Pain (9d6) (+9,+30) {@w2@t2,Old Castle Quest-Chlvl 38,!k!s!d!v} i) The Scythe 'Avavir' (8d3) (+8,+8) [+10] (+3) {DxCh;FiCoLi;FaSiLu|FCo, Vault-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} j) The Great Axe of Eonwe (4d4) (+15,+18) [+8] (+2) {StInWiDxCnCh;*Co;FaSiBs|Co/*oL, Storm Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} k) The Great Axe of Durin (4d4) (+10,+20) [+15] (+3) {Cn;AcFiLiDkCa;Fa/XD/oTU, Ulik-Angband 44-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} l) The Whip of Bolshoi (2d6) (+6,+9) (+4) {DxCh|F/XZ~Z, Stone Dragon-DL 48-Chlvl 39,!k!s!d!v} ( page 13 ) a) The Quarterstaff 'Eriril' (1d9) (+3,+5) (+4) {InWi;Li;SiLu/*, Bile Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 46,!k!s!d!v} b) The Mace 'Taratol' (5d4) (+12,+12) {*El|E/XD, @w4@t4,Fallen Angel-Volcano 44-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} c) a Mace of Disruption (Holy Avenger) (5d8) (+16,+20) [+3] (+1 attack) {AtWi;Fe;SiBs/*UL(Wi, @w2@t2,Pazazu-Angband 98-Chlvl 50,!k!s!d!v} d) The Mattock of Nain (3d8) (+12,+18) (+6 to searching) {StSrIfDg;AcDkDi|A/DoTP, Storm Wyrm-DL 72-Chlvl 45,!k!s!d!v} e) a Short Bow of Extra Might (x3) (+6,+11) {Li;Xm, Itangast-DL 59-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v} f) The Long Bow of Bard (x4) (+17,+19) (+3) {Dx;FaXm, Thuringwethil-Angband 50-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v} g) The Light Crossbow of Brand (x4) (+10,+14) (+10 to speed) {Sp;Fi;Xm~Good, @A1,!!,Black Reaver-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,!k!s!d!v} h) The Gun 'Crimson' (x0) (+20,+20) (+4 to speed) {SpSl;DkNt;Si, @A2,!!,Petshop-DL 72-Chlvl 47,!k!s!d!v} i) 25 Seeker Bolts of Hurt Evil (6d5) (+11,+6) {/*, @f1,!k!s!d!v,=g} j) 25 Sheaf Arrows of Holy Might (2d4) (+5,+8) (119/238) {@f1,!k!s!d!v,=g} k) The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) (208/416) {@f1,Scatha-DL 36-Chlvl 31,!k!s!d!v,=g} [Museum] ( page 1 ) a) The Incandescent Light of Yeduson (+3 to infravision) {If[FE, Strygdalldwir-DL 42-Chlvl 36,!k!s!d!v} b) The Stone of Lore {Cloning Pits-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v} [Check Sum: "07d98b188b784e05ec"]