[Angband 3.1.1 dev (r1454) Character Dump] Name Magic Diver Self RB CB EB Best Sex Female Age 127 STR: 16 +1 -5 +0 12 Race High-Elf Height 86 Int: 18/10 +3 +3 +2 18/90 18/70 Class Mage Weight 180 WIS: 11 -1 +0 +0 10 Title Spellbinder Social Respected Dex: 11 +3 +1 +0 15 14 HP -214/186 Maximize Y CON: 17 +1 -2 +0 16 SP 53/63 CHR: 12 +5 +1 +3 18/30 Level 25 Armor [15,+66] Saving Throw 73% Cur Exp 38515 Fight (+0,+20) Stealth Superb Max Exp 38515 Melee (+4,+26) Fighting Very Good Adv Exp 40250 Shoot (+11,+12) Shooting Very Good MaxDepth 2600' (L52) Blows 1/turn Disarming 54% Turns 364944 Shots 1/turn Magic Device Heroic Gold 35113 Infra 40 ft Perception 1 in 16 Burden 104.9 lbs Speed -2 Searching 19% You are the only child of a Telerin Warrior. You have light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion. Acid:......+.+.... Confu:............. Elec:......+.+.... Sound:............. Fire:+.....+.+.... Shard:............. Cold:......+.+.... Nexus:............. Pois:............. Nethr:............. Fear:............. Chaos:............. Lite:........+.+.+ Disen:............. Dark:........+.... S.Dig:............. Blind:............. Feath:............. PLite:..........+.. Aggrv:............. Regen:....+........ Stea.:.......+...+. Telep:............. Sear.:............. Invis:............+ Infra:............+ FrAct:..........+.. Tunn.:............. HLife:............. Speed:............. ImpHP:............. Blows:............. ImpSP:............. Shots:............. Fear:............. Might:.+........... [Last Messages] > The Energy vortex is destroyed. > You are surrounded by a white light. > You see a Morning Star (2d6) {unknown}. > You have a Morning Star (2d6) {unknown} (p). > There is a wall in the way! > You have found 139 gold pieces worth of gold. > In your pack: a Morning Star of Slay Troll (2d6) (+9,+9) (p). > You sense the presence of monsters! > You enter a maze of down staircases. > You have a good feeling... > You sense the presence of monsters! > You sense the presence of traps! > You sense the presence of doors and stairs! > It breathes fire. > You die. Killed by The Phoenix. [Character Equipment] a) a Trident of *Slay Demon* (1d10) (+4,+6) (+2) +2 intelligence. *Slays* demons. Provides resistance to fire. Combat info: 1 blow/round. Average damage/hit: 54.5 vs. demons, and 31.9 vs. others. b) a Light Crossbow of Extra Might (x3) (+11,+12) (+1) +1 shooting power. c) a Jade Ring of Damage (+0,+11) d) a Jade Ring of Damage (+0,+9) e) a Brass Amulet of Regeneration Speeds regeneration. f) a Lantern (Everburning) Cannot be harmed by fire. Radius 2 light. No fuel required. g) a Robe of Resistance [2,+17] Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. h) a Fur Cloak of Stealth [3,+8] (+3 stealth) +3 stealth. i) The Leather Shield of Celegorm [4,+20] Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, dark. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. j) a Metal Cap of Beauty [3,+2] (+3) +3 charisma. Sustains charisma. k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] Provides resistance to light. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains constitution. Prevents paralysis. When activated, it fires a magic missile with damage 3d4. Takes 1 turns to recharge at your current speed. Radius 1 light. l) a Pair of Leather Boots of Stealth [2,+9] (+2) +2 stealth. [Character Inventory] a) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] b) a Book of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] c) a Book of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] d) 5 Viscous Pink Potions of Cure Critical Wounds e) a Misty Potion of Resist Poison f) 11 Scrolls titled "amitto ret" of Phase Door g) 2 Scrolls titled "pulus dego" of Teleportation h) 5 Scrolls titled "supotero so" of Treasure Detection i) 4 Scrolls titled "ilis misma fae" of Word of Recall j) a Scroll titled "crum prio" of Recharging k) a Pewter Rod of Lightning Bolts l) a Titanium Wand of Teleport Other (11 charges) m) a Zinc-Plated Wand of Drain Life (6 charges) n) a Walnut Staff of Teleportation (6 charges) o) a Morning Star of Slay Troll (2d6) (+9,+9) Slays trolls. Combat info: 1 blow/round. Average damage/hit: 51.9 vs. trolls, and 37 vs. others. p) 24 Bolts (1d5) (+2,+2) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/hit: 68.6. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. q) 27 Bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/hit: 60.6. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. [Home Inventory] a) a Magenta Potion of Restore Wisdom b) 8 Scrolls titled "em no perignam" of Protection from Evil c) a Hemlock Staff of Detect Invisible (21 charges) d) a Platinum Ring of Teleportation (+2 speed) +2 speed. Induces random teleportation. e) a Gold Ring of See Invisible Grants the ability to see invisible things. f) a Rapier of Westernesse (1d6) (+12,+13) (+1) +1 strength, dexterity, constitution. Slays orcs, trolls, giants. Prevents paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 1 blow/round. Average damage/hit: 44.2 vs. orcs, 44.2 vs. trolls, 44.2 vs. giants, and 37 vs. others. g) The Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (2d6) (+13,+19) (+3) +3 constitution. Slays evil creatures, orcs, trolls, giants. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 1 blow/round. Average damage/hit: 55.4 vs. evil creatures, 62.9 vs. orcs, 62.9 vs. trolls, 62.9 vs. giants, and 47.9 vs. others. h) 17 Rounded Pebbles (1d2) (+6,+3) ============================================================ CHAR. | TURN | DEPTH |LEVEL| EVENT ============================================================ 1 0' 1 Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 10056 50' 2 Reached level 2 19607 150' 3 Reached level 3 23788 200' 4 Reached level 4 31440 300' 5 Reached level 5 43343 400' 6 Reached level 6 48164 450' 7 Reached level 7 53221 500' 8 Reached level 8 57145 550' 9 Reached level 9 65140 0' 10 Reached level 10 69650 600' 11 Reached level 11 85186 700' 12 Reached level 12 95021 800' 13 Reached level 13 113708 950' 14 Reached level 14 136494 1050' 15 Reached level 15 148684 1050' 15 Killed Brodda, the Easterling 151206 1100' 16 Reached level 16 153597 1100' 16 Killed Nar, the Dwarf 165320 0' 16 Killed Farmer Maggot 180577 1200' 17 Reached level 17 201661 1200' 18 Reached level 18 217170 1550' 19 Reached level 19 219109 1550' 19 Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor 231701 1650' 20 Reached level 20 236194 1750' 21 Reached level 21 246531 1800' 22 Reached level 22 258108 1900' 22 Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog 263692 1850' 23 Reached level 23 273531 1900' 23 Killed Angamaite of Umbar 281831 1900' 24 Reached level 24 283403 1850' 24 Found The Leather Shield of Celegorm 297538 2050' 24 Found The Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' 315986 2100' 24 Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 323115 2100' 25 Reached level 25 359652 2550' 25 Found The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [Options] Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize) Randomize some of the artifacts (beta) : no (adult_randarts) Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (adult_ironman) Restrict the use of stores/home : no (adult_no_stores) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (adult_no_artifacts) Don't stack objects on the floor : no (adult_no_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (adult_no_preserve) Don't generate connected stairs : no (adult_no_stairs) Adult: Monsters chase current location : yes (adult_ai_sound) Adult: Monsters chase recent locations : yes (adult_ai_smell) Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups : yes (adult_ai_packs) Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes : no (adult_ai_learn) Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses : no (adult_ai_cheat) Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no (adult_ai_smart) Score: Peek into object creation : no (score_peek) Score: Peek into monster creation : no (score_hear) Score: Peek into dungeon creation : no (score_room) Score: Peek into something else : no (score_xtra) Score: Know complete monster info : no (score_know) Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live)