[DaJAngband v1.0.97 (pre 1.1.0) Character Dump] Name David III Self RB CB EB Best Sex Male Age 25 STR: 17 +4 +3 +3 18/90 Race Half-Troll Height 88 INT: 10 -4 -2 +0 4 Class Paladin Weight 270 WIS: 18 -2 +1 +0 17 Title Guardian Status 1 DEX: 16 -4 +0 +3 15 HP -11/285 Maximize Y CON: 17 +3 +1 +0 18/30 SP 35/40 Chr: 10 -6 +2 +0 6 3 Level 28 Armor [20,+59] Saving Throw 54 Cur Exp 76065 Fight (+4,+17) Stealth 3 Max Exp 76065 Melee (+15,+30) Fighting 232 Adv Exp 77500 Shoot (+15,+8) Shooting 161 MaxDepth Lev 38 Blows 3/turn Disarming 50 Turns 859873 Shots 2/turn Magic Device 37 Gold 12451 Alertness 23 Perception 15 Burden 139.5 lbs Energy 160% Searching 11 Your father was a Stone-Troll Warrior. You have puke-yellow eyes, mangy sea-weed green hair, and white scabby skin. abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Acid:......+...... Confu:............. Elec:............. Sound:............. Fire:..........+.. Shard:......+...... Cold:*............ Nexus:...........+. Pois:............. Nethr:............. Fear:............. Chaos:............. Lite:............. Disen:............. Dark:............. S.Dig:............. abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ PLite:............. Tunn.:............. Regen:..........+.+ Speed:+.....+...... Telep:............. Blows:............. Invis:............. Shots:.+........... FrAct:............. Might:............. HLife:............. :............. Stea.:+............ :............. Sear.:............. :............. [Last Messages] > The bolt (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} finds a mark. > It grunts with pain. > You have 63 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} (w). > The bolt disappears. > You have no room for a Poplar Staff of Sleep Monsters (1d5) (10 charges). > You have 62 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} (w). > You have 61 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} (w). > You have 60 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} (w). > The bolt (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} finds a mark. > It grunts with pain. > You have 59 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} (w). > You have 58 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} (w). > It breathes time. > You're not as beautiful as you used to be... > You die. [Character Equipment] a) The spear 'Nimloth' (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3) {@w0} It increases your stealth and speed by 3. It is especially deadly against undead. It is branded with frost. It provides immunity to cold. It is blessed by the gods. It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) a heavy crossbow of Extra Shots (x4) (+11,+8) (+1) It increases your shooting speed by 1. c) a Carbuncle Ring of Damage (+10) d) a Zircon Ring of Strength (+3) It increases your strength by 3. It sustains your strength. e) an Obsidian Amulet of Alertness (+2) It increases your alertness by 10. f) The Phial of Galadriel (0 turns) {@w4} It usually provides light of radius 3. It activates for illumination every 10+d10 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. g) The leather scale mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) It increases your dexterity by 3. It increases your speed by 3. It provides resistance to acid and shards. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a cloak [1,+1] i) a small leather shield [2,+6] j) a metal cap [3,+5] k) The set of mail gauntlets 'Paurhach' [2,+15] It provides resistance to fire. It speeds your regeneration. It activates for fire bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. l) a pair of leather sandals of Stability [1,+6] It provides resistance to nexus. It makes you fall like a feather. [Character Inventory] a) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {@p1} b) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Godly Insights] {@p2} c) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Defences of Light] d) 2 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Speed {@q7} e) a Hazy Potion of Heroism {@q4} f) 11 Green Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q1} g) a Pink Potion of Healing h) a Bubbling Potion of Restore Mana i) 4 Scrolls titled "dium cito" of Phase Door {@r1=g} j) a Scroll titled "norrim discer" of Teleportation {@r9 !*} k) 5 Scrolls titled "de plus inotio" of Word of Recall {@r3=g} l) 2 Scrolls titled "sapuga quibero" of Identify {@r2=g} m) 2 Tin Rods of Trap Location {@z3} n) 2 Lead Rods of Light {@z4} o) a Copper Rod of Frost Bolts {@z5} p) a Sphinx Feather Wand of Teleport Other (10 charges) q) an Elm Staff of Teleportation (1d5) (+0,+0) (8 charges) {@u9} r) a Wych Elm Staff of Treasure & Object Location (1d5) (+0,+0) (7 charges) s) a Yew Staff of Charm Animals (1d5) (5 charges) t) a whip (Defender) (2d3) (+5,+13) [+3] (+2 to stealth) {@w1} It increases your stealth by 2. It increases your alertness by 10. It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, and cold. It sustains your constitution. It makes you fall like a feather and speeds your regeneration. It grants you immunity to paralysis. It cannot be harmed by the elements. u) a shovel (1d2) (+4,+2) (+1) {@w0} It increases your tunneling by 1. v) 18 bolts (1d5) (+3,+3) {@f2=g} w) 58 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} [Home Inventory] a) 6 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {@p1} b) 7 Holy Books of Prayers [Godly Insights] {@p2} c) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Defences of Light] d) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling] e) a Holy Book of Prayers [Purifications & Healing] It cannot be harmed by the elements. f) 3 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Speed {@q7} g) a Pink Potion of Healing h) a Bubbling Potion of Restore Mana i) 3 Scrolls titled "norrim discer" of Teleportation {@r9 !*} j) a Scroll titled "co multo lus" of *Identify* k) 2 Phoenix Spices Wands of Sleep Monster (32 charges) l) an Elm Staff of Teleportation (1d5) (+0,+0) (8 charges) {@u9} m) 2 Wych Elm Staffs of Treasure & Object Location (1d5) (+0,+0) (20 charges) n) an Amber Ring of Slow Digestion It slows your metabolism. o) a Crystal Amulet of Slow Digestion It slows your metabolism. p) a small leather shield [2,+6] q) The dagger 'Nimthanc' (2d4) (+4,+6) It is branded with frost. It provides resistance to cold. It activates for frost bolt (6d8) every 7+d7 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. r) a stiletto of *Slay Dragon* (2d2) (+8,+4) (+1) It increases your constitution by 1. It is especially deadly against dragons. It provides resistance to fear. s) a broad sword of Westernesse (2d5) (+8,+9) (+2 to alertness) It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 2. It increases your alertness by 10. It slays orcs, trolls, and giants. It grants you immunity to paralysis. t) The pike 'Til-i-arc' (2d5) (+10,+12) [+10] (+2) It increases your intelligence by 2. It slays trolls, giants, and demons. It is branded with fire and frost. It provides resistance to fire and cold. It sustains your intelligence. It slows your metabolism. It cannot be harmed by the elements. u) a whip of Randomness (1d3) (+11,+7) (+3) {@w1} It increases your speed by 3. It slays orcs and silver monsters. It provides partial resistance to poison. It provides resistance to disenchantment. It sustains your strength, dexterity, and charisma. It increases likelihood of critical hits and makes you fall like a feather. It grants you darkvision and the ability to see invisible things, but it also drains experience and prevents hit point regeneration. It cannot be harmed by lightning or fire. v) a long bow (x3) (+4,+3) w) 25 arrows of Flame (1d4) (+4,+7) It is branded with fire. It cannot be harmed by fire. x) 30 arrows (1d4) (+1,+2) {@f2=g} y) 76 arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) {@f1=g} z) 23 rounded pebbles of Slay Giant (1d2) (+7,+5) It slays giants. [Options] Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize) Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no (adult_randarts) Adult: Auto-scum for good levels : no (adult_autoscum) Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (adult_ironman) Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home : no (adult_no_stores) Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts : no (adult_no_artifacts) Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor : no (adult_no_stacking) Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no (adult_no_preserve) Adult: Don't generate connected stairs : no (adult_no_stairs) Adult: Enable selling to shops : no (adult_cansell) Adult: Monsters chase current location : yes (adult_ai_sound) Adult: Monsters chase recent locations : yes (adult_ai_smell) Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups : no (adult_ai_packs) Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes : no (adult_ai_learn) Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses : no (adult_ai_cheat) Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no (adult_ai_smart) Score: Peek into object creation : no (score_peek) Score: Peek into monster creation : no (score_hear) Score: Peek into dungeon creation : no (score_room) Score: Peek into something else : no (score_xtra) Score: Know complete monster info : no (score_know) Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live)