[FAangband 0.3.6 Character Dump] Name : Elmo Age 28 STR 18/10 Sex : Male Height 87 INT 13 Race : Longbeard Weight 284 WIS 18 Class : Druid Social Class 11 DEX 18/30 CON 13 CHR 11 Max Hit Points 158 Level 19 Max SP (Mana) 24 Cur Hit Points 158 Experience 5589 Cur SP (Mana) 24 Max Exp 5589 (Fighting) Exp to Adv. 6900 (Shooting) Blows/Round 2 Gold 7078 Shots/Round 0.0 + to Skill 4 + to Skill 4 Av. Damage/Blow 10 Base AC/+ To AC 11/ 51 Deadliness (%) 18 Game Turn 817722 Fighting : Very Good Stealth : Good Disarming : Good Bows/Throw : Fair Perception : Fair Magic Device: Good Saving Throw: Excellent Searching : Fair Infravision : 50 feet (Character Background) You are one of two children of a Dwarven Thief. You are a well liked child. You have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a three foot beard, and a dark complexion. [Recent locations] Current Location : Belegost Level 0 Previous Location: Thargelion Level 11 Recall Point 1 : Eriador Level 7 [Resistances and Powers] abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Acid:...+..+...... 34% Confu:............. 0% Elec:......+...... 40% Sound:......+...... 36% Fire:...+..+...... 54% Shard:............. 0% Cold:......+...... 42% Nexus:............. 0% Pois:............. 0% Nethr:............. 0% Lite:............. 0% Chaos:............. 0% Dark:............. 0% Disen:............. 0% abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ S.Dig:............. M-Mas:............. Feath:..+.......... Stea.:......+...... PLite:............. Sear.:............. Regen:............. Infra:............. Telep:............. Tunn.:............. Invis:............. Speed:............. FrAct:............. Might:............. HLife:............. Shots:............. Blind:............+ Throw:............. NFear:............. WlBal:............. [Specialty Abilities] Trap Setting [Stat Breakdown] Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt abcdefghijkl@ Str: 18 3 -2 0 18/10 ............ Int: 12 1 -2 2 13 .........2.. Wis: 16 -1 3 0 18 ............ Dex: 14 2 1 4 18/30 ..........4. Con: 11 2 0 0 13 ............ Chr: 10 0 1 0 11 ............ [Character Equipment] c) = Feather Falling d) = Protection [+11] f) The Massive Iron Crown of Gwindor g) Robe of Elvenkind [2,+12] (+2) h) Cloak [1,+7] i) Small Leather Shield [3,+4] j) Metal Cap of Wisdom [3,+9] (+2) k) Set of Leather Gloves of Agility [1,+4] (+4) l) Pair of Leather Sandals [1,+2] [Character Inventory] a) ? [Call of the Wild] b) ? [Communion with Nature] c) ? [Gifts of Nature] d) 2 ? Word of Recall e) 3 ? Identify f) - Stinking Cloud g) - Wonder h) _ Light (19chs) i) _ Treasure Location (23chs) j) _ Object Location (17chs) k) _ Door/Stair Location l) _ Detect Invisible m) = Aggravation [Home Inventory] a) 4 ? Enchant Weapon (Skill) b) - Illumination c) _ Detect Invisible (23chs) d) = Resist Fire e) Brass Lantern(11749trns) Elmo the Longbeard Druid Began the quest to kill Morgoth on 01/01/1970 at 12:00 AM ============================================================ CHAR. | TURN | LOCATION |LEVEL| EVENT ============================================================ | 1| Khazad Dûm Town | 1 | Gained the Trap Setting specialty. | 21301| Hithaeglir 2 | 5 | Reached level 5 | 52781| Gladden Fields Town | 5 | Killed The Complainer | 178081| Eriador 5 | 9 | Killed The Thief of the Mountains | 180162| Eriador 5 | 10 | Reached level 10 | 254520| Hithaeglir 3 | 10 | Killed Pongo the Devious | 593115| Eriador 7 | 14 | Killed Mugh | 593345| Eriador 7 | 15 | Reached level 15 | 641640| Eriador 8 | 15 | Destroyed Courtney Campbel, the | continued... | | Skeleton | 649550| Eriador 8 | 16 | Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc | 752385| Belegost Town | 18 | Moved house to Belegost. | 806822| Thargelion 11 | 19 | Found The Massive Iron Crown of | continued... | | Gwindor ============================================================ | 817722| Belegost Town | 19 | Still alive ============================================================ [Options] Adult: Never return to less danger before winning: no (adult_ironman) Adult: Start as a thrall at the gate of Angband : no (adult_thrall) Adult: View and spell distances halved : yes (adult_small_device) Score: Peek into object creation : no (score_peek) Score: Peek into monster creation : no (score_hear) Score: Peek into dungeon creation : no (score_room) Score: Peek into something else : no (score_xtra) Score: Know complete monster info : no (score_know) Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live)