[ToME 2.0.0 Character Dump] Name : Drendamas Age 16 Str: 18/90 18/100 Sex : Female Height 9 Int: 11 14 Race : DeathMold LostSoul Weight 50 Wis: 13 18/10 Class : Assassin Social Class 1 DEX: 18/20 Body : Player Con: 14 18/100 Chr: 3 3 + To Melee Hit 74 Level 26 Max Hit Points 334 + To Melee Damage 38 Experience 56606 Cur Hit Points -4 + To Ranged Hit 32 Max Exp 56606 Max SP (Mana) 5 + To Ranged Damage 12 Exp to Adv. 68750 Cur SP (Mana) 5 AC 35+45 Gold 637 Loan 0 Loan time 0 (Miscellaneous Abilities) Fighting : Legendary[32]Perception : Good Blows/Round: 4 Bows/Throw : Heroic Searching : Good Shots/Round: 1 Saving Throw: Good Disarming : Very Good Wpn.dmg/Rnd: 4d6+152 Stealth : Legendary[27]Magic Device: Fair Infra-Vision: 100 feet Tactic: furious Explor: normal (Character Background) You were born in wet mud, created by a corrupted apprentice. Since then you have given life to hundreds of foul offspring. [Miscellaneous information] Cth monsters: ON Zlike monsters: ON Joke monsters: ON Maximize mode: ON Preserve Mode: ON Autoscum: ON Small Levels: ON Arena Levels: ON Persistent Dungeons: OFF Recall Depth: Barrow-Downs: Level 1 (50') Halls of Mandos: Level 98 (4900') Your body was a Player. You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age. You ended your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age. Your adventured lasted 0 days. Your Attributes: You are dead. You can use the foul deathmold magic. You can mystify pets. You can wake up a pet. You are bleeding. Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light. You are unlucky. You have a firm hold on your life force. You are incorporeal. You are resistant to fire. You are resistant to cold. You are resistant to nexus attacks. You are resistant to nether forces. You are completely fearless. Your ability to score critical hits is affected by your equipment. Skills (points left: 0) - Combat 05.830 [1.000] - Weaponmastery 18.250 [1.000] - Sword-mastery 36.275 [0.500] . Critical-hits 20.600 [0.600] - Sneakiness 01.000 [2.200] . Stealth 01.000 [0.900] . Disarming 01.000 [1.000] . Trapping 01.000 [1.000] . Backstab 36.000 [1.400] . Stealing 01.000 [0.800] . Dodging 01.000 [1.000] - Magic 01.000 [0.400] . Magic-Device 01.000 [1.050] . Conveyance 00.000 [0.300] . Divination 00.000 [0.300] . Temporal 00.000 [0.300] . Necromancy 00.000 [0.200] - Spirituality 01.000 [0.700] . Prayer 00.000 [0.500] - Monster-lore 00.000 [0.500] - Misc 00.000 [0.000] You saved no princesses. You have defeated 146 enemies. [Character Equipment] a) a Rapier (1d6) (+6,+8) d) (nothing) e) a Ring of Accuracy (+22) {cursed} f) a Ring of Fear Resistance {cursed} g) an Indestructible Ring of Ice [+17] {cursed} It can be activated for... ball of cold and resist cold ...if it is being worn. It provides resistance to cold. It is cursed. It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire. h) a Ring of Flames [+19] {cursed} m) (nothing) n) Partial Plate Armour (-3) [22,+7] o) a Fur Cloak [3,+7] p) a Shield of Deflection [10,+3] u) (nothing) z) (nothing) {) (nothing) |) (nothing) [Character Inventory] a) a Ration of Food b) 10 Scrolls of Identify c) a Catapult Trap Set (+0,+0) d) a Ring of Fire Resistance e) a Ring of Cold Resistance f) a Ring of Sustain Intelligence g) a Ring of Sustain Constitution h) 5 Wooden Torches (with 2000 turns of light) i) 7 Iron Shots (1d4) (+0,+0) j) 10 Black orc raw meats k) 10 Black orc raw meats l) 10 Black orc raw meats m) 10 Black orc raw meats n) 10 Black orc raw meats o) 10 Black orc raw meats p) 10 Black orc raw meats q) 10 Black orc raw meats r) 10 Black orc raw meats s) (nothing) t) (nothing) u) (nothing) v) (nothing) w) (nothing)